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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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anti-deportation demo in london on monday

19-11-2005 14:17

Hi, There's been quite a lot going on down here in Brighton over the past week or so after an Iranian guy called Amir - someone who attends the Migrant English Project at the Cowley Club - had his house raided at 6am in the morning last tuesday. He has subsequently been detained and is being threatened with deportation. He was fist taken to the local police station, then Harmondsworth detention centre, and he is now at Colmbrook detention centre.

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Sévèke: Keystone Cops or Spic & Span Cover Up?

19-11-2005 13:28

Twenty-four hours after the daily scrubbing and cleaning with special vehicles* and the second sweep by hand of the municipal 'Garbage and Cleaning Service' DAR, detectives again faked to investigate a political murder on the same Spic & Spanned spot...

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Should the police be armed? Poll

19-11-2005 08:26

Sky 'News' are asking their viewers whether police should be armed in the light of the Bradford incident. Here's your chance to give them your opinion:

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Rumsfeld: Adelaide (Update)

19-11-2005 02:50

Activists asserted their democratic right to protest Rumsfeld’s visit outside the heavily guarded Adelaide Town Hall regardless of Dr. Bob Such granting ‘permission’ to protest outside South Australia’s Parliament House. Let’s not miss a ‘subtle’ point; the right to protest is fundamental to a democratic society, let that right act as a barometer in any society that purports to uphold democratic values.

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18-11-2005 21:03

We have just received the following horrifying news from the Peace Community of San Jose, Northern Colombia, which I have translated (very quickly). Letters of protest will at least let the extremely violent Colombian State know they are being watched… Also if you cc. any letters you send to the San Jose offices, your solidarity will give heart… and Please return their bombing with a bombardment of letters! Thankyou. Below this is a suggested letter of protest in Spanish to the President of the Republic, composed by the San Jose community. Rather than me waste time in this urgent situation translating it, please accept that it says all the right things and send it off! (Addresses at end of letter.) Love to everyone, and thanks, Jenny James

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EDO High Court latest

18-11-2005 20:25

The High Court will learn about EDO lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden's abuse of process in a 3-day pre-trial hearing next week.

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CAE: Artist released from pretrial supervision

18-11-2005 11:54

One and a half years ago, Steven Kurtz from the Critical Arts Ensemble was detained by the FBI as a "potential bioterrorist", because he had some legal chemicals in his house for an art project on genetic engineering. Here are the latest news:

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Rumsfeld not welcome in Adelaide

18-11-2005 11:06

Calling him a war criminal and demanding that he go home
Anti-war activists protested in Adelaide against United States Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, calling him a war criminal and demanding that he go home. With Adelaide in a security lockdown for the visit of Donald Rumsfeld and US Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Zoellick, for the annual Australian and US ministerial consultations (AUSMIN), the protest was allowed to go ahead on the steps of Parliament House.

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Liberté, egalité et patisserie – le picnique

17-11-2005 23:46

This Sunday 20th Noember at 12 noon in Parliament Square the Parliament Square Picnickers are hosting a solidarity picnic with our French brothers and sisters.

Bring your bageuttes, carry your croisants, fetch your fromage, leave your car at home.

Nous sommes tous des racailles!

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Hillsborough Memorial Legal Appeal

17-11-2005 23:30

A HILLSBOROUGH campaigner is to launch a new legal bid to get justice for her son.

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hoWARd, will keep chilling you!

17-11-2005 21:04

hoWARd unmasked [File photo] (Rooters)
All this nonsense to hide the fact that the Bali bombing was not State Sanctioned Terror when it clearly was in relation to the explosive used in the second Bali bomb blast in 2002 which was clearly military hardware.

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What passing bells for these who die like cattle? - Anger at Iraqi prisoner abus

17-11-2005 19:57

It appears that hell knows no boundaries in Iraq, as reports of the phosphorous gas attacks on Falluja in 2004 and the abuse of prisoners under the new Iraqi government, flooded the media across the world on Wednesday 16th November, less than one week after we remembered the dead of World War One.

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Illegal deportation attempt

17-11-2005 18:11

Update on Amir's situation in Brighton.

(Amir is an aslum seeker from Iran who was a journalist in his country and was imprisoned and tortured for his political beliefs. He was given his deportation papers in a dawn raid and was supposed to be deported tomorrow, Thursday.)

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Sofia: Protest against the disposal of US military bases in Bulgaria

17-11-2005 16:03

More than 500 people marched through the streets of Sofia. Two days earlier two activists were brutaly beaten and arrested by the cops while they were sticking posters for the event.

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US planning to invade Israel

17-11-2005 15:24

Secret White House files show Bush has had enough of Israel's attacks on Palestine and is drawing up plans to invade and overthrow Sharon

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Police Has Killer On Video, but...? Not even a description?

17-11-2005 14:03

Strange isn't it? For 4 decades the major media paid my independent journalism handsomely as their foreign correspondent, but not anymore. Since APAX in England bought all major papers in Holland reigning the info, they don't even for free want to know or print why the police is silent as the lambs...

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Activist Legal Briefing at A-spire

17-11-2005 12:58

This will be an update on legal issues affecting activists, experience sharing of legal challenges, laws affecting polital actions from demonstrations to surveilence. It is open to all people who want to know their basic 'rights' through to examining more specific experiences such as squatting/site living or affinity group action with campaigns

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Tunis secret police attack civil society groups

17-11-2005 10:57

The European Union has made a formal complaint to the Tunisian government concerning heavy-handed police tactics at the UN-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society currently being held in Tunis.

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Hot Gorleben weekend ahead

17-11-2005 09:20

Nuclear opponents in the Gorleben area say they’ve prepared widely varying, fanciful and colourful actions to resist a renewed delivery of highly radioactive nuclear waste to a light-construction hall near the north German village.

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Food not Bombs Activist Murdered by Nazis in St.Petersburg, Russia

17-11-2005 09:16

Two brutal incidents during the last week have left one dead and two hospitalized in what some are seeing as continuations of the racial tensions that have plagued the city over the last two months.
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