UK Repression Newswire Archive
Oxford Six released from Moroccan prison - battered and bruised
10-08-2009 17:17

The Wall Street Journal Walls Itself In and Ridiculously Defends the Dictatorshi
10-08-2009 14:07
"The coup d'état that rocked Honduras in late June and removed democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya from office, sending him into exile in Costa Rica, was preceded by a multi-million dollar build-up of foreign aid from a U.S. agency that includes on its board of directors the president of the International Republican Institute as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.That taxpayer-funded agency, called the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), oversees a multi-billion dollar foreign-aid fund called the Millennium Challenge Account. It was established in 2004 under the Bush administration as means of combating terrorism by funding development in poor nations under a strict neo-conservative free-trade model."
Photographers to “Flash-Mob” Canary Wharf – as new campaign is launched.
10-08-2009 13:31

Intervention prevents police attack - Come help turn the tide in Calais
10-08-2009 13:04
This felt like a real practical prevention of police attempts to hassle, arrest and quite clearly attack migrants in broad daylight in the centre of Calais in front of tourists and Calaisiens. This was made possible by our numbers increasing only slightly today, so come to Calais and continue the work to support migrants here. Lots of recent info elsewhere on www.calaismigrantsolidarity.wordpress.comHonduras President Manuel Zelaya (by Latuff)
10-08-2009 04:51

Free West Papua - Demonstration - Friday 14th August London
09-08-2009 21:46
The Free West Papua Campaign announce…14th August 2009 – DAY OF THE BROKEN PROMISE
Demonstration at the Dutch and Indonesian Embassies
LONDON: Friday 14th August 2009
Starting at 13.00 outside the Netherlands Embassy, 38 Hyde Park Gate, London, SW7 5DP
To mark the 47th anniversary of the signing of the New York Agreement in which all Papuans were promised the right to participate in an act of self-determination we invite you to a demonstration at the Dutch and Indonesian embassies. We will be demanding that the governments of the Netherlands and Indonesia put right the broken promise they made to the people of West Papua.
Urgent Action - Support the Oxford 6
09-08-2009 21:31
Saharawi students due to attend a course in the UK have been prevented from travelling, interrogated and violently assaulted by the Moroccan police. Please contact the Moroccan Ministry of Justice and the British Ambassador to Morocco to help ensure their safety.Honduras Coup Dictator Micheletti Calls Out the Geezer Patrol or "a country for
09-08-2009 18:58
"The pro-coup dailies in Honduras are abuzz with EXCELLENT NEWS FOR THE COUP REGIME!Faced with the reality that millions of Hondurans have done the math and figured out that 14,000 National Police plus 9,000 members of the Armed Forces do not equal enough force to squash their unarmed movement to topple the coup d’etat, coup “president” Roberto Micheletti has called in the reserves.
The pro-coup daily La Tribuna gushes that the cavalry has come to save the coup regime from the forward march of the Honduran people:
More than 2,000 reservists, veterans of war and retired officials of the Armed Forces (FFAA, in its Spanish initials) reiterated their support for the President, Roberto Micheletti, at the celebration of the National Day of the Reservist."
We don't torture and we don't support it...honest, we don't...
09-08-2009 08:52
A second parliamentary report in a week criticises the government over its involvement in torture and rendition, at the end of last month, a legal charity brought a court case against the government over its involvement in rendering foreign nationals through British territory, on Friday the High Court revealed further MI5 involvement in torture in Morocco and today Miliband and Johnson write in the Telegraph in support of it...Human rights in Bangladesh: What is UK envoy Stephen Evans doing?
08-08-2009 21:44
Mr Stephen Evans has been defending the role and record in Bangladesh of his predecessor as UK High Commissioner. Mr Evans has denied that his processor did anything wrong or that he interfered in the internal political and the democratic processes of Bangladesh. In his defence of his predecessor, Mr Stephen Evans said that his Govt is interested in helping the establishment of human rights in Bangladesh.Dale Farm: Demo and Meeting this Monday
08-08-2009 17:10
With the threat of eviction getting ever closer,we're planning a demonstration outside
Basildon council offices to back the
presentation of a LEGAL MEMORANDUM which
argues that under international law if Basildon
evict Dale Farm by force they are obliged to re-settle
the community together on another location.
Who are we?ما کی هستیم ؟ مونږ څوک یو ؟
08-08-2009 11:46
ما کی هستیم ؟ مونږ څوک یو ؟ Who are we?Calais solidarity work continues... UPDATE
08-08-2009 10:52
Work here continuing in Calais between migrants and activists from France and UKCamp Ashraf solidarity hunger strikers on day 11 outside US embassy, London
07-08-2009 22:19
Around ten Iranian exiles have been on hunger strike outside the US embassy in London for the past eleven days in protest at alleged brutality by Iraqi forces against Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, at least twelve of whom have been killed, 500 injured and 26 taken hostage according to the protesters.There will be a rally outside the US embassy in Grosvenor Square, Mayfair on Saturday, 8 August, from 7pm.
Members of Scottish PSC accused of ‘racially aggravated conduct’
07-08-2009 20:40

Fruit of the Loom universities boycott nears 100 mark as protest spreads to Brit
07-08-2009 16:36

clothing company's human rights violations in Honduras, as university boycott
becomes the 'biggest ever'.
Letter from a Greek prison
07-08-2009 16:09

Letter from a Greek prison
07-08-2009 15:13

Come to Lesvos No Borders camp
07-08-2009 14:30
in case, you have not yet decided or you are able to do it short term:come to the nobordercamp in lesvos, starting at 25th of august near
Free the Oxford Six
06-08-2009 22:21
Earlier today we published a piec about six Western Saharan students on way to Oxford for a workshop who were taken off their plane and staged a hungerstrike protest in the airport terminal. We have just found out that earlier this evening they were beaten and arrested by police and driven to an as yet unkonw destination. Please help us to help them -