UK Repression Newswire Archive
Free Tibet in Guildford
11-11-2008 18:22
Monday evening 10 November 2008, Amnesty International hosted a talk by Free Tibet at St Nicolas Church in Guildford.Join the demo against the BNP Conference at Blackpool on Saturday November 15th
11-11-2008 18:01
Off to Blackpool again!Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Activists rename Dublin Street after victim of Shell
11-11-2008 17:56

Witness appeal - Liverpool St party 31 May 2008
11-11-2008 16:33
I am a solicitor for someone arrested during the booze ban party at Liverpool Street stationm on 31 May 2008 and would be very grateful if anyone who witnessed any arrests could give me a ring.Many thanks, Noam Almaz (TV Edwards solicitors - 0208 885 8500)
Castor: Big Blockade in Gorleben removed
11-11-2008 13:11

It was relatively easy for the public (or fellow activists) to approach the blockade even into Monday afternoon, just before the blockade was removed. There was a huge police presence but it seemed that most cars could pass without being checked or even stopped. To see this lively crowd felt impressive and the atmosphere was bright and happy.
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BNP attempt to meet in Heckmondwike
11-11-2008 12:06
BNP attempt to meet in HeckmondwikeIt has been brought to our attention that the BNP in Kirklees intend to hold a meeting in the Heckmondwike area on Wednesday 12th November.
Obama Mania
11-11-2008 02:27

guatemala solidarity network speaker tour comes to next to nowhere
10-11-2008 22:40

737 demands for legal procedure signed by italian lifers presented in Bruxelles
10-11-2008 18:27
Florence, the 6th of November 2008> On the morning of the 4th of November 2008 a delegation of the
> ‘Liberarsi’ association symbolically presented various European
> Parliamentarians in Brussels with a copy of the 737 demands for
> of procedures, as undersigned by the corresponding number of life
> prisoners now detained in over forty prisons across Italy, who are
> asking for life detention to be abolished.
The surveillance state
10-11-2008 16:02

The Triangle Of Peace Foundation: Redefining Sinister, Shitting On Us All
10-11-2008 14:19

What can you say about an advert that fills an entire page of a broadsheet newspaper, containing a title (”The Triangle Of Peace Foundation”), a heavy duty strapline (”The birth of Philanthropical Capitalism, a new global responsibility.”), an address in New York (”Triangle of Peace, 420 Lexington Ave, Suite 518, New York, NY 10170 USA”) and a section of some kind of stylised monolith, all tastefully decked out in black and white?
Please support Ali Baher facing suspension from Israeli University
10-11-2008 12:24
In early November, Ali Baher, Chairman of the Arab Students Committee at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was detained for three hours, questioned, summoned to a hearing pending suspension, and evicted from his dorm room - all for refusing to shake hands with Israeli President Shimon Peres.Bon fire night documentation
10-11-2008 11:25
Hello, anyone having any photographs, films from the Bonfire night atLondon Fields (last Thursday), if you can contact me please do so.
I am the person arrested at that day and mentioned above will be well useful
for the defense (coming in Feb) as well as further proceedings (suing the police).
The Obama '08 Phenomenon: What We have Learned?
10-11-2008 09:52

the obvious `first Black' aspect of race." 2008 was the first year in modern
history that Blacks made no demands on the Democratic candidate - and
consequently, were promised nothing. This was the election cycle in which
the Black who began as a supposed "underdog" became the most heavily-funded
candidate of all time. There are many lessons to be learned - but few of
them palatable to folks still drunk on ObamaL'aid.
Truth about Rubbish Emergency in Naples, Democracy, and Freedom in Italy
10-11-2008 02:38
09-11-2008 18:01

Nov) which opposed the 'home coming' parade by the notorious RIR regiment of
the British Army.
There was a large Ógra Shinn Féin presence on the day, with young
republicans travelling from across Ireland.
The rally/march was calling for an end to the ongoing illegal occupations in
Ireland, Iraq, and Afghanistan and also to demand the truth for the hundreds
of families who have been bereaved through the official British state policy
of collusion and state murder. The UDR/RIR themselves where part and parcel
of the murder machine.
Full article | 1 addition | 26 comments
The Observer: Police warn of growing threat from eco-terrorists
09-11-2008 01:04
NETCU warns a 'lone maverick' eco-extremist may try to kill large numbers of Britons to help reduce Earth's population by 80 per cent. The Kingsnorth climate camp is affiliated to Earth First! - or so says the Observer.immediate and unconditional release of Jean-Marc Rouillan (France)
08-11-2008 17:21

immediate and unconditional release of Jean-Marc Rouillan (France)
08-11-2008 17:16

Italian Student rebellion: Info and Pics from Rome
08-11-2008 14:36
7 November 2008This friday everybody skipped school again and took to the streets instead. Even though minister Gelmini had tried to confuse things by promising extra money for universities and students with “adequate merits”, the student mobilisation went on and its message was clear: “No cuts to education, no privatization, we ain’t gonna pay for their crisis”.