UK Repression Newswire Archive
Account of medic arrest at Carnival of Full Enjoyment
07-07-2005 21:04
My medic buddy and I were arrested at The Carnival of Full Enjoyment in Edinburgh, Scotland on the 4th July, as part of an autonomous medic group that was targeted by the police.Stirling campsite update
07-07-2005 21:04
All morning, people have been allowed to leave on one by one basis on condition that they are searched, they give names, are filmed/photographed and have good excuse to leave (like catching a train). In the afternoon, two large groups (around 300) attempted to leave the campsite.A9 areestees released
07-07-2005 20:50
aA9 arrestees finally released after a horrible 30 hour ordeal which involved almost 6 hours in a 3ft x 3ft metal cell in a converted horsebox and an incident with a racist screwCommunication between Dissent an G8 Alternatives
07-07-2005 20:33
Criticism of complete lack of cooperation between Dissent and G8 AlternativesMorning solidarity for prisoners in court tomorrow
07-07-2005 20:26
at least 10 male prisoners on remand, who are in edinburgh prison at themoment, are going to be brought to the sheriffs court on thursday morning.
they would very much appreciate direct noisy support when they will be
driven inside the building - they will have to spend the time waiting for
their trial separated from each other, without daylight, maybe for hours,
without communication.
Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
video of wednesday edinburgh demo
07-07-2005 18:29
video from yesterday's spontaneous demo in the centre of edinburgh.Action at Gleneagles
07-07-2005 17:47

Solidarity with British Muslims - Fight the backlash!
07-07-2005 17:24
The BNP and their racist media sympathisers will try and use this bloody massacre as an excuse to attack Muslims.The government will try and use it to rush through even more wrongheaded "terror laws". Fight the backlash!
07-07-2005 16:19

Medical Info does not support story of girl injured by protestors
07-07-2005 15:47
Someone posting a comment on Indymedia underneath reports of Wednesday's blockades claimed that their 10 year old daughter was in Stirling Royal Infirmary. The comment was posted at 9.45am and claimed that their ten year old daughter needed 18 stitches after a brick was thrown through her bedroom window as she slept.Stirling Royal Infirmany has now confirmed that there were six admissions yesterday, but due to patient confidentiality would not give any specific informatation. Five were treated and released for minor injuries. One was kept in hospital overnight.
Get a clue -- terrorists don't throw rocks, London bombings and the G8
07-07-2005 15:37
British and London authorities should be ashamed of themselves. While1500 London police are over in Scotland, part of a 15,000-strong
policing force, watching people chant and march
against the G8, they leave their home unprotected from real terrorists.
Solidarity demo interupted by police provocation
07-07-2005 15:36

Police clear prisoner support demo; 2 arrests
07-07-2005 15:31
The prisoner solidarity rally at the Edinburgh court was cleared by police, with two people arrestedSTATEMENT BY JULY 2005 PRISONER SUPPORT GROUP
07-07-2005 15:17
This is a brief statement, agreed at a meeting in Edinburgh on the 7th July. It is addressed to the general public, to campaign groups, and to the mainstream media, and is intended to make clear our views on the recent wave of arrests and detentions.London Blasts Boost Bush & Blair
07-07-2005 15:04
'Red Alert' all over Europe: Either MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, the London Metropolitan police and the rest of their law enforcers are incompetent, or something else is going on. It's 9/11 revisited: including all the phrases, the overused expressions.Edinburgh Prisoner Solidarity Demonstration 8th July
07-07-2005 14:29
A meeting today, 7th July, has called for a solidarity demonstration outside Saughton Prison Edinburgh from 1530 untill 1630 on the 8th JulyPrison solidarity demos, today and tomorrow
07-07-2005 14:11
A prisoner solidarity meeting today called for two demonstrations in solidarity with ALL those arrested over the last few days at the G8 protests