UK Repression Newswire Archive
Sir Ian's head on a SOCPA platter please
01-01-2008 23:35
Bollocks 2 Blair still means something, I do believe.They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
01-01-2008 22:00
Sounds a bit too familiar ...60 Years of The Catastroph (by Latuff)
01-01-2008 20:32

The Destabilization of Pakistan
01-01-2008 11:02

The broader objective is to fracture the Nation State and redraw the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Violent state repression of protests over Bhutto assassination
31-12-2007 16:32
Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on Saturday ordered the military and other security forces to take whatever measures were necessary to quell rioting sparked by last Thursday’s assassination of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader, former prime minister and current prime ministerial candidate Benazir Bhutto.24C3 - Demonstration against data retention
30-12-2007 22:19

Two Years Too Many - London Demo - Kader Must Stay
30-12-2007 21:07

In London, demonstrate at the Canadian High Commission, west side of Trafalgar Square, at 1pm.
On 1 January 2006 Algerian Abelkader Belaouni (Kader) took refuge in St. Gabriel's Church in Montreal to avoid deportation from Canada. Despite an outpouring of support, he has remained a prisoner in the church ever since, unable to leave for fear of being arrested and deported. That's two years too many!
Anglo-American Ambitions behind the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto
30-12-2007 08:16
It has been known for months that the Bush-Cheney administration and its allies have been manuevering to strengthen their political control of Pakistan, paving the way for the expansion and deepening of the “war on terrorism” across the region. The assassination of Benazir Bhutto does not change this agenda. In fact, it simplifies Bush-Cheney’s options.Traces of the Authoritarian Personality in the Three Abrahamic Religions (subtit
29-12-2007 21:57
We will examine whether terror is institutionalized in the psychology of some religions—particularly focusing on a sense of justice. There are many interesting and provocative ideas discussed. Arguably, this work is as controversial as it is timely. Such an intelligence estimate, if you will, would not have been written had it not related to many important and critical political issues and crises of our day (particularly as related to dominant “cultural clashes” as so framed by various think-tanks). But this work also significantly relates to political theory, history, criminal justice, jurisprudence, as well as social and political psychology etc.Creeping Fascism: Lessons From the Past
29-12-2007 12:11
You don’t have to be a Nazi. You can just be, well, a sheep.In his journal Sebastian Haffner decries what he calls the “sheepish submissiveness” with which the German people reacted to a 9/11-like event, the burning of the German Parliament (Reichstag) on Feb. 27, 1933. Haffner finds it quite telling that none of his acquaintances “saw anything out of the ordinary in the fact that, from then on, one’s telephone would be tapped, one’s letters opened, and one’s desk might be broken into.”
Support The Harmondsworth 4! Demonstrate 7 January 2008
28-12-2007 15:06
9am onwardsat Southwark Crown Court
1 English Grounds
(off Battlebridge Lane)
London SE1 2HU
(nearest tube London Bridge)
Neocons and the West too quick to blame ‘Al Qaeda’ and ‘terrorists' for Bhutto
28-12-2007 08:49
Whenever turmoil is created in our world, such as assassination and bombing, and the neocons rush to point the finger of blame at ‘al Qaeda’ or some other associated ‘terror’ organisation, one can be reasonably sure that what the world has witnessed is yet another false flag operation perpetrated by a group or groups that have some ulterior, political, or even pecuniary motive or motives for creating such turmoil. And such is the case with the assassination yesterday of Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto.US prepares to increase occupation forces in Afghanistan
27-12-2007 21:09
The Bush administration is preparing to significantly increase US troop levels in Afghanistan in an attempt to quell growing popular hostility to the US and NATO occupying forces. It is doing so with full confidence that it will face no significant opposition from the Democratic-controlled Congress.Assemble January 12th for Freedom of Assembly!
27-12-2007 19:11
Where: top of Trafalgar SquareWhen: January 12th 2008, 1pm
Adhesión a encierro de familiares de presos vascos
27-12-2007 12:40
En una rueda de prensa ofrecida el día 22 de diciembre por la asociación de familiares de represaliados políticos vascos, ETXERAT, se ha hecho un balance de lo que ha sido el año 2007 y ha dado cuenta de la realidad que padecen los presos y sus familias. Un balance que muestra unos datos realmente preocupantes.Scam training course for the unemployed
27-12-2007 12:21
Scam training courses that do nothing for the unemployed, have become a lucrative gravy train for the private companies that run them.Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead
26-12-2007 20:27
It's been that way ever since 9/11 with both sides of the aisle complicit with the administration. This article looks back at the record, and year end is a good time to review it. It's hard imagining another as bad with a President defiling the law and once telling Republican colleagues the Constitution is "just a goddamned piece of paper."Lakota Withdrawal Letter, December 17, 2007
26-12-2007 15:17
Lakotah, formally and unilaterally withdraws from all agreements and treaties imposed by the United States Government on the Lakotah People.Lakotah, and the population therein, have waited for at least 155 years for the United States of America to adhere to the provisions of the above referenced treaties. The continuing violations of these treaties’ terms have resulted in the near annihilation of our people physically, spiritually, and culturally.
The History of Inquisition tells a lot about Good and Evil in the Roman Church.
26-12-2007 13:28
The Inquisition was the worst form of santified cruelty ever visited on earth.It was sanctioned by the Vatican, and executed by the Dominicans.
No person was safe, even the great astronomer Galileo was excommunicated from the church when he stated that the earth revolved around the sun.
Burnings at the stake may be history, but how many innocent people and their Families have been left hung out to dry.
On ‘Israel’s Right to Exist’
25-12-2007 15:31
There is an enormous difference between "recognizing Israel's existence" and "recognizing Israel's right to exist".