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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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No Borders Documentary Night This Monday!

10-10-2008 11:04

Leaving or Dying: a film about the human cost of border controls

(+ short films on the detention centre industry and discussion)

Monday 13th October, 7.30pm, University of Manchester Students Union, Main Debating Hall

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SOCPA is dead.... but the illegal harassment continues

08-10-2008 22:45

we're here to search
sections 132-138 of the 'serious organised crime and police act' sought to control demonstrations near parliament, and specifically brian haw's seven year vigil opposite the carriage gates. the law is in tatters, but police, unable to use these powers, are resorting more and more to unlawful violence, intimidation, and harassment

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Brutal Police Massacre in Mexico, Chiapas, Oct 3rd, 2008

08-10-2008 13:21

Brutal Arrest of an old man
The Mexican government is at it again. Police have killed 4 to 6 persons, 3 of them mafia execution-style. Another 20 persons sustained gunshot wounds.

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About some investigations for “terrorist association” in Germany...

08-10-2008 11:01

About some investigations for “terrorist association” in Germany...

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Six Deaths by Eviction in Chiapas Ejido

08-10-2008 10:49

Although not Zapatistas the 6 peasants murdered by the Mexican police were exercising their right to control over their territory in an area which has seen over 500 years of repression. Indigenous and peasant groups in Chiapas have faced a counterinsurgency war since the Zapatista uprising in 1994 resulting in massacres like that of 'Las Abejas' in Acteal in 1997 when 49 peasants were murdered.

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Demonstrate for Amdani Juma's right to stay

07-10-2008 18:45

Amdani Juma is in immediate danger of deportation. Please come to the demonstration at 12.30pm in Market Square this Saturday (11th Oct) to show your support. The demonstration will insist that the Home Office remove the threat of deportation for Amdani.

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Welfare Reforms - Govt found to have misquoted research findings

07-10-2008 15:24

The Government has been exposed as completely misquoting a couple of researchers whose report they have used to justify the new workfare proposals in the Green Paper — “No one written off: reforming welfare to reward responsibility”, where the report based on a study of the effect on the labour market in Australia of the introduction of a workfare scheme there actually found that as a result, the very long term unemployed in fact grew by 68%!

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Solidarity Film Night

07-10-2008 13:12

Birmingham's autonomous social centres collective present an evening of radical films in solidarity with the Common Place. 7.15 pm, at the Spotted Dog, Alcester St, Digbeth.

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Hamburg: Precarious Superheroes in Court?

06-10-2008 20:19

precarious superheroes

In April 2006, about 30 precarious superheroes took delicatessen from a gourmet supermarket in the German City of Hamburg and distributed them to people who could use them. They also left an invitation for the upcoming EuroMayDay Parade.

The action worked not only as a circulation of luxury goods, but also as a media stunt. The police didn't like it at all and tried to catch the superheroes with lots of vans and a helicopter – in vain [report en]. Some hints as to why the state might think that these superheroes are so dangerous can be found here.

After a house search, the cops thought they had found one of the activists who participated in the action and convicted her in court, based on a perceived similarity between her and a photo of one of the masked superheroes. She appealed, and this Wednesday, she will be in court again. This time, the prosecution based the accusation on the fact that they found documents on her laptop dealing with “precarization”. If this is enough for criminalisation, the main service trade union in Germany must be regarded as criminal, as well as lots of academics and researchers who have been working on the issue of precarity for more than a decade. Let alone Euromayday groups in more than 20 european countries.

Read on for the press release of Euromayday Hamburg, who are supporting the activist in court:

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Anti-ID card demo in Newport

06-10-2008 17:33

You can read a much longer version of this report with more photos and background info at:

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Freedom Not Fear - Anti-surveillance Day Sat 11th October - Scotland Yard

06-10-2008 15:59

Met Anti-Terror Campaign,
In London: Assemble 1pm at New Scotland Yard, with pots, pans and other stuff to make some noise!!

A broad movement of campaigners and organizations is calling on everybody to join action against excessive surveillance by governments and businesses. On 11 October 2008, concerned people in many countries will take to the streets, the motto being "Freedom not fear 2008". Creative action, from protest marches to parties, will take place in many capital cities.

Call to mass action Saturday 11th October against the surveillance state in
solidarity with activists all around the world.

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42-day detention dropped as unworkable

06-10-2008 11:26

Gordon Brown is preparing for a humiliating climbdown over his proposal to hold terrorist suspects for 42 days after being told that it will be defeated in the House of Lords. Ministers admit privately that there is not "a cat in Hell's chance" of the legislation, which returns to the Lords this week, being passed into law.

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Bush demo policing condemned in Observer

05-10-2008 19:10

Snip below taken from an article about Sir Ian Blair by Henry Porter in today's Observer...

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05-10-2008 17:19

Cameroon national and victim of torture Jean Pierre Gueutchue, was given very last minute removal directions today for tomorrow, 6:15am

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Press release: Menezes family's reaction to London police chief Ian Blair's resi

05-10-2008 11:34

The Menezes family is shocked by the news of Sir Ian Blair's resignation, as it comes in the middle of the inquest into Jean's death.

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Silvio Berlusconi takes over the independent British media ITV: Help Europe!

05-10-2008 11:17

Elected senator of Silvio Berlusconi's party 'people of freedom'
Silvio Berlusconi and his organization have understood very good that if you control the media, you can act undisturbed and they are not only interested in the Italian media…
One of the biggest mediaconcerns in the world, Endemol , was taken over last year by Mediaset.
Now Berlusconi is interested in ITV …

Will Europe follow the current faith of Italy?

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In memory of SAlly Grace activist raped and murdered in Oaxaca

04-10-2008 12:16

Sally's murder may have passed as yet another case of sexual violence, completely unrelated to her political work with some of the most persecuted organizations in Oaxaca. But Sally's friends in Oaxaca City know that she was being followed as a result of her human rights work and her associations with CIPO and other Oaxacan organizations for whom political violence is a daily fact of life.

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URGENT - Stop the deportation of Mustafa!

03-10-2008 13:53

Mustafa Abdulrahim Mustafawas, who has been in UK since June 2004, was detained when he reported at his reporting centre in Loughborough this week. He criticised the Sudanese regime though his film work for which he was tortured: beaten and humiliated. We urge you to write on his behalf, to the Home Secretary, the Immigration Minister, and the Airline. Mustafa should not be returned to Sudan.

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Amdani's Judicial Review

03-10-2008 12:01

Amdani Juma, the Nottingham resident who was detained for deportation in May, will be at the High Court in London for the Judicial Review of his case on 14th Oct. His friends intend to travel down to support him.

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Demonstrate at Communications House - Tuesday 7 October

03-10-2008 11:17

Show solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants

Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
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