UK Repression Newswire Archive
Occupy Birmingham University Press Release
08-12-2011 21:05
Hot on the heels of this story, Occupy Birmingham have released the following statement in support of protesting Birmingham Uni students to the national media.University of Birmingham gets injunction to stop occupation-style protests
08-12-2011 20:56

Report Jeremy Clarkson to the Press Complaints Commission
08-12-2011 00:20
Indymedia users made a significant contribution to encouraging members of the public to register complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, in protest against Jeremy Clarkson suggesting striking public sector workers should be murdered. The Samaritans, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are also making complaints to the Press Complaints Commission, urging them to investigate Jeremy Clarkson for suggesting that the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals. Please help by registering your complaint with the Press Complaints Commission here...
Physical Attacks on Squatters
07-12-2011 17:28

Solidarity Banner and flyer text for the Anarchists P.Masouras and K.Karakatsani
07-12-2011 14:53

VID - "Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.
07-12-2011 14:14
"Occupy Melbourne" tents outsmart & give chase to Victorian Police.As in Brisbane and Sydney police repsonse to the Occupy movement has been brutal.
The Victorian cops were not expecting this reponse as the came to confiscate 3 tents

Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videos
07-12-2011 10:28
Greece: clashes during December 6th demo - videosGreece - Athens: clashes during December 6th demo - photos
07-12-2011 10:06

Global Call for New Year’s Eve noise demos outside of prisons, jails, and detent
06-12-2011 11:32

On The Mass Arrests In Hackney, 30th November 2011
06-12-2011 11:28
On Wednesday 30th November, some people sick of the soul-destroyingrhythms of daily life, took to the streets of Hackney. Bored by the
dull dynamics of union activities which reduce our misery to a few narrow
demands and channel and contain our anger, we decided to take control of
our situation.
Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
High Court rules that Assange can seek Appeal to Supreme Court
05-12-2011 13:25

Radical queer blogger arrested in Syria
05-12-2011 12:42
News has emerged that Razan Ghazzawi, a radical queer blogger from Syria, was arrested as she tried to attend a conference in JordanUK Premiere 2012 The Mayan Word (December 17th)
05-12-2011 12:18

December 17th 2011 6pm
Everyone is talking about the Mayan Prophecies of 2012.
But who is listening to the Maya?
Squatting: a history. Progress to the future
04-12-2011 21:00

Letters from Anarchist Prisoners of the ‘Bombs Case’ in Chile
04-12-2011 17:45

pdf for printing (480.6 KB)

pdf for reading (865.99 KB)

Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton
04-12-2011 17:43
Reparations in Action!Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2011-12-04)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: Anniversary of the assassination of African revolutionary leader Fred Hampton