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Guantánamo Bay detainee railroaded into guilty plea

14-04-2007 12:36

David Hicks
The issues of principle in the case of David Hicks

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Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border

14-04-2007 00:46

Marcos: “We Will Come and Stay With You, Without Guns, Only With Our Words”

By Brenda Norrell
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

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Uncertain East Timorese presidential election

13-04-2007 21:40

Uncertain East Timorese presidential election outcome foreshadows further instability

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Hampshire housing associations merge

13-04-2007 15:27

Two Hampshire housing associations, First Wessex and Portsmouth Housing have merged to form a conglomerate covering the whole of Hampshire.

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Council to be referred to Ombudsman for failing to collect rubbish

13-04-2007 15:25

The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor is to be referred to the Local Authority Ombudsman for its failure to collect rubbish.

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Police Mar Peaceful Protest Against DRC Deportations in Solihull

13-04-2007 14:52

Over 200 people protested on Thursday, 12 April, at the immigration reporting centre in Solihull, near Birmingham, against deportations to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The peaceful protest was marred by a large police presence and was penned into Sandford House's car park. But protesters then broke off and blockaded the road for about 2 hours. Two people were arrested, one also assaulted by an aggressive cop. They were released later on but only because their fellow protesters, in an empowering show of solidarity, refused to leave the site before they were released.

Below is a detailed report of what happened.

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Hambali denies Al Qaeda link

13-04-2007 00:02

Another political scapegoat
But notice the double question "while you were a member of JI?"

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Solihull Protest Against Deportations to DRC

12-04-2007 23:45

the designated protest area on the grounds of Sandford House
Over 200 people protested today at the immigration reporting centre in Solihull, near Birmingham, against deportations to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The protest, organised by the Congo Support Project, was part of a UK-wide coordinated day of action to mark a "directions hearing" for the Country Guidance Tribunal regarding DRC asylum seekers.

There was a large and heavy-handed police presence and the protest was penned, twice, into the car park after protesters refused to stay in the tiny designated area on the grounds of Sandford House. Protesters, however, broke off after a while and blockaded the road for about 2 hours. Two people were arrested, one also assaulted by an aggressive cop. They were released later on but only because their fellow protesters, in an empowering show of solidarity, refused to leave the site before they were released.

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Australia: Call for skilled migrants to be sent to the ADF

12-04-2007 22:19

Chronic shortages in the Defence
Prime Minister John Howard wants the migrants to help fill chronic shortages in the Defence [WAR] Force.

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US raid on mosque leads to massacre in Baghdad

12-04-2007 11:26

Scores of people were left killed or wounded and bodies littered the streets of two crowded urban neighborhoods in central Baghdad following a major battle between US occupation forces and city residents Tuesday.

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The Tragedy of the Turkmen city of Tel Afer

11-04-2007 18:26

Since the illegal occupation of Iraq by the Anglo-American forces in April 2003 the inhabitants of the Turkmen city of Tel Afer are living under siege. Thousands of innocent Turkmens have been killed by the US and Kurdish militia forces during multiple heavy attacks on the city. What goes on in Tel Afer is part of the ethnic cleansing of Turkmens in the north of Iraq.

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SOCPA - farcical court proceedings today

10-04-2007 17:33

demo opposite court
peace activists milan rai and maya evans were at westminster magistrate's court this afternoon to answer charges of organising an 'unauthorised' demonstration in parliament square last october. for failing to give their dates of birth at the start of the trial, they were both held on 'contempt of court', and now a new hearing will happen on friday 20th april at 9.30am.

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Fortnightly refuse collection

10-04-2007 15:07

Fortnightly refuse collections, aside from the implications for public health, are proving highly unpopular with local residents. The Council elections in May, provide the opportunity to kick out the arrogant councillors who are pushing fortnightly waste collection and putting at risk public health.

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South Africa: Release the Kennedy 5

10-04-2007 10:11

The South African state is trying to smash the shackdwellers movement. They are highly militant and have done a lot of great things since they started about 2 years ago. Now 5 of the comrades are in prison on trumped up charges of murder. They stand to spend 2 years awaiting trial in one of the most horrible prisons in South Africa. If comrades in different countries could fax the South African embassies in your country, calling for the release of the Kennedy 5, this might help. Also, the committee has included an email address of someone in the unit that investigates the police (ICD) and are calling for emails to him.

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"Cruel and Unusual Punishment" is a compilation CD

10-04-2007 05:13

inspired by Hasan Shakur (Derrick Frazier). This warrior struggled not only to save his own life, but the lives of any and everyone on death row in the US. He was unjustly executed

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SOCPA "organisers" in court this week

09-04-2007 16:30

maya evans became the first person to be convicted for holding an unauthorised demonstration under the SOCPA laws introduced in august 2005. milan rai was the first conviction as an organiser.
their 'demo' was reading out names of british and iraqi people killed in the war. since then, they helped organise a further demonstration highlighting the massacre of civilians in fallujah. for this 'offence', they are in court tomorrow.

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Afghanistan war political slaughter

09-04-2007 09:18

Not constructive at all
Former British serviceman opined that most of what British troops do in Afghanistan is not constructive at all and it only works to further alienate Afghan population.

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Easter Bank Holiday Free Party Kicks in Wales

08-04-2007 19:25

Quick shout to say thousands of people have been partying at a massive multi rig easter rave in Wentwood Forest near Caldicot since last night. The beeb/cops have said at least 3000 people, probably more though.

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Huntingdon Injunction stumbles at the last hurdle

08-04-2007 18:51

Animal testing company Huntingdon Life Sciences were hoping that their Protection from Harassment Act injunction would put an end to protest outside their sites. Last week saw the four year process finally come to a close with a whimper. Normally the mainstream press would be celebrating about the company getting their way, but the victory was hollow and the protestors came out with more than they went in with. Read on for the full account of the abuse of the law and process by Huntingdon and their solicitors, Lawson-Cruttenden.
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