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23-10-2005 06:50

Add your additional complaints
"If the [police] are armed with one of these [orders] ... and if this person attempts to flee the arrest, he can be shot and fatally shot ... The police might knock on the door and [the person] might leg it out the back door without even being told why the police are there, and under these provisions they can be called on to stop and if they don't stop, they can be shot."

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Successful Anarchist Bookfair marred by police attack

23-10-2005 00:53

London Anarchist Bookfair was well attended, inspiring and educational as every year. After it ended, police units caused a riot in front of a nearby pub, and arrested at least 4 people, including an indymedia journalist who was taking fotos.

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Police can now trace printed materials

22-10-2005 19:54

Authorities worldwide can track down counterfeiters with a hidden feature in color laser printers. Every print contains a hidden code containing information about the printer it was printed on.

It's unknown how many authorities and government agencies are aware of this hidden feature and are using it to trace counterfeiters. What is for sure is that Dutch police forces know about the possibility and have solved cases with help from printer manufacturers.

More can be read here:;1002274598

The Electronic Frontier Foundation does research and collects information, on technology and security issues. They have published a list of printers that do and those that don't leave hidden codes on printed work:

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anarchist bookfair ends in police riot

22-10-2005 19:28

first arrest
police, wired up for an arsenal match, closed holloway road and provoked trouble after anarchist bookfair in north london this evening

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Animal Rights and Police Repression

22-10-2005 19:11

Local Thugs Causing Harassment
Animal rights protesters today held a peaceful and informative protest outside Thomas Cook in Liverpool City Centre. However this protest was deemed illegal by two police (numbers 2312 and 3032) and two pretend police (Community Wardens) who deemed the pictures of monkeys being tortured offensive.

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Report: 'Democracy at Risk' silent vigil by Women in Black

22-10-2005 17:21

Oxford Women in Black held a silent vigil in Bonn Square on Saturday 22 October, with the theme of 'Democracy at Risk!!'. Their flyer listed nine of the main features of a police state, with the warning that the UK already possessed many of them and seemed to be on the verge of adding the rest.
(see list below photos)

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Archbishop Nicholls and the Catholic Education Service: An Apology

22-10-2005 13:45

The head of the Plater College Foundation apologises to Archbishop Nichols and the Catholic Education Service

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Family of Jean Charles de Menezes, lodge official complaint against Blair lies

22-10-2005 11:15

Jean Charles de Menezes (innocent): Son, brother, uncle, cousin, a good friend
The family has lodged a formal complaint against the Met Police over the 30 hour delay before they were informed of the 27-year-old's death despite him carrying several forms of ID on him and having his home in Scotia Road, south London under surveillance.

Sir Ian Blair head of the Metropolitan Police force also told several lies, and allowed these lies to circulate in the media. Ian Blair should resign or be sacked.

If the British public are to have any trust in the Police, the Police should not be run by a liar lacking integrity.

Maria Otone da Silva "I'm so sad about what has happened to my son but I feel the English people, everybody wants to have the truth" (Jean's Mother)

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Situation of anarchist prisoners in Barcelona- Urgent request for solidarity

22-10-2005 01:11

Aggresion to Rafa, isolation of Igor and transfer of Francesco due to solidarity protests

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MEDIA RELEASE: Prosecution of George W. Bush for Torture

21-10-2005 20:00

Prosecution of George W. Bush


Torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo Bay Prisons

Plus related newspaper article

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English Secret service says torture works.

21-10-2005 12:56

As Britain's outspoken Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murray helped expose vicious human rights abuses by the US-funded regime of Islam Karimov. He is now a prominent critic of Western policy in the region.

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Mike Tyson in the Midlands

21-10-2005 12:41

The convicted boxer “Mike Tyson” is on a tour in the east midlands and is kicking up a storm in Derby, as “Next Step” a local domestic violence group, based in Swadlincote opposes the glorified tour of a convicted rapist and it would appear that the local people in Derby are backing the protest

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Terrorism Communism – McCarthyism or Reality

21-10-2005 01:28

Analysts and historians would recall the last time ’bogeyman’ hysteria gripped an unwary public; USA of the nineteen fifties and McCarthyism with the ‘red under the bed threat’ is now one of history's embarrassing moments. Joe McCarthy, puppet of ultra-right forces in the US, ruined numerous careers and lives – for nothing! The degree of 'threat’ attributed to the 'reds' proved to be wildly exaggerated, more a product of excited 'judgement' or shared delusion than accurate assessment. US intelligence agencies and ultra-right militarists fell victim to their own propaganda and the (dis)information warfare waged at the time.

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Shoot-to-kill bluff

20-10-2005 23:44

Ruck me off! One two three hike!
The big terror news today is all about the federal dictatorship telling us that the intention of the Shoot-To-Kill policy was not to shoot you in the back if you ran from the police terror squad. And the States declaring they did not sign up for it. But that is not what this diversion tactic is about. It's about convincing you to eat the rest of the draconian laws because you were saved from the worst?

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Open Letter to HM The Queen

20-10-2005 23:39

Illness, poverty, discrimination, no medical care, no legal help, degradation - human right's violations articles 3, 6, 8, 14 etc - all violated - WHERE? Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea - + a protest against secret courts

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Run away with the Palestine!

20-10-2005 22:07

Circus2Iraq in Baghdad

We’re looking to take a smallish group – no more than 6 people at a time. The tour will last about 3 months, starting in January, but people needn’t necessarily go for the entire trip.

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It's a Fair Cop: Inspector's Honesty Scunners G8 Case in Glasgow

20-10-2005 18:59

A South Yorkshire police inspector caused a G8 trial to collapse yesterday when he admitted he was unable to identify the accused as the man he arrested. The Not Guilty verdict, was the highlight of a busy morning for G8 defendants at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

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Londons longest surviving sqatted streets threatened with demolition

20-10-2005 17:32

St. Agnes Place, Kennington, is London’s oldest squatted street. Two hundred people are threatened with imminent eviction and the twenty-something Victorian terraced houses are soon to be demolished.

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Deaths in Custody - 7th UFFC Remembrance Procession - October 29th London

20-10-2005 15:33

Saturday 29th October 2005 is the United Friends and Family Campaign’s annual Remembrance Procession in London for those who have died in custody.
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