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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Anarchist Critique of the Insurrection

13-08-2011 01:30

An anarchist reaction, critique and analysis for the post-insurrection era. Relates to impact on policing in Britain and the subsequent complications for the anarchist and radical community.

Found on today.

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Britain’s riots: Thuggery, looting, lawlessness… by the ruling class

12-08-2011 23:19

Daily Star, 10 August 2011
Speaking in the House of Parliament Thursday, Prime Minister Cameron's “explanation” for the outbreak of street disturbances across England demonstrates a total ignorance and poverty of understanding on his part of the nature of the breakdown in his society. He blames it on “criminality pure and simple” and “pockets of sickness” and “lack of individual morality and responsibility”.

This view is largely echoed in the British political establishment of all parties and the media.

The looting, thievery and lawlessness that Cameron so condemns is but the reflection at the street level of British society of what is taking place on a much greater scale at the upper echelons of government and the economy.

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Social Media and the Riots: how our government has got it tragically wrong

12-08-2011 22:56

Fire services protected by police on Coylton Way, Edmonton, 07/08/11
Social media has been blamed for a variety of illls during the recent riots, but I it's just a convenient scapegoat for a government who have lost their way.

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Parliament demands violent repression of British youth riots

12-08-2011 07:56

Yesterday’s emergency debate in the British parliament, recalled in emergency session following the eruption of youth riots earlier this week, was a contemptible spectacle.

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More tax breaks for the rich

11-08-2011 14:18

Another pleasant reminder today that we're all in this together. Father Christmas has surely come early for the super-rich, as shops hit by rioting, including those owned by the corporations that already 'manage' their tax bill down to virtually nothing and who are more than capable of taking this one on the chin, will receive substantial tax breaks.

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England's 'riots': When governments put shit in one end no one should be surprised when it comes out the other

10-08-2011 19:17

Mexico 1968
With many a young man wearing a new pair of trainers, after England’s latest out burst of popular discontent, I was discussing the cause of these ‘riots’ with a friend who is not known for mincing his words, he said bluntly:

“Look Mick when governments put shit in one end no one should be surprised when it comes out the other end.”

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16,000 police deployed in London to put down youth revolt

10-08-2011 19:12

Prime Minister David Cameron chaired a meeting of the governmental emergency COBRA committee yesterday and called a special sitting in parliament for Thursday, in response to continuing rioting in London that has spread to other towns and cities in England.

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A Fitwatchers view of the riots

10-08-2011 16:55

I’ve felt a lot of emotions over the past few days ranging from joy to grief to anger. It’s been amazing to see people fighting back against the police and it’s been equally horrific to see damage to people’s homes and small shops, let alone the deaths in Birmingham yesterday.

However, today I am just angry. I feel utterly sickened at the attitude of large numbers of people who are suddenly supporting the police, who support the army being brought in, who want to see water canon and plastic bullets used on the streets.

I am livid with rage at people who have never experienced police harassment not even attempting to understand the brutalisation this causes. I know the effect it has had on me, and I’ve only experienced it through the choice of being politically active which is nothing compared to it happening on a daily basis because of your skin colour or where you live.

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Calm down! Cameron has everything under control! (by Latuff)

09-08-2011 20:02

Cameron has everything under control!
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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London Riots: God Save the Queen's Ass! (by Latuff)

09-08-2011 11:55

God Save the Queen's ass!
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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London Riots: Only the Rioters to Blame? (by Latuff)

09-08-2011 00:11

London riots
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff

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Who's to blame for the London riots? (by Latuff)

08-08-2011 21:35

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff

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Eyewitness account from Edmonton 'riot'

08-08-2011 17:14

The police in Edmonton and Enfield last night had clearly lost control. As groups of young‘rioters’ carried out sustained and rapid attacks on predominantly corporate targets, and the police could do little other than race around town in a frantic attempt to minimise damage.
The police were clearly psyched up and frustrated that they couldn’t break more heads. One man, who happened to be both young and black, but in the area to monitor policing for the network for police monitoring, was arrested for obstructing police after he refused to give a name and address. In the back of the police van he was then repeatedly punched in the face leaving him with cuts, bruises and a bleeding lip.

If this is a typical example of how the police treat local black and working class youths – and there is every reason to think that it is – then it isn’t difficult to understand the anger and rage that exists.

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UK Antifascist Prisoners – Latest info

08-08-2011 14:27

“Knowing there’s guys and girls like you on the outside supporting us makes such a difference...It’s really nice not to be forgotten and I’ll be eternally grateful to everyone.” – Ravi Gill

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Seven Years of Captivity

07-08-2011 22:21

A heartrending poem from Babar Ahmad, the longest serving British prisoner held in the UK without charge.

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"The Globalization Of Anarcho-Terrorism"

07-08-2011 20:57

"The anarchists of 2011 are more sophisticated and better equipped than those of previous generations. They have tactical communications... modern anarchists have taken advantage of youtube, twitter, and facebook. A city or nations security against anarchist disorder can no longer passively rely on the simple skirmish, wedge, and echelon riot line."

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Urges For Fair War Crimes Trials in Bangladesh

07-08-2011 18:27

I am very much concern about the accused the right to the presumption of innocence, a fair and public hearing with counsel of their choice and the possibility of bail.

Recently the British barrister Toby Cadman has been refused by the Bangladesh government to enter into Bangladesh that raises a question about the impartiality of the government towards the free and fair trial.

I highly condemn regarding autocratic attitude of the government towards the human rights lawyer Toby Cadman.

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Britain’s Secret Post-9/11 Torture Policy Revealed

05-08-2011 20:25

As the British government's toothless torture inquiry is abandoned by ten NGOs and lawyers for the former Guantánamo prisoners, who have long recognised that it was nothing more than a whitewash, but have now given up on even trying to engage with it, politicians n the Tory-led coalition government are not the only ones feeling the heat. Yesterday, in a world exclusive, the Guardian's Ian Cobain exposed a top secret document, entitled, "Agency policy on liaison with overseas security and intelligence services in relation to detainees who may be subject to mistreatment," which "reveal[ed] how MI6 and MI5 officers were allowed to extract information from prisoners being illegally tortured overseas."

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Anarchists! Give yourselves up!!

05-08-2011 19:43

What should you do if you discover an anarchist living next door?– the answer, according to an official counter-terrorism notice circulated in London last week, is that you must report them to police immediately.
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