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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Blocked websites

18-08-2009 16:33

Hampshire County Council has of this week blocked access to on the grounds that the website is malicious!

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URGENT: Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos, 24.8

17-08-2009 21:49

The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos has released the following call-out. Please translate it and repost it in as many languages as you can. If you do a translation, please post as a comment here or e-mail us. You can find more posts on Thodoris here

On the day of action, Thodoris will be on the 45th day of his hunger strike; his situation is already critical. The last prisoner of December’s revolt must be freed – now!

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Whats going on in Mayo? Rossport Update

17-08-2009 20:46

Overview of the Rossport Solidarity campaign in the last few months: the Solitaire, actions, on-land section, arrests, assaults, strategy, planning appeal, mobilising and more!

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Thodoros Iliopoulos: everlasting protest

17-08-2009 18:48

The interview that follows was conducted by Ntina Daskalopoulou and published in an Athens daily this morning. It is translated and posted here as is: with no comments, additions or explanations – none is needed. After 36 days on hunger strike, Thodoros’ words are crystal clear. In his face, the State has found an enemy to unleash all its revanchist rage, some rage in reality directed against an ever-growing current of disobedience, resistance and solidarity. As long as there are people like Thodoros standing up to the wrath of the State, the next December will always be close. In the struggle against their order, Thodoros is not alone — trans.

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Job Centre Plus is not working

17-08-2009 14:33

Job Centres do little to help the unemployed other than treat them to degrading and humiliating treatment.

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Anti-NIKE-alization of Miyashita Park.30/31st,August.For homeless and public use

17-08-2009 09:13

Art-class of ENOARU cafe in "tent city" of Yoyogi Park
Nike has bought development rights to the Miyashita Park, Sibuya, central Tokyo. With it they plan to make it a commercial project rather than a public space that has been used for all sorts of actvities. For example any kind of art has always been guareented to be exhibited there whatever the political connotation. The public lose the rights on 30/31st of August of which they will hold a 2 day event. Some of the homeless are also fighting as parks are the only place they can squat. More homeless are envitable with the global financial crisis and by law the only places they can not be removed are public parks. At the bottom is the translated callout.

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Urgent Plea from Radio Progreso

17-08-2009 01:13

" All of the sudden, Gustavo Cardoza said that a policeman was pointing his weapon at him and immediately reported that other police were coming after him. Our reporter tried to run, and told them that he was a reporter for Radio Progreso. It was then that we heard his cries, and the blows that our reporter was receiving.
The transmission from our reporter was abruptly suspended."

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Repression And Resistance In Mexico Part 3 Chiapas

16-08-2009 22:05


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Repression And Resistance In Mexico Part 2 Atenco

16-08-2009 22:02

Repression and Resistance in Mexico
Part 2
Justice For Atenco

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Police raid eco-protest camp

16-08-2009 13:10

POLICE bullies have invaded Camp Titnore near Worthing and intimidated the protesters, who have been peacefully occupying the threatened Durrington woodland since 2006.

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Mass murder of Afghan infants by US, UK, NATO & Australia

16-08-2009 12:42

The "annual death rate" for Afghan infants is about 7%, this proving what an utter sham "democracy" is in Occupied Afghanistan and the war criminality of the US Alliance Occupiers, the US, the UK, NATO and Australia.

Would the Afghan parents and family members of these innocent victims willingly vote for puppets of the US Alliance mass murderers of Afghan children?

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BNP 'Red, White and Blue' festival hit by direct action

15-08-2009 23:11

The BNP is a Nazi Party - Smash the BNP
Thousands of British citizens came together today to blockade the BNP's 'Red, White and Blue' festival. Protesters blocked roads with their bodies, physically stopping BNP card-carriers and possible new recruits from reaching their festival.

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First report back from RWB demo

15-08-2009 16:16

Fun and frolics at the RWB demo

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Thodoros Iliopoulos: An interview

15-08-2009 14:17

The interview that follows was conducted by Ntina Daskalopoulou and published in an Athens daily this morning. It is translated and posted here as is: with no comments, additions or explanations – none is needed. After 36 days on hunger strike, Thodoros’ words are crystal clear. In his face, the State has found an enemy to unleash all its revanchist rage, some rage in reality directed against an ever-growing current of disobedience, resistance and solidarity. As long as there are people like Thodoros standing up to the wrath of the State, the next December will always be close. In the struggle against their order, Thodoros is not alone — trans.

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Day of the Broken Promise

14-08-2009 23:28

Police officer facilitates the demonstrtion (really he did)
Benny Wenda, West Papuan independence leader and chairman of the Koteka Tribal Assembly, and most of the rest of the small handful of West Papuans living in Britain demonstrated opposite the Netherlands Embassy in London on Fri 14 Aug, to mark the anniversary of the 'Day of the Broken Promise', 15 August 1962. Photos Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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BNP nazi guest barred from UK

14-08-2009 13:28

Nazi RWB guest banned from UK

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Folk Against Fascism launched at Sidmouth Folk Fest

13-08-2009 20:32

Folk Against Fascism has been created to take a stand against the BNP’s targeting of folk music, a stand against the appropriation of our culture.

The UK folk scene is a welcoming and inclusive one; folk music and dance have always been about collaboration, participation, communication and respect. The British National Party’s manifesto encourages its members to insinuate themselves into the folk and traditional customs of Britain. This involves the appropriation of British folk music and culture as a means of spreading its peculiar brand of racism and intolerance.

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Camden police have banned reggae music and events by Black artists from Camden

13-08-2009 20:25

Camden police have banned reggae music played by Black selectors / MCs / DJs in Camden Town venues. Camden's [if not London's] best known reggae venue was closed after the police blamed the reggae nights for causing drug dealing. The police have since gone around Camden Town venues warning managers and proprietors that they will be shut down if they allow reggae nights in Camden Town.
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