UK Repression Newswire Archive
11-08-2004 13:49
Fighting against prison slavery and for prison abolition.US blew agent's cover to ramp up terrorism threats
11-08-2004 11:35
Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan appears to have been covert intelligence agent hacking 'al Qaida' computers.SMASH ASBO'S! Britain's fascist police state must be resisted
11-08-2004 04:53
Article forwarded from elsewhere detailing the atrocity which is ASBO's - people banned for life from their homes, targeted by vigilantes with state complicity, unable to attend remedial courses because banned from the area, banned from associating with their friends... Where are human rights in modern Britain? Nowhere! Smash ASBO's!Family booted from Bush Rally for Pro-choice T-shirts
10-08-2004 03:40
George W. Bush's T-shirt police got their family.Campaign workers removed the Millers -- Marvin, Barbara and Theresa -- from Wendler Arena on Thursday minutes before the president's motorcade rolled up.
The Midland clan's offense?
Barbara Miller, a 50-year-old chemist for Dow Chemical Co., had carried in a rolled-up T-shirt emblazoned with a pro-choice slogan.
08-08-2004 02:39
The "decent majority" try to have things their own way, but the cost is the corrosion of freedom and a drift towards totalitarianism. Hysteria against the "anti-social" is a means to incorporate the masses into projects of social control. Against these projects, activists should counterpose resistance in solidarity with the "anti-social", and a logic of minorities and multiplicities which breaks down any idea of "society" as a fixed totality.View US Man Fakes Beheading in 'Iraq Video'
07-08-2004 22:29
Hostage murder video a hoaxA VIDEO aired yesterday that purportedly showed an American being decapitated in Iraq was a hoax.
The destruction of civil life in Gaza
07-08-2004 07:18

Oil: "There is no more supply"
06-08-2004 09:55
Industrial civilisation is dependent on oil. It is a key fuel – it powers cars and the planes and ships that transport our food to our plates in this age of globalised food supply. Oil is also essential for plastics – used in such a wide variety of products it is hard to imagine. The thing is, oil is running out. Now.Social housing under attack
05-08-2004 16:03
The rot set in under Thatcher, Blair now seems determined to finish off what little is left of social housing.Mobile Mast Torn Down
05-08-2004 12:31
This is the sort of action that anyone interested in changing the world we live in for the better should be engaged in...what's to stop you? Tear down all the masts-forget about your phone- live a little- be uncontrollable for a while?Resisting ID Cards Gathering, Manchester
05-08-2004 10:01
A gathering to organise resistance to the Government's plans to introduce identity cards and a national population database is taking place in Manchester on September 11th 2004.The Olympic Corporate Games are built on workers' blood!
05-08-2004 09:06

Broken lives and masterpieces in Burma
05-08-2004 09:04
Tin Oo and Aung San Suu Kyi are mistreated in isolation and poor living conditions by the low-minded brutes who were unfit to lead Burma. The international community should worry about the health of Aung San Suu Kyi and Tin Oo because history showed that the Laos monarchs, King Thibaw and Sao Shwe Thaik all died in confinement, spiritually abused by the armed governments.Darfur - Another Brit COlony Abused - British Hypocrisy Everywhere
04-08-2004 22:25

Human Rights Horros in Haiti
04-08-2004 18:55
What did the imperial powers give Haiti for their 200-year anniversary of independence from slavery? A coup and the murder of several thousand pro-democracy Haitians. Read about the news the "deniers" don't wan't you to know or care about...Government Office Civil Servants Spy On Poor Working Class Communities!
04-08-2004 11:35
After the explanatory text below is an email, which was sent to me by typical condescending indoctrinated senior bourgeoisie Government Office civil servant, who panders to the bourgeoisie senior New Deal administrators who have set themselves up in my community. In the eyes of this bourgeoisie Government Office civil servant, the bourgeoisie senior New Deal administrators can do no wrong. Below Liz Gill’s email is my reply in answer to her.Iraq: Church bombs in Welsh Activist's neighbourhood!
04-08-2004 10:44

HMP Forest Bank No Borders Demo
03-08-2004 21:32
A demo took place last Sunday, 1st August at HMP Forest Bank in salford in support of refugees and migrants detained there following riots at Harmondsworth Detention Centre. This was part of a national weekend of action opposing the governments racist and oppressive asylum and immigration policy.