UK Repression Newswire Archive
Update about legal situation Genoa
26-07-2003 21:36

by collectif du soutien - 22.07.2003 16:12

Genoa 2 years after
26-07-2003 21:30

The front banner states: "You believe to have killed him. But Carletto lives on through us."

Born to X (Fernwood, BC/New Palestine 1424)
26-07-2003 20:37
You may take Iraq Watching your blindside There will be payback for this genocideDIA: blacks and our depression #3
26-07-2003 20:14
There have been essays written concerning Blacks and depression (one ofwhich is by Dalani Aamon entitled "Blacks and Depression") and one of
the causes of this depression having come the residual effects of the
African Americans Experience starting with slavery. Not all of us have
been slaves or from a slave background nor were we raised in the US
psychic landscape but we have been assaulted by it.
Jeremy Hardy v The Israeli Army - The Showroom, 2 and 3 August, Sheffield
26-07-2003 14:05

Simon Support pages correct link ! + ongoing Squat Benefits
25-07-2003 13:02
Friday nights at the Eton Mission sqaut social still ongoing...Interview and updates about Trident Ploughshares peace prisoners
24-07-2003 17:33

Czech Gov Reports on 'Extremist IMC'
24-07-2003 10:54
The Czech governemnt has included Indymedia in a list of 'extremist organisations' reviewed in a report covering last years events (2002), specificaly in relation to the NATO summit protests in Prague, November 2002.Waterstones Bookshops start monitoring sales of dodgy books
24-07-2003 09:12
.Social Cleansing
24-07-2003 08:43
Housing Associations, or Registered Social Landlords as they are know known, in Liverpool are planning to sell off large chunks of their properties to home owners who are under threat of demolition and to perspective homeowners in general. This is in spite of the fact that there are thousands of would be tenants on there housing lists.TARGET THE RACIST RAGS!
23-07-2003 20:22
STOP THE RACIST LIES OF THE DAILY MAIL!Police Raid Safe Injection Site at 327 Caroll st. (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
23-07-2003 18:04
On Saturday July 20 th at 1:24 three police officers forced their way into 327 Carroll st, the Safer Injection Site in the Downtown eastside, questioning and detaining people accessing the drop-in area of the safe injection site.Free Palestinian Prisoners Radio
23-07-2003 17:55
Free Palestinian Prisoners Radio- 13 minutes, including interviews with Abu Sucre, jailed for 27 years after a bomb attack, peace activist Omar Titi who was recently released from prison and coverage of the deportation of International volunteers from the West Bank. 23/07/2003 [date posted]He waited 8 years for this.....
23-07-2003 16:23
A usual day in Palestine. The occupation continues. The checkpoints remain. Lives are destroyed.Dr. David Kelly - Cause of Death
23-07-2003 13:20
Contrary to some headlines that I've seen, the police have *not* confirmed that Dr. Kelly's death was a suicide; they confirmed that he apparently died from a slit wrist. And quite right too - determining the cause of death is a matter for the coroner's inquest. While the circumstances in which the body was found suggest suicide, there are other circumstances that the coroner will hopefully be examining.The clowns and the hypocrits
23-07-2003 07:16
Blair telling the Chinese off about their anti-subversion lawsCleaning the poor out of the city centre
22-07-2003 08:56
I'm I only one of few people watching what is going on in this city?IPSC man free (for few days now)
22-07-2003 02:30
News from the colonies a bit late.The man is free but the injustice once again prooves that racism is the key factor in the current global facist threat.
4.5 million elders are silently exterminated by the Romanian government
21-07-2003 20:46
4.5 millions peoples out of 20 (more than 20% of the population) are condemned to death by the social policies of the government which applies the policies of the IMF meant to exterminate those useless and unproductive peoples.