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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Support For John Bowden

23-04-2012 10:05


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Convocation for “Week Of Global Struggle For The Liberation Of Patishstan & Santi

21-04-2012 17:05

The following is an urgent call to action from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, The Other Campaign New York, and supported by the Patishtán Family, to realize the:


To take place from Tuesday, May 15 to Tuesday May 22 of this year.

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Brutal beating of an immigrant by Police caught on camera

20-04-2012 21:52

In a new video published today the brutal beating of an immigrant by the Police was caught on camera by a resident from his balcony.

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Judge criticises MoD Plod & dismisses charges against Lindis Percy

20-04-2012 15:38

A long drawn out case against Lindis Percy has ended in North Yorkshire with the District Judge dismissing all charges. The Judge was highly critical of the police behaviour in this case, including 'mystery' police statements, failure to record the incident and failure to interview key witnesses. She concluded that the case was weak, vague and contained significant inconsistencies. Lindis was awarded costs.

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21 April: Live stream screening of 'The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning'

20-04-2012 15:23

There will be a screening of the sell-out play 'The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning' on Saturday 21 April at the Red and Black Umbrella squatted social centre in Cardiff.

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FBI Seize Riseup Server in New York

19-04-2012 21:27

FBI seizes server providing anonymous remailer and many other services from colocation facility.

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Winston Green 8 - Only 1 person drove the car 8 charged with murder

19-04-2012 17:28

The trial opened with what would have been a comedy of errors if it hadn't been for the seriousness of what was happening.

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Antifascist demo in Katowice (Poland)&police repressions - 108 arrested!

19-04-2012 14:40

On Saturday, 14 of April 2012 around 250 members of National Radical Camp (Polish far right organization, ONR), neo-nazis and football hooligans came to Katowice, a city in southern polish region of Silesia to commemorate 78 anniversary of creation of the pre-war ONR, openly fascist and anti-Semitic group responsible for numerous assaults on left – wing activists and Jewish minority. In response to this sheer provocation, Silesian Antifascist Movement organized a counter - demonstration that has gathered around 150 people. Their protest was attacked by the riot police squads, and more than 100 people were arrested and unlawfully fined for ‘disturbing the legal demonstration’ (which means the fascist march). Six antifascists were charged with ‘serious assault on police officer’ (maximum penalty – 10 years in prison).

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24 April: Cardiff solidarity action for Bradley Manning's next court appearance

19-04-2012 09:56

Previous Food Not Bombs event in solidarity with Bradley Manning (Dec 2011)
Food Not Bombs Cardiff, along with folk from WISE Up for Bradley Manning, Bradley Manning Support Events and others, will hold a 'Free Food, Free Bradley Manning' event outside Cardiff Central Market (entrance near St John's church) on Tuesday 24 April from midday. All welcome. Bradley Manning will be back in court in Fort Meade, Maryland from 24-26 April for a further pre-trial 'motions' hearing.

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Immigration checks are everywhere - New Cross bus stop, latest hot spot

19-04-2012 09:09

Report from a South London Solfed member.

On my way to work this morning I found the bus stops around New Cross bus garage swarming with police and UKBA immigration officers. I saw a man being questioned by immigration officials and surrounded by several police under the bus shelter. This was a bit weird and unnerving so I sent a mass txt out to warn people and pass on the message.

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Bradley Manning Solidarity - report from Wales

18-04-2012 19:39

We're currently in Wales taking action for and in solidarity with Bradley Manning - the young US soldier with Welsh roots incarcerated without trial for two years and tortured for sharing the truth about wars being fought in our name - as the National Theatre Wales performs Tim Price's play 'The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning' in Pembrokeshire, Cardiff and Flintshire during April. This is a summary of events and actions to date.

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Dissolve secret agencies and police – Anarchy in the EU!

18-04-2012 13:55

According to a protocol of the EU Council working group on “Terrorism”, the European police agency EUROPOL is organising a conference on anarchism on the 24th and 25th of April 2012 in The Hague. According to media reports, there will be a presentation by the Italian delegation on the activities of the „Federazione Anarchica Informale“ (F.A.I.) and the conference will also discuss actions against “railway infrastructures” and against the “No Border Network”.

“Railway infrastructure”? WTF?!

Very much in line with general European politics, the actual content and intention of the organisers remains in the dark. What, for example, is meant by the term “railway infrastructure”: It seems reasonable to assume that it refers to the protests against the “railway infrastructure” Stuttgart 21 in Germany as well as the high speed connection “Treno ad Alta Velocità” (TAV) which is planned from Turin to Lyon. Both projects were strongly opposed by local communities and this resistance has of course also been strongly supported by a variety of Italian and German left social movements. In this context the German government speaks of “left wing extremism and terrorism” and its alleged “attacks on train transports”.

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EUROPOL conference on targeting anarchism

18-04-2012 11:41

Police from 20 European countries are meeting next week (24-25 April) in Den Hague, NL, for a conference on coordinating repression against FAI, No TAV, No Borders and other "euro-anarchists". Repost from "Out of Control Berlin"

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G4S loses EU Parliament contract over illegal activities in Palestine

18-04-2012 11:33

G4S loses its security contract with the European Parliament after complaints from 28 MEPs.

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Europol targets the “NoBorder Network”

18-04-2012 07:22

Dissolve secret agencies and police – Anarchy in the EU!

According to a protocol of the EU Council working group on “Terrorism”, the European police agency EUROPOL is organising a conference on anarchism on the 24th and 25th of April 2012 in The Hague. According to media reports, there will be a presentation by the Italian delegation on the activities of the „Federazione Anarchica Informale“ (F.A.I.) and the conference will also discuss actions against “railway infrastructures” and against the “No Border Network”.

“Railway infrastructure”? WTF?!

Very much in line with general European politics, the actual content and intention of the organisers remains in the dark. What, for example, is meant by the term “railway infrastructure”: It seems reasonable to assume that it refers to the protests against the “railway infrastructure” Stuttgart 21 in Germany as well as the high speed connection “Treno ad Alta Velocità” (TAV) which is planned from Turin to Lyon. Both projects were strongly opposed by local communities and this resistance has of course also been strongly supported by a variety of Italian and German left social movements. In this context the German government speaks of “left wing extremism and terrorism” and its alleged “attacks on train transports”.

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Justice for Iñigo Cabacas

17-04-2012 14:26

What started as a celebration of a football victory, ended with tears and chaos when the Ertzaintza, the Basque police force, interrupted pushing the situation out of control. Iñigo Cabacas, a 28 year old supporter of Athletic Club Bilbao, was shot in the head with a rubber bullet by riot police after last week's Europa League game against Schalke 04.

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Anti-Prison Gathering timetable

17-04-2012 10:17

Here's the schedule for the antiprison gathering to be held in Nottingham at the Sumac Centre on the 28th of April.

Breakfast, Lunch and dinner will be provided, as will accommodation on Friday and Saturday night.

On Friday night the Zounds will be playing at the Sumac, so come along to that if you can.

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Another mass deportation cancelled!

16-04-2012 23:48

One of the WH Tours coaches used in mass deportations
Yet another mass deportation to Afghanistan has been cancelled – the third to be called off at the last minute in the space of just over a month, amid a spiralling security situation in the country.

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Saudi Arabia bans gays and tomboys from schools

16-04-2012 17:05

Saudi Arabia bans gays and tomboys from schools and universities - an ant-gay and anti-womens lib law.

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Poland, Bialystok: antifascist demonstration 15.04.2012

16-04-2012 10:37

Poland, Bialystok: antifascist demonstration 15.04.2012
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