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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Torture by US Forces in Iraq: Testimony of Abbas Z. Abid

23-02-2007 21:10

The following statement was presented to the War Crimes Commission set up under the helm of former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, as evidence in the procedure launched in Kuala Lumpur by the Perdana Global Peace Organisation, directed against US President George W. Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia's Prime Minister John Howard.

See also: Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal


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The Majority Want Socialism

23-02-2007 18:27

In 2005 after Germany was "united in freedom" for 15 years, 52% championed something as bizarre as socialism (46% in the West and 74% in the East).

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The APPO Comes Back Strong in Oaxaca

23-02-2007 17:41

The Teachers, Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society Regroup

By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

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What do Oligarch Cherney, Lord Pearson of Rannoch and the UKIP have in common?

23-02-2007 16:43

Further to my last posting I wanted to draw your attention to these articles on UKIP...

and this

... this is madness! Criminal oligarch Cherney meeting with a senior member of the House of Lords to provide money for UKIP... why else would a Lord meet with a dubious Russian oligarch. How can this have gone unnoticed???

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Axe the Bin Tax

23-02-2007 15:58

Councils are using recycling and waste reduction as an excuse to cut services. The latest scam about to hit households on top of fines and cuts in service is a 'pay-as-you-throw tax' or 'bin tax'.

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Political Trashing

23-02-2007 14:52

Destroy your political enemy. A how to guide

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AUSTRALIA: NSW: More Police Violence, Cheney Carnival

23-02-2007 00:28

More Police Violence, Cheney Carnival
There has been more violence by police at the mass murdering USA Dick Cheney Carnival demonstration in NSW Sydney Australia.

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AUSTRALIA: "Chain up Cheney/Troops out of Iraq" - Cheney visit protest in Melbou

22-02-2007 23:16

Chain up Cheney
While the main protest at Dick Cheney's visit was held in Sydney, members of Melbourne's anti-war and civil rights movements marked the occasion yesterday (Thursday) outside the Nike store on Bourke/Swanston ...

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AUSTRALIA: Police Violence at Sydney Anti-Cheney Carnival

22-02-2007 21:53

Police Violence at Sydney Anti-Cheney Carnival
Thursday, February 22, 2007: 10 arrested by violent thugs as Cheney protesters gather in Sydney

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The Howard government, RAMSI, and the April 2006 Solomon Islands’ riots Part 2

22-02-2007 21:24

The conclusion RAMSI
The Howard government immediately moved to derail the official investigation, using all the dirty tricks at its disposal. Former Australian Federal Court Justice Marcus Einfeld, who was appointed head of the inquiry, became the target of an extraordinary media witchhunt in Australia, ostensibly over an unpaid $77 speeding fine. Following Einfeld’s announcement that he was resigning from the Solomons’ investigation, the barrage of sensationalist stories disappeared from the headlines as suddenly as they had emerged.

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Emergency demo Monday re deportations to DRCongo

22-02-2007 12:21

At yesterday's meeting of the LSE Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! society at which a representative of the Congo Support Project spoke, it was agreed that we would organise an emergency demo on Monday to protest against the deportations planned for Monday evening. Police permission under SOCPA has now been granted. Please distribute information widely and come to event.

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A bunch of raving Facists!

22-02-2007 12:05

Criminal Mikhail Cherney presents Lord Pearson of Rannoch with the award
Have you heard of the Jerusalem Summit? Have you heard of the Russian oligarch Mikhail Cherney?

The Jerusalem Summit is quite simply a bunch of fascists! Who... Not only held this summit meeting in London, but were allowed to hold it at the House of Lords.

Their main aim is to rid the West of Islam and unite all Christians to resist Islamic values. In their own words, 'the West must unite and resist Islam.'

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The Howard government, RAMSI, and the April 2006 Solomon Islands’ riots Part 1

22-02-2007 00:38

Solomon's Riots
Taken together, what is known about the events of April 18-19, 2006 leaves little doubt that Australian forces were deliberately stood down in order to allow for an extended eruption of violence. Certainly the least plausible explanation is that offered by Castles and other Australian officials.

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now n power act to kerb legal press activities on public highways

21-02-2007 08:51

now n power act to kerb legal press activities on public highways, this means officially democracy is over and freedom us gone if the high court are willing to grant injunctions to ban legitimate news gatherers shooting from public highways. This is unheard of and a disgrace.

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De Menezes Murderer/Patsy Rewarded

21-02-2007 02:42

Surveillance video proved the police to be lying about the incident. It appears that this officer was rewarded for covering for the real shooter, who may have worked for an intelligence service, and murdered the electrician who saw something he should not have. You do not empty a clip into someone's head at point-blank range.

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oxford uni sacks its lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden

20-02-2007 23:36

oxford university has sacked its lawyer, Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden, following an abortive attempt to get two activists comitted to prison.

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Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal

20-02-2007 14:34

The following text is the testimony given by Professor Ali Shalal, who was tortured at Abu Ghraib Prison. This statement was presented to the War Crimes Commission set up under the helm of former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, as evidence in the procedure launched in Kuala Lumpur directed against US President George W. Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia's Prime Minister John Howard.

Ali Shalal, known to the World as the "man behind the hood", is a man of tremendous courage and determination. I heard his testimony, I had the opportunity of speaking to him on several occasions in the course of the war crimes Conference. We established bonds of friendship and solidarity. We shared our determination to bring the war criminals in high office to justice.

Ali Shalal is a professor of theology. He is a tremendous source of inspiration. It is important to understand that what Ali Shalal experienced is part of a routine process of torture, applied systematically to those arrested. Many of his companions in Abu Ghraib died as a result of torture or were executed upon their release so that they would not reveal the gruesome horrors and atrocities committed on the orders of the Bush administration. Also of significance, as confirmed by his testimony, was the fact that Israeli "civilians" were involved in assisting the US prison interrogators.

Ali Shalal survived and provided testimony in the name of all those who were tortured to death. Ali Salal's words will go down in history.

The war criminals in high office will be brought to justice. It is also our determination that they will be given a fair trial.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 19 February 2007

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London Seminar: America and the War on Terror

20-02-2007 12:26

Friday 23 February , 2007
6:00 -9:00pm

London Muslim Centre
Whitechapel Road, London E1

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Animal activists raided in the North

20-02-2007 11:40

A pre-planned operation was carried out today (Tuesday 20 February 2007) to investigate alleged offences committed under Section 145 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005.

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Palestine: Anarchists Resist the Wall

20-02-2007 10:11

Activists using razor wire from the wall to block Basel Street in downtown Tel A

Jonathan Pollak, an activist with Anarchists Against the Wall was sentenced to three months in prison, that will be activated if he is convicted of a similar charge again. Pollak was sentenced today after he was convicted together with 10 other activists for blocking a road in Tel Aviv in protest of the construction of the wall. He asked the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court to sentence him to jail time rather than community service or a suspended sentence, saying he has no intention to stop resisting the occupation. The ten other convicted activists were sentenced to 80 hours of community service.

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