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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Phone blockade of Serco/Yarls Wood tomorrow, 10am-midday

11-02-2010 19:04

London Detainee Solidarity Network is calling for people to ring Serco Offender
Management and the centre manager of Yarls Wood tomorrow, Friday 12th February, from 10am-midday to express support for the hunger strikers and disgust at their treatment by Serco's guards.

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Israel cracks down on peace activists at Brussels Holiday Fair

11-02-2010 10:21

Theater against arms trade leads to arrests and charges of falsification.

On 7th February 2010, 8 peace activists entered the Brussels Holiday Fair and impersonated flight attendants of the Israeli airline company El Al. They handed out fake free plane tickets to Israel, which referred to the fact that El Al contributes to the transport of arms to the country.

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Camden Animal Lab : [BLISS Lab] UKCMRI meeting joined by Peter Pan

11-02-2010 04:59

Residants at development control forum meeting to discuss the propsed BLISS Lab or UKCMRI projetc were stunned as a photo of a Peter Pan photo was used as background for the UKCMRI "big guns" including sir Paul Nurse of the Rockefeller Insititute, Sir Les head of the MRC, Camden council, John Cooper and a group of seriously angry Camden residents. Tempers flared at the meeting.

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Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in USA

10-02-2010 23:13

Millions of dollars are being filtered from Washington to political parties, NGOs, student organizations and movements that promote US agenda worldwide.

Wherever a coup d'etat, a colored revolution or a regime change favorable to US interests occurs, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and its flow of dollars is there.

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Italy: another Racial Law

10-02-2010 20:42

After the xenophobic security law and the special ethnic regulations in Roma settlements, the government is about to introduce the “residence permit by point-system”. This is a serious violation of human rights that must be immediately stigmatized and corrected by the international political and legal institutions.

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3rd international week of solidaridad with the Basque Country

10-02-2010 19:53

London Basque Solidarity Campaign would like to invite you to the 3rd
International week of Solidarity with the Basque Country. With different events In the SOAS (13-02-10) and the Goldsmiths College (16-02-10).

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Report condemns policing of Gaza demos

10-02-2010 13:57

The Islamic Human Rights Commission today released a damning report of the policing of the Gaza demonstrations in December 08 and January 09.

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Nottingham Anarchist Black Cross presents Sacco & Vanzetti

10-02-2010 13:32

Film night poster
Anarchists in Nottingham have recently set up a branch of ABC to fight the prison system and support prisoners. We will be showing the film 'Sacco & Vanzetti' about early 19th Century anarchists and state repression at the Sumac Centre on Sunday 21st Feb at 5pm.

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How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers

10-02-2010 03:44

In 1989 Catherine Austin Fitts became Assistant Secretary for Housing in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She began to notice money was not properly tracked as it moved between different HUD departments and there was a lack of proper accounting mechanisms to deal with discrepancies in revenue indicated fraud at an alarming level. [28] She attempted to put in place some credible financial tracking mechanisms to identify where the money was going and to identify the responsible individuals and HUD departments, but after 18 months on the job she was suddenly fired by the Bush administration. Fitts was told the day after she left that her financial reforms through ‘place-based financial accounting and statements’ would also be terminated.

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EDL Plan Another Bradford Race Riot

10-02-2010 02:19

the EDL are planning the mother of all race riots in Bradford
Following on from the violent racist rallies of football hooligans and hardcore Nazis up and down the country, accused of bottling out of their invasion into Bolton, the drunken racist thugs of the English Defence League have decided to go all out to cause a race riot at the city where the National Front triggered rioting nine years ago on 7 July 2001, Bradford.

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Graffiti art with consent banned in Nottingham

10-02-2010 01:55

The local council has banned youth clubs from hosting legal graffiti art walls in the latest attack on the basic right of freedom of expression. A petition has been launched against this draconian assault, and further action may follow.

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The hangar in Calais: A personal account

10-02-2010 01:44

This is a personal perspective on the opening of the Hangar Kronsdadt and does not reflect the views of everyone involved

Background info:

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Haiti: The Aftershock

10-02-2010 00:17

Last month’s severe earthquake in Haiti could not have been prevented. The death toll may reach a quarter of a million. Some three million Haitians – a third of the country’s population – have been directly affected by the disaster. But the earthquake’s effects, the likelihood of far fewer people dying, and the extent to which corporate greed and power can – even now – make matters much worse for Haitians could all have been mitigated.

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Visiting A Modern Day Slave Plantation--an interview with Nancy A. Heitzeg

09-02-2010 14:14

LSP Angola
My interest in Angola is as both a paradigm of the Southern transformation of plantations into prisons and as a prototype for what we now call the prison industrial complex. Many old plantations in the South became prisons after the Civil War. Angela Y. Davis traces the initial rise of the penitentiary system to the abolition of slavery, writing: “in the immediate aftermath of slavery, the southern states hastened to develop a criminal justice system that could legally restrict the possibilities of freedom for the newly released slaves.”

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Facebook to Ban Breastfeeding Advocacy Group for "Obscenity"

09-02-2010 08:46

Facebook is yet again courting controversy, this time by threatening the imminent removal of a group of almost 250,000 breastfeeding advocates - on the charge that their breastfeeding photos are sexual.

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The Gaza Convoy: An Insiders Experience

09-02-2010 02:08

A PUBLIC MEETING At : The Sumac Social Center Nottingham
Speaker: AMEENA SALEEM, Recently Returned From the Convoy to Gaza
Addr. 243 Gladstone Street NG7 6HX
Disabled access on Beech Ave(73) with door at street level: Web:

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Campaign to "Make the Pope Pay. No state funded visit to the UK"

08-02-2010 20:08

Pope Benedict will be visiting the UK to the delight of the Nations's Catholics. However not all are impressed. A campaign has been launched to "Make The Pope Pay" as we have picked up from Vegan Miranda Pandaqueen's Twitter. They are saying that the taxpayer should not have to foot the bill for the Pope's visit including policing or security. They say the Pope and Catholic Church should pay.

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Indymedia Radio at COP15 - 16 December 2009 Reclaim Power live broadcast

08-02-2010 17:51

Check out the live audio from the Reclaim Power COP15 day of action live radio broadcast...

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courts attacked in bristol

08-02-2010 17:34

Last night the magistrates court next to the bus station in the middle of bristol was attacked. all the reachable windows were smashed out and spray paint messages left on the walls "fuck the law not the poor!"

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Students at University of Sussex occupy conference centre

08-02-2010 17:11

Over 100 Students occupy the main conference room at the University of Sussex in protest against ill-advised and shortsighted proposed cuts to the university. After a demonstration attended by over 300 staff and students, with speeches from Simon Burgess Labour candidate for Brighton and Kemp Town, Tom Hickey of the UCU National Executive, Paul Cecil President of the UCU Sussex branch, Jon Mason of Unison and Pat Hawkes of Brighton and Hove City Council, students at Sussex University have occupied the main conference centre of Falmer Campus
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