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28-04-2008 09:34
The next Day of Action for Free Assembly will be held this Saturday 3rd of May. We will gather at 1pm at the ‘Charles I Island’, the roundabout on the South side of Trafalgar Square (fyi: this place is just on the border with the SOCPA exclusion zone). Come with your mates and decide with them what you want to do with the day. Bring placards, banners and anything else you can think of. Let them know you won’t be easily silenced.
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27-04-2008 11:07
Yesterday there was a seriously over-policed peaceful demo in Cardiff against the huge new PFI that will bring a 'School of the Americas' style military academy run by arms dealers and the Open University to St Athan. Here are a few pictures of the cops, whose services were provided at huge expense to the taxpaying public, with a special focus on the evidence gathering team.
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27-04-2008 10:06
Fri Apr, 25 2008
Nigerian main rebel group, The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), today said it blew up another oil pipeline belonging to Shell in it renewed attack against oil infrastructures in the region.
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27-04-2008 07:35
Early in the ride police blocked the front at traffic lights and prevented movement, even when the lights were green. This is a familiar tactic which is done to compress the ride into as small a space as possible, with officers and a van at the back hassling stragglers to keep up, which slows things down and holds up traffic as well as making cycling difficult.
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| London
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26-04-2008 02:38
Six protesters demonstrated at Kilburn Total station, 409 Kilburn High Rd on Wednesday 23rd April. They called on the French oil company to stop funding the military dictatorship in Burma with 500 million dollars a year, fuelling the brutal regime's oppression in Burma. The foreign currency provided by Total enables the regime to buy weapons used to persecute the Burmese people and ethnic minorities.
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| London
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26-04-2008 00:53
Heavy police forces raided the recently squatted building of IKA on Wednesday morning; 7 people were brought in front of the Public Prosecutor, while part of the building has already been demolished.
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25-04-2008 08:45
The annual World Day for Animals in Laboratories vigil at Harlan / Hillcrest, animal breeders for the vivisection industry, results in a call-out of (practically) the entire Leicestershire Constabulary!
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| Animal Liberation
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25-04-2008 07:46
Large-scale biofuels (‘agrofuels’) are causing climate change, hunger and human rights abuses. On April 15, ‘April Biofools Day’ there were protests around the UK against a new law which requires 2.5% biofuel to be mixed into all petrol and diesel. Concerned residents protested at a BP petrol station in the Bruntsfield area of Edinburgh.
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24-04-2008 19:40
Rising worldwide food prices are resulting in shortages, riots and protests, promises by governments to expand food aid, expressions of concern by international bodies like the World Bank, and stress on household budgets even in developed countries like the U.S. Did this just “happen” or is there a plan?
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24-04-2008 12:04
“And I am not a theoretician companions, but one of the oppressed, enamored with the freedom (and liberty) that infects the oppressed with the passion for a worthy life..."
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24-04-2008 11:31
Demonstrations that started in Le Cayes on Thursday, April 3rd, against soaring food prices spread across Haiti to Petit-Goagve, Gonaïves, Aquin and, by April 7, to the capital, Port-au-Prince. Anger over rising prices has been building for many months with basic food stuffs increasingly out of reach for the poor. Tires were set ablaze in the streets and thrown together to form barricades that paralyzed traffic for days.
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| Globalisation
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24-04-2008 11:27
Activists from South Wales No Borders blockaded the Cardiff offices of the Border and Immigration Authority from 5am today. They prevented snatch squads from leaving the building, and held a picket outside. They sent out the following press release, which explains the demonstration...
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| Anti-racism
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