UK Repression Newswire Archive
OutRage!- Letter to Pres' of Ghana-decrim gays..
13-03-2007 16:19
gay rights group OutRage! sends open letter to the Presdient of Ghana who is visiting London.Venezuela: eviction of the indigenous families from their traditional land
13-03-2007 16:01
eviction of the indigenous families from their traditional land by the Venezuelan state and the multinational coal companies.Greece: Students' parents clash with the police outside the court
13-03-2007 08:38

Photos posted in Indymedia show a cop hitting, by holding his baton the way round, which is strictly prohibited.
Kurdish Demonstrators Arrested at the Syrian Embassy in London
13-03-2007 00:12

Low Intensity War in Chiapas
12-03-2007 23:54
Sunday 11 of march 2007 Alejandro
Police State USA? - It could happen
12-03-2007 18:27

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A true story of everyday life for Nottingham town folk
11-03-2007 21:35

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Amnesty Protest in Nottingham City Centre - Close Guantanamo Bay [Please]
11-03-2007 14:35

The University of Nottingham's Amnesty International Society's held a protest against the continuing human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay.
STOP Blairs EU sell out
11-03-2007 09:39

On March 25th he will travel to Berlin to sign the 50 page agreement , Declaration on the future of Europe, without even consulting the people of the UK. Far from a simple "declaration", this a binding treaty which embodies "basic laws" for 490 million people in 27 countries
America And Britain Asked Poland To Host Secret CIA Gulag
11-03-2007 09:30
Britain's collusion with the CIA rendition and black sites program has been well documented. However, what seems to be emerging now is not so much a story of collusion but full involvement.
URGENT: Kenyan Social Movement Attacked - help needed
11-03-2007 02:37
Grassroots social movement 'The Peoples Parliament' 'Bunge La Mwananchi' have been organising in slum communities and over bread-and-butter issues for 15 years. Theyve been meeting daily in the Jevangee Gardens Park, Nairobi. Yesterday, Police declared their forum an 'unlawful assembly' and arrested 56 participants and injured 5.Amnesty protest over Guantanamo Bay in Nottingham :: report with audio
10-03-2007 20:36

Here is some audio that was taken during the demo.
g8'07 uk visitor winner's guide
10-03-2007 18:56

Secrets about the State Secrets Privilege
10-03-2007 15:05
Four things wrong with the Bush administration's use of the State Secrets PrivilegeNew pamphlet, "Alcatraz – Uncle Sam's Devil's Island"
10-03-2007 13:46
"Alcatraz – Uncle Sam's Devil's Island : Experiences of a Conscientious Objector in America during the First World War" by Philip GrosserThe Kate Sharpley Library has just published a new edition of Philip Grosser's account of his time imprisoned on the notorious prison island of Alcatraz. Philip Grosser was sent to Alcatraz because he didn't want to murder anyone, even on government orders. He was a Boston anarchist and anti-militarist who refused to be drafted into the slaughter of World War One.
Call-in campaign pushes back attacks on Chernoh Alpha M. Bah and Africanist Move
09-03-2007 23:39
Hundreds of emails and calls inundate Sierra Leone embassies in the U.S., London and elsewhere; officials drop charges; ASI leader urges continued vigilanceDemocracy or Corpocracy?
09-03-2007 21:40
Putting protesters sentences into perspective....Palestine: Losing Focus. Peace and Justice Movement in Britain at Crossroad
09-03-2007 07:17
Growing up in a Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, it was a very familiar encounter: Israeli soldiers storming our house accompanied by shouts of terror and a barrage of insults. Such recollections make me shudder to this day.Press barred from Guantánamo hearings
09-03-2007 07:15
The Pentagon announced March 6 that reporters will be barred from hearings for 14 US-held detainees in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The hearings are scheduled to begin March 9 for the 14 men, all of whom were transferred to the Guantánamo facility last September from secret CIA prisons.The Road to Guantánamo
09-03-2007 00:55
After being wrongfully arrested, Moazzam Begg was tortured and held in Guantánamo Bay without trial for almost three years. He speaks to Miles Johnson about the darker side of the War on Terror.