UK Repression Newswire Archive
Sea Island G8 arrestees still in custody! How we can help them.
13-06-2004 08:11

Ronald Reagan "Gallant Leader" or "Reckless,Murdering Scum-Bag"???
12-06-2004 17:52
Ronald Reagan "Gallant Leader" or "Reckless,Murdering Scum-Bag"???Bio-Chip Implants
12-06-2004 16:26
A few months ago I posted the article below. It received a mixed reception but some commeted that the idea was the creation of a paranoid conspiracy theorist's mind.Our Islamic Fifth Column
11-06-2004 09:56
Most recently, in response to a column I write for an Indian paper, in which I confessed to having met a few terrorists in my time and attempted to analyze their limited grasp of the world, I received a lot of hate mail."Have your say" at the Beeb...
10-06-2004 23:27

"USUK cannot export democracy at the end of so many DU tipped missiles mainly because they do not have it at home. The illegal USUK attack was against the wishes of the majority of the USUK natives...."
Abu Ghraib: The Charade
10-06-2004 16:11
In this article, Palestinian activist Amer Jubran examines the factors behind the decision of the U.S. Government and the corporate media to admit that Americans have been torturing Iraqis. Responses to Mr. Jubran can also be sent to
Solidarity for Jeff "Free" Luers in Edinburgh, June 15th
10-06-2004 13:59
As part of the June 12th international solidarity day for political prisoner Jeff "Free" Luers, we in the Bilston Glen Collective are organizing a solidarity action outside of the US Consulate in Edinburgh, 3 Regent Terrace, June 15th, 4pm. Bring a drum and a mask... Afterwards we're showing a film about Jeff called "Green with a vengeance", 8pm (same day) at the Forest Cafe, 3 Bristo Place.Follow up protests on Critical Art Ensemble Arrest
10-06-2004 11:03
Scots police in Savannah to study G8 security
10-06-2004 09:43
Good report from The Herald
Scots police travel to America to study G8 security
LUCY ADAMS, Home Affairs Correspondent
June 09 2004
Orissa: Tribal Protest Against Displacement Faces Arrests and Intimidation
09-06-2004 09:34
Tribal villagers in the State of Orissa, India, are fighting displacement from their villages and agricultural land. Their campaign has faced arrests, physical attacks and intimidation, and the authorities have refused to listen to their concerns. The State government has given the go-ahead for Sterlite, a mining company with links to UK business.'Refugees and Us: No One is illegal' two days of events
08-06-2004 21:07
Two days of actions and events in solidarity with refugeesG8 Resistance Report - The Past, Present, and Future...
08-06-2004 14:53

Upcoming Day of Action against Caterpillar (25th June)
08-06-2004 14:32

On Terrorism and the State
08-06-2004 13:10
25 years after its publication, Gianfranco Sanguinetti's "On Terrorism and the State" is finally available on-lineFull article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Mobile CCTV in Cambridge
08-06-2004 11:39
The attentive Cambridge residant might notice the new devices on Mill Road lamposts. They are a new generation of mobile CCTV cameras, that promise to solve all your problems. But you you know all the details behind the scheme?Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya
08-06-2004 10:37
In Libya, several Bulgarian nurses face the death penalty being accused of deliberately spreading the HIV virus in a hospital. I received this desperate email appeal from my Bulgarian friend in Cambridge.Queeruption 6 against fascism
07-06-2004 19:27
Nearly 300 anti-facist protestors where arrested on Saturday in The Hauge. for "illegal protest" against a nazi parade. Amongst them was a contingent of around 70 international queer activists visiting for the Queeruption 6 gathering, which was taking place in Amsterdam. Here is part of the story.10,000 INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS NEEDED IN PALESTINE
07-06-2004 18:38
Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces ‘P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Launching September 11, 2004.
Apartheid Wall, Palestine: Women And Girls Lead Blocking of Bulldozers, AzZawiya
07-06-2004 15:11
An eight-year-old girl stood under the blade of a digger on Monday, as womenand children stopped the uprooting of olive trees on Az Zawiya land for
nearly one hour.
G8 starts in the US: police and military in front of IMC
07-06-2004 14:20

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