UK Repression Newswire Archive
Smash EDO's Big Day Out - High Court Report
14-04-2005 21:13
Smash EDO and 10 individuals were in the High Court, London today to resist the injunction being sought by corporate war whores EDO MBM*.9/11 - The Secret World: “You just don’t see it unless you...
14-04-2005 12:59
It's one of those excellent and enlightening stories - especially for the outsiders who do not know most of Hopsicker's writings about 9/11 yet - which makes Neanderthalers think and insiders wonder...EU: No French Fries for Fritz...
14-04-2005 09:16
Hit squad cut electricity to punish EU politician.US Refugees: Casualties of the 'War Against Dissent'?
13-04-2005 18:19
As part of the 'War Against Dissent', extraordinary events can occur within the US, life threatening events. But has so-called 'realpolitik' effectively denied Americans the right to political asylum. There have been legitimate cases, including one based on torture and attempted murder.Report on Sandra Bakutz trial in Turkey
13-04-2005 16:31
The main body of this is a report I wrote for the Scottish Socialist Party of the March 30 trial of Sandra Bakutz, an Austrian who was arrested in Turkey in February and charged with belonging to a banned organisation. Sandra was released and allowed to return to Austria but the trial continues. I have added an afterword which adds some updated information since her release.National Geographic's Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
13-04-2005 13:42
Natonal Geographic magazine invites us all to share our thoughts on Guantanamo Bay on its website.Police target journalists
13-04-2005 12:59
Police are increasingly using various 'legal devices' and violence, to remove independent journalists from the scene of actions were the police feel that their actions may be portrayed in a less flattering light. Arrests are often spurious 'holding' charges and those arrested are normally either later released without charge or have charges dropped before they reach court. Such arrests mean missed deadlines and also mean that the police are able to act safe in the knowledge that with no cameras around it will be their word against the protestors...The following is a list of just some of the people arrested while covering issues of political interest:
Bush arrest when visiting Holland in May?
13-04-2005 12:39
In the Netherlands coming April 29th there'll be an official verdict in the court case vs Bush et. al.: again charged with a string of crimes against humanity, 'Breach of the UN Chapter' and the Torture Convention, which by the way your country - like the US - has signed too.Straw optimism over anti-war vote
13-04-2005 11:51
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw says anti-war activists can be drawn back to vote Labour by other factors.The deportation machine: Europe, asylum and human rights
12-04-2005 21:36
The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has published a new study on refugees in Europe. Citing over 200 detailed case studies, IRR researcher, Liz Fekete, shows how opportunist political campaigning puts the lives of asylum seekers at risk.STOP
12-04-2005 15:53
The recent coverage of a demo last Saturday in Swindon is whatIndymedia should be all about, excellent coverage of an excellent campaign on the dysfunctional planning system in Swindon.EDO day of action in Brighton
12-04-2005 11:36
Come along tomorrow to EDO/MBM's premises to demonstrate against thier bomb-making factory and for the right to protest. EDO is seeking a High Court injuunction in its attempt to quash peaceful protest at its Brighton factory.Poll Tax riot 15th anniversary pix from that glorious day
11-04-2005 20:24
Sorry almose two weeks late with these, totally passed me by!Enjoy them!
Comments welcome!
The Poor Are Revolting
11-04-2005 20:12
The Observer reports that UK "cabinet minister Peter Hain launched a fierce attack on self-indulgent 'dinner party critics' among the liberal middle classes who are tempted to use the ballot box to punish Blair.Pastor Makielokele Nzelengi Daly - or Detainee 4707
11-04-2005 18:16

"I asked them, what are you doing here? It was then that the children told me that "oh, we were told we were coming to visit you." And I told them “no no no no, thats not reality, the reality is you've been arrested with me."
"My daughter asked me ‘why should we be arrested, what did we do? Should we be arrested for nothing?’ Those kind of words are very painful to a father."
ASBO Concern
11-04-2005 17:19

no2id Cambridge: It's the fun game that everyone can play!
11-04-2005 13:09

Royal Wedding – Gays demand marriage rights too
11-04-2005 09:02

Windsor public support same-sex marriage rights
Gay marriage ban is illegal under Human Rights Act
10-04-2005 17:02
'Insitutionally Abused' Tenant asks the Indymedia Community for help.