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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Dublin Mayday Update: Polly (uk arrestee) + witness appeal + more...

21-05-2004 08:30

Updates from indymedia ireland and other sources - main article on the outrageous treatment being given to Polly and others for a VERY MINOR matter - obviously part of a political persecution...

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US Justice Dept Fails in Legal Action Attacking Greenpeace US

21-05-2004 08:08

Good News!

The outrageous attempt by the US authorities to attack the whole of Greenpeace USA after an anti Bush / Logging ship demo in april 2002 has failed.

There's also the case i think about the greenpeace activists who dressed as tigers boarded a ship in an oil / climate protest. when one of them was tackled to the ground the idiot doing the tackling broke his wrist - now all of the activists who took part in the action / PR stunt are now facing felony charges!!

The US administration is getting well out of line in terms of attacking protesters, even now going as far as the fluffy greenpeace ngo types, but hey, i guess that's hardly surprising news to you folks.

Anyway below is the press release and links for more info. Screw Bush!

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westbank: non violent direct action against the wall (interview)

20-05-2004 17:41

Audio fence
Interview with Anarchists Against the Wall about direct non-volent actions against the wall that are taking place since a year in the Westbank/ Palestine. The army and private security employees react with brutal force.
audiocollage of the documentary "temporary inconvenience" recorded during a video evening at the CIA info cafe in Amsterdam.

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Amnesty International Rafah Update and Plea to All Communities

20-05-2004 02:29

Israeli military demolishes homes and kills civilians.

US Tax dollars is being spent creating more refugees, more violence.

Foreign Aid to Israel is Aid in Ethnic Cleansing.

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Here we go again - BNP get more free promotion...

20-05-2004 00:08

Here we go again, recently Le Pen visited Manchester and the Anti-Fascists held a protest, thus helping turn a secret visit into a photo opportunity and media event.

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4 FUCKSAKE !!! Israelis fire on crowds in Gaza

19-05-2004 13:11

Israelis fire on crowds in Gaza The Injured were carried away by fellow demonstrators At least 10 Palestinians are reported killed as Israeli forces fired on a crowd in Rafah in southern Gaza. Thousands of people were demonstrating against a massive operation in the refugee camp on the edge of the town.Several children were among the dead, and more than 50 people were injured, Israelis fire on crowds in Gaza The Injured were carried away by fellow demonstrators A BBC correspondent at the hospital said the floors were drenched in blood as doctors treated incoming patients in corridors and on staircases.

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Lynndie England comix (by Latuff)

19-05-2004 00:17

Land of the FREAK
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their struggle against foreigner occupation.

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Police attacks mayday demonstration in Russia - 1 death

19-05-2004 00:07

Special units attacked the 1st of mai demonstration in Russia, Niznij Novgorod. One demonstrator got run over by a military transporter of the special unit OMON, which was suddenly driving into the crowd and the demonstrator was imediatedly dead.
There was no reason for this attack on this boring march of the KPRF.
There were no reports in the media, which are all controlled by the state anyway.

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18-05-2004 14:11

Jacket of Kitty Kelley's Long-Awaited Book
George Bush's family offers a deep, dark mine of scandalous material as it threatens to become a self-serving dynasty that is bigger than the US Constitution. Kelley's book about the would-be dynasty could be the biggest obstacle to its becoming a reality, bigger than Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" because it will cause more discussion. Anyway, the big question remains, Did Sharon Bush spill the beans to Kitty Kelley? Read on.

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Marshalls - Ripping the heart out of the Peak District

18-05-2004 12:23

A small group of dedicated protesters struck another blow at Marshalls PLC at their Mansfield Woodhouse storage depot on Monday 17th May.
A protestor managed to lock on to the gates despite struggling with security guards that Marshalls now have to employ, due to previous actions against them over their plans to quarry at the Nine Ladies and rip the heart out of the Peak District

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18-05-2004 10:42


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Sheffield Vigil for Rafah 18th May

17-05-2004 21:41

We urge you to join a vigil outside Sheffield Town Hall tomorrow - Tuesday 18th May - at any time between 5.00 and 7.00 pm.

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Brutality starts at home

17-05-2004 18:37

US President George W Bush condemned the incidents of Iraq prison abuse and those who perpetrated them, saying: "That's not the way we do things in America." But unfortunately, that's not quite true.

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Palestine Demo Pictures

17-05-2004 15:41

Stall in York, building the protest and raising awareness as ever...
More pictures, from before and during the day.

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Photos from The Wall Must Fall demo

16-05-2004 21:17

A group of people from Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign went to join the PSC demo in Trafalgar Square on May 15th. Here are the photos!

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Torture of Iraqui Women

16-05-2004 14:10

The recent exposures of rape and sexual humiliation in Iraq by the US
military have focused on the torture of men. We are circulating three
documents about what is happening to women at the hands of the US and
UK forces, both Iraqi women and women in the US military.

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Gays attacked at Palestine rights protest

16-05-2004 14:05

OutRage! joins the National Day of Action for Palestine
Lesbians and gay men from OutRage! and the Queer Youth Alliance joined
today’s demonstration in London to support the human rights of the
people of Palestine. But they also urged the Palestinian Authority to
halt the arrest, torture and murder of homosexuals.

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Freedom of speech and censorship...

15-05-2004 17:00

So someone mentions the local elections in Liverpool article on "ALTERNATIVE VOTES", and we inform one another of who's standing where ie the non-mainstream parties, ie the ones without megabucks or media/press backing. Yes so now I know there is a Communist standing, people know there are 6 not 5 SLPers standing, then of course we know there is Democratic Socialist Alliance, then we know there is a party called 'Liverpool Labour Community Party', OK so it's taken off the main page, which I disagree with, then it's taken off the Liverpool Newswire as if it didn't exist, so tell me something what makes Indymedia any better than the capitalist/establishment media/press who deny working class people coverage of our daily lives and struggles, like Thomas McKay who's facing eviction, who deny working class organisations fair and balanced coverage.

The article "Alternative votes", so tell me what makes Liverpool Indymedia any better than the Liverpool Echo / Daily Post, or the BBC or ITV? One of the fundemental UN human rights is the right to freedom of speech, providing it doesn't encroach on the rights of others, ie racist propaganda, anti-muslim, anti-catholic or anti-protestant, sexist, homophobic, ageist, or even that one our wonderful bourgeois (middle class) society chooses to overlook "CLASS PREJUDICE", so tell me Liverpool Indymedia, you block, censor and deny freedom of speech to parties who aren't part of the capitalist system, sure they're hierarchical, just like the family is heirarchical, ie a mother and a father, head of the household. Just like Indymedia is heirarchical, at least I can complain to the press complaint commission if I'm bothered, I can complain to the Liverpool Echo's editor, or I could organise a protest and encourage the press/media to give a issue coverage. So tell me Liverpool Indymedia who are the shadows in the dark deciding what postings get censored, and which one don't get censored??? Who do I appeal to, what's his/her name, etc...

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Nuriye Kesbir in hungerstrike against deportation order

14-05-2004 23:55

Nuriye Kesbir
The kurdish politician Nuriye Kesbir decided to go on hungerstrike on the 7th of may against the threat of her deportation. A dutch court has approved her deportation, the final decision lies with the dutch ministery of justice. A campaign or protest has been started, as Kesbir is endangered with torture if returned to Turkey.

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‘Development Flows from the Barrel of a Gun’

14-05-2004 21:12

Indymedia Cinema presents…
‘Development Flows from the Barrel of a Gun’
(Vikas Bandook Ki Nall Se)
India, 2003 (54 min)

This film presents and examines orchestrated state violence against indigenous and local peoples when they rally and protest against development projects on their lands.
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