UK Repression Newswire Archive
Dublin Monday Mayday pictures - solidemo and streetparty
09-05-2004 14:34

Here are some pictures from the prisoner solidarity demonstration outside Mountjoy Prison in Dublin and the start of the RTS streetparty.
Sophie & Jocelyn Hurndall nominated for EMMA Award - vote online!
09-05-2004 05:38
Sophie & Jocelyn Hurndall have been nominated for an EMMA Award (Public Figure of the Year).Blair War Crimes Update - from The Independant
09-05-2004 00:20

Now how does such a blinkered fundamentalist christian nutter ( i.e. our Prime Poodler Bliar) reconcile the USUK torture/sexual perversions jpegs with his saving the world from itself ? Is this the SM Rapture ?
(Just forgetting about the thousands bombed in cold blood for a second)
US connection points to CIA/P2OG possibly behind Madrid bombings
08-05-2004 07:09
In an attempt to sway the Spanish election, expecting a US type reaction to carry on bombing anything that moves within 2000 miles of where Bin Laden might be ....but of course, the Spanish were 90% opposed to the illegal USUK attack and the illegal WMD of cluster bombs and DU, and more informed about international law and the Geneva Convention etc.The P2OG op. did not work. Poodler no. 2 Aznar had to go.
The fingerprints of the American lawyer arrested in Oregon in the Madrid terror bombing probe were found on a bag containing detonators like those used in the March 11 attack, the Spanish government said Friday.
Guantanamo Bay prisoner reveals shocking account
08-05-2004 00:03
A British captive freed from Guantanamo Bay today tells the world of its full horror - and reveals how prostitutes were taken into the camp to degrade Muslim inmates.Jamal al-Harith, 37, who arrived home three days ago after two years of confinement, is the first detainee to lift the lid on the US regime in Cuba's Camp X-Ray and Camp Delta.
Say no to ID cards! - submit objections to public consultation by 20th July
07-05-2004 23:21
Details of how to contribute to the public consultation on ID cards & some good links on the issuesFree Mario Bango Benefit Gig
07-05-2004 20:26
Mario Bango is a 21 year old Roma from Slovakia, imprisoned since March 2001 for the 'crime' of defending his younger brother when they were brutally attacked by a neo nazi skin head. Now he has been sentenced to 12 years without parole in prison for attempted murder. HIS YOUTH IS BEING STOLEN FROM HIM! FREE HIM NOW!The not-quite-news about prisons
07-05-2004 16:43
May 5thThe Not-Quite News About Prisons
The thing about prison is that you’re locked away. No
one can see you unless they’re let in or you’re let
out. Suddenly – and I am relieved that the world knows
about it at last – the abuse of prisoners in Iraq has
become partly visible. The Photos made news in a way
that countless Iraqi people’s stories did not.
Italy: End of the Marini Trial
07-05-2004 09:42
Italy: End of the Marini TrialOn April 20th, 2004, the third and final degree of the Marini trial ended by confirming the sentences of the accused anarchists. Besides those already in prison, Angela Maria (Marina) Lo Vecchio, Alfredo Bonanno, Orlando Campo, and Carlo Tesseri have now been arrested and are in various jails across Italy.
South Korea - Sky Fighters
07-05-2004 06:26
Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective's (MSSC) - migrant workers here, now striking since 175 days - latest report.Protesters Attempt Citizens Arrest on Polish President in London
06-05-2004 15:22
And as he came out of the building he was hit full force in the face......Aubonne Case: International Anti-Repression Gathering
06-05-2004 15:00
On June 28th in Switzerland the court case against four people from the affinity group (including the climbers) will take placeUnited we RAPE! (by Latuff)
06-05-2004 14:11

[PFMPE] the commandments of men
06-05-2004 05:58
Requires Bush, as purported messenger of God, to provide God's message on central banking.Des Warren's Funeral Today
05-05-2004 16:23

The key to my cell
A real working class hero and Socialist
10-10-1937 to 24-04-2004
International Conference of Political Prisoners
05-05-2004 15:54
As you may know, during the coming 20, 21, 22 and 23 May we shall hold an International Solidarity Conference for Political Prisoners in Miramar Palace, Donostia-San Sebastian.Post-1st May Repression in Berlin
05-05-2004 14:32
The 1st of May in Berlin, as in previous years, saw street parties, festivals, demos and mobilisations against a planned nazi march take place. Many of these events resulted in clashes between police and others.repost: 12 remanded in custody over May Day protests, Dublin
05-05-2004 14:06
Here is the full report and a video on the
Just got through this news:
12 remanded in custody over May Day protests
- 05 May 2004 14:43
Aubonne: AntiRepressionGathering
05-05-2004 01:05
On June 28th in Switzerland the court case against four people from the affinity group (including the climbers) will take place - ironically, they have all been charged with blocking the traffic and endangering human life. We would like to use the weekend before the court case (26-27th June) as an opportunity to bring people together to discuss proposals to create a stronger and more effective anti-repression network in Europe, with a particular emphasis on raising awareness of and dealing with repression-related trauma."Genoa Red Zone" screening in Cambridge
04-05-2004 17:40

Genoa Red Zone
80 minutes