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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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European Copyright Law: Collusion for the Control of the Net

06-04-2011 11:44

Today, a college meeting of the European Commissioners will take place to decide the future of European copyright policy. This revision takes place in conditions that raise severe concerns from a democratic perspective and put fundamental rights at risk, especially when it comes to the Internet.

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US/Saudi Deal: You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.

06-04-2011 11:28

You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed that Washington, via Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, gave the go-ahead for Saudi Arabia to invade Bahrain and crush the pro-democracy movement in their neighbor in exchange for a "yes" vote by the Arab League for a no-fly zone over Libya - the main rationale that led to United Nations Security Council resolution 1973.

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Ian Tomlinson inquest - police officer crumbles under examination

06-04-2011 11:22

Simon Harwood - the police officer who assaulted Ian Tomlinson shortly before he died - is not doing very well under examination by the lawyer for the Tomlinson Family.

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Anti-nuclear stall in Wrexham: Free Bradley Manning!

05-04-2011 21:53

letter-writing stall
On Monday 4 April 2011, peace and justice activists in Wrexham held a stall in the town centre, calling for the government to abandon plans to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system in Britain as well as all plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations. Half the stall was dedicated to letter-writing to prisoners, including Bradley Manning, along with anti-Trident ‘DisarmNow Plowshares’ activists recently jailed in the US.

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Ian Tomlinson inquest - tuesdat 5th April, 2011

05-04-2011 12:32

PC Simon Harwood, the police officer who pushed Ian Tomlinson to the ground at the G20 protests two years ago, gives his second day of evidence at the newspaper seller's inquest

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Century Films Mark Kennedy Documentary

04-04-2011 21:03

This is an attempt at a polite request about infiltrators and the media.

Please do not talk to the media any more about PC Mark Kennedy, PC “Marco Jacobs” and PC “Lyn Watson”.

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Libya's Blood for Oil & CIA ties to Libyan rebels

04-04-2011 14:41

2 articles:
"Libya's Blood for Oil: The Vampire War", by Susan Lindauer (former U.S. Asset who covered Libya at the United Nations from 1995 to 2003)
"Mounting evidence of CIA ties to Libyan rebels", by Patrick Martin

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Ian Tomlinson inquest

04-04-2011 11:12

See live blogs from the Ian Tomlinson inquest at
including a short clip of Harwood's arrival, uninteresting except he attempts to cover some of his facial features by wearing sunglasses.

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3 Arrested as Over 20 Protest Cambridge Fur Seller

03-04-2011 19:03

Protesters call for a fur free City
Over 20 protesters said no to fur in Cambridge leading to police making 3 unlawful arrests of activists.

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Trial of Egyptian pacifist Maikel Nabil Sanad for "insulting the military"

02-04-2011 15:12

War Resisters' International observer in Cairo

In the case of the detained Egyptian pacifist and conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad, who is being tried on charged of "insulting the military by spreading false information" and "disturbing public security" [1], War Resisters' International has now sent an observer to Cairo, to attend the hearing at the military court on Sunday, 3 April 2011.

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HIV positive victim of sex trafficking and rape faces imminent deportation from

01-04-2011 16:03

Felicia Adjei, a vulnerable woman who was trafficked into the UK and brutally exploited in forced prostitution is facing removal to Ghana TONIGHT, 1 April 2011 on Virgin Airlines Flight VS657 at 10.20pm from Heathrow Airport. She is currently waiting in an immigration detention centre.

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Sheffield BNP Meeting

31-03-2011 12:25

Sheffield BNP will be holding a meeting tonight at The Malthouse Public Ecclesfield.

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EGYPT: Emergency update: Maikel Nabil Sanad to be tried tomorrow, 31 March, 10am Cairo time

30-03-2011 16:48

War Resisters' International received information that detained Egyptian pacifist and conscientious objector will be tried at a military court tomorrow, 31 March, at 10am Cairo time, on charges of "insulting the military" and "obstructing public security". He was detained on 28 March late in the evening, and has been under investigation since (see co-alert, 30 March 2011,

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Arrested at the Anti Cuts demo March 26th? Defendents Meeting

30-03-2011 15:47

Defendants' meeting - Saturday 2nd April - 2pm - University of London Student Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Were you either charged with an offence or bailed to return to a police station soon? We know it's a worrying time and information can be difficult to come by. We also know from previous experience that it can be isolating and intimidating. The best way to deal with this is to meet others in the same position as yourself and stick together.

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EGYPT: Egyptian pacifist Maikel Nabil Sanad arrested for insulting the military

30-03-2011 12:33

Maikel Nabil Sanad
War Resisters' International, the international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with more than 80 affiliates in more than 40 countries, is concerned about the arrest of Egyptian pacifist and conscientious objector Maikel Nabil Sanad, 25, from Cairo [3].

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Counter Terror Expo 2011: 19-20 April 2011

30-03-2011 10:45

Arms dealers are gearing up for another festival of weapons and repression, "Counter Terror Expo 2011", at Olympia during 19-20 April 2011.

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Summary of arrests for March 26th

29-03-2011 20:18

Official police figures for arrests during the Mrach 26th anti-cuts demo.

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Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity: Settlers and army collude in ethnic cleansing

29-03-2011 16:34

The Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity Group currently have people on the ground in the Jordan Valley. With recent increased settler and army repression it is our aim to keep people in the valley on a permanent basis throughout the year.

The following reports are from our volunteers on the ground. Please help us spread information. If you are on twitter you can get our updates by following @jvsolidarity or @brightonjvs

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Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity: At home in the Jordan Valley

29-03-2011 16:30

The Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity Group currently have people on the ground in the Jordan Valley. With recent increased settler and army repression it is our aim to keep people in the valley on a permanent basis throughout the year.

The following reports are from our volunteers on the ground. Please help us spread information. If you are on twitter you can get our updates by following @jvsolidarity or @brightonjvs

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Syria Today 03 30 11

29-03-2011 15:44

Emergency laws have been used since 1963 to stifle political opposition, justify arbitrary arrest and give free rein to a pervasive security apparatus.
Protesters want political prisoners freed, and to know the fate of tens of thousands who disappeared in the 1980s.
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