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STROLL, ROLL, and RALLY for positive welfare reform

21-06-2006 12:41

Setting off
There was a good atmosphere as fifty campaigners strolled and rolled from Devonshire Green to Sheffield Town Hall last Saturday.

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A dangerous precedent: Australian man convicted of “preparing terrorism”

21-06-2006 05:17

Fishing Expeditions and Thought Crime
Since 2001, the government has seized upon the “war” declared by US President George Bush for both domestic and international purposes. Under the guise of combating terrorism it has participated in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, diverted attention from mounting economic and social problems at home and legitimised previously unthinkable police state-style measures, including semi-secret trials, “preventative” detention and the ability to impose life sentences without any evidence of an actual terrorist act.

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Washington escalates slaughter in Iraq

21-06-2006 05:09

The killing of two American soldiers captured by insurgents at a roadblock south of Baghdad will be seized upon by Washington as justification for an intensified bloodbath against the Iraqi people.
Well before the discovery of the bodies of the young soldiers, reportedly bearing the marks of torture and mutilation, there were already mounting indications that the Bush White House and the Pentagon were implementing a shift in military tactics that spells a dramatic escalation of US violence in the occupied country.
The mass media, which has shown little inclination to highlight the daily death toll of American troops, now totaling over 2,500—much less the far greater toll of Iraqi dead, estimated in the hundreds of thousands—has exhibited keen interest in the fate of the two executed enlisted men, including gruesome details of their deaths. Their aim is to whip up an atmosphere of hatred and revenge against the Iraqi population.

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Australian government presses ahead with plans to dominate East Timor

21-06-2006 01:05

Compel Alkatiri to make that decision
Neither Horta nor his Australian backers want to test this “tremendous support” at elections due next year. “The problem is, obviously, can the country afford the next six months, the next nine months of this continued pressure on the prime minister to resign?” Horta asked. “Can we afford this increasing loss of credibility of the government and the poor image of the country? Or should the prime minister say, ‘Well, I step aside in the interests of my own party. It seems that I am a liability to my own party, if not the country’.” The threat of criminal charges is obviously designed to compel Alkatiri to make that decision.

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Royal Dutch Shell unsuccessful attempt to halt Ogoni U.S. Class Action

20-06-2006 18:23

The latest news on a U.S. class action lawsuit brought against Royal Dutch Shell by the Ogoni people of Nigeria.

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TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE? necati zontul torture trial without witness or testimony!

20-06-2006 16:46

necati zontul and front cover torture cartoon film "My big fat greek... welcome"
(I think we should point out that both the writer and the victim of these dreadful incidents have been Oxford residents for the last few years, so it is legitimate for them to publish to Oxford Indymedia. eileen)
Necati was raped and tortured by Greek coastguards on the island of Crete in 2001, while an immigration detainee. Today, 5 years after the event, 5 men found guilty in 2004 (though charged with lesser crimes of abuse and sexual assault) remain in uniform. An appeal that we understand will see their acquittal today takes place in the absence of Necati and in the absence of his evidence. Necati's letters to the court have been ignored, and his attempt to telephone the court revealed astonishing bias in favour of the guilty coastguard officers. such is justice in Greece. The Prime Minister's office and the President's office have so far declined to comment.

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Boycott Yahoo, Microsoft and Google

20-06-2006 15:27

In light of the collaboration of the, profit-first morality second, corporate interests with China to imprison it's own people I have decided to boycott these bastards. I would encourage you to take a stand too and withdraw your support.

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Multiple Arrests in Turkmenistan.

20-06-2006 13:21

Turkmenistan is one of the world's most repressive regimes. Recently press attention has fallen on the increased EU trade with the country- in the form of Gas and Textile imports. The Turkmen regime's response has been another crackdown on human rights workers in the country. Many have been arrested on spurious charges and are being held, and tortured, in Turkmen prisons.

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20-06-2006 00:56

As the judge presiding over the case of Rodrigo, Alex and Juan (the 4Feb prisoners) in Barcelona continues to deny them bail and to allow evidence from the defense, the prisoners commenced a hunger strike today, monday 19th June.

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325 magazine - Issue#3 Out Now! Anti-Prisons / Autonomy / Insurrection

19-06-2006 19:35

The insurgent anti-prison zine is back with another 60 pages of anarchy, prison revolt and social war!

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Birkenhead families to lose housing benefits

19-06-2006 18:42

So-called 'neighbours from hell' in Birkenhead are going to be among the first to be stripped of housing benefits, plunging them even further into the poverty that causes their 'antisocial behaviour'.

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Palestine Today

19-06-2006 16:00


Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Wednesday June 19th, 2006

Israeli Army arrests two brothers from Bethlehem arrests five residents returning home at military checkpoint near Rammallah, jenin and nablus invaded and mother of three arrested and disappeared

Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.

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Destitute Millionaire's daughter finally gets her day in Court.

19-06-2006 13:42

Old man, helped to die by 3 NHS Trusts. Had not been dying. Seems to have been fleeced. Why will no-one listen? I have full documentary evidence to back up what I say. See more on

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Shocking Memo from U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Details Increasing Danger & Hardship

19-06-2006 12:43

NEW YORK The Washington Post has obtained a cable, marked "sensitive," that it says show that just before President Bush left on a surprise trip last Monday to the Green Zone in Baghdad for an upbeat assessment of the situation there, "the U.S. Embassy in Iraq painted a starkly different portrait of increasing danger and hardship faced by its Iraqi employees."

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Letter to Press From Campsfield Hungerstrikers

19-06-2006 09:56

120 migrants detainees on hungerstrike in Campdfield Immigration Removal Center, near Oxford, went on hungerstrike last week to protest against conditions. Here is a letter some of the hungerstrikers wrote for the press.

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THE LEFT AND THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by Joseph Anderson, Dissident Voice

19-06-2006 08:08

Now that Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer have broken the taboo in the mainstream American media establishment of not only pointing out that the Israel lobby exists, but actually analyzing it from their perspective, the only place that open discussion, analysis and debate about the lobby remain firmly taboo is, ironically, ON THE LEFT in the U.S.! It’s a taboo imposed on, especially, the American left by certain leftist icons and their suppression – if not censorship – of free expression and debate on this topic in progressive venues (lectures, panels, press or broadcast). Now, some people will bring up a red herring list of other possible influences in U.S. Mideast foreign policy to deny my analysis, but here I am dealing with THE ISRAEL LOBBY and how leftist icons respond to that topic.

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violent socpa arrest outside downing street this afternoon

19-06-2006 02:04

Video the offending banner
a peaceful single male held a placard with two quotes outside downing street yesterday afternoon. police told him he would be arrested, and although he agreed to go peacefully they violently handcuffed him in front of a crowd of astonished tourists.

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US military honoured in secret by Britian

18-06-2006 21:59

Meanwhile, the world looks on, wondering how a country claiming to be "democratic" can so ignore the will of its people, and pursue policies pushed through by a relatively small group of criminal Extremists, with loyalties elsewhere ...

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IDF More Dangerous Than Ever: Dramatic Increase In House Demolitions

18-06-2006 21:52

Israel "new" Government continues Zionism's long tradition of Ethnic Cleansing.

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Qaradawi again threats gays...

18-06-2006 13:59

Ken Livingstone's apparently 'fave' muslim cleric Sheik al-Qaradawi has called for gays to be burned!!

Ken should repudiate and disassociate himself from this cleric now !
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