UK Repression Newswire Archive
York Calls for Debt Cancellation for Haiti
30-01-2010 17:44
Around 30 York residents assembled at the city's Parliament Street Fountain, on the busy "Residents Weekend", to call for Haiti's debt to be cancelled and to denounce the imperialism and distaster-capitalism that have marred aid efforts so far, and threaten Haiti with centuries more suffering. Over a hundred passers by signed petitions, and the protest received local media coverage, raising the need for long-term politicaland systemic chance alongside the excellent short-term aid donations that have marked a public outpouring of concern.Why did MI5 attack Somali community but let UDA nazi porno pub remain untouched?
30-01-2010 08:40
The Gloucester Arms in Camden was evicted, eventually by the brewery and council following a harrowing experience by residents living near to the pub who had to put up with UDA, nazis, underage drinkers etc. MI5 didn't ask for the pub to be ASBO'd unlike their attack upon the Camden Somali community who have been harrassed by MI5 constantly.AstraZeneca Day of Action - Cambridge
29-01-2010 19:17

The day of action is today 29th Jan 2010 (the demo was on 28th Jan 2010).
Close Communications House! Demonstrate Tuesday 2 February 1-2pm
27-01-2010 18:31
Solidarity with asylum seekers and migrants
Fight Britain's racist immigration laws!
Demonstrate Tuesday 2 February 1-2pm outside Communications House, Old Street, London EC1 (nearest tube Old Street – exit on Clerkenwell Road side)
Called by Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! - all welcome
Info-night on the Greek state's counter-insurgency 29.1, 6pm @Cowley club
27-01-2010 11:57
“Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”: Info-night and discussion on state strategies of counterinsurgency in Greece. Cowley Club, Brighton, Friday January 29th.The Real Human Rights Violators On The Korean Peninsula
27-01-2010 09:30
The Western media and some liberal groups accuse the Democratic Peoples Republic ofKorea of "human rights violations" .
Camden Fascist pub = meeting held by Camden UAF Tuesday 26th Jan 2009 7pm
26-01-2010 00:49

When Authors Are Authoritative
25-01-2010 23:48
It is not mere coincidence the word authority takes command from the word author, or a group of authors acting as a united force. Both words are coequal and stem from the idea that some form of egotistic persuasion has come to dominate or rule. This authoritarian reality is true irrespective of whether people put their faith in law, religion, articulated ideology, or any other form of persuasive power. Yet there is little doubt that the most effective form of authority, if believed, is that which speaks fore an endgame result of lasting spiritual finality—namely those clerics, that is how their personalities, claim to speak for an ultimate power of religion, and the ego-will of God, Yahweh or Allah. What mere mortal can stand up to what Hobbes has described as the Leviathan or the iron-fisted state?Aerial Bombardment and Torture
25-01-2010 23:39

Mad World presents 'Insight in Mind'
25-01-2010 20:01

06 feb 2010 - Make Capitalism History through revolution
25-01-2010 19:39

Germany: Repression against anti-fascists
25-01-2010 17:58

Camden Racist Pub. Did porno nazi UDA supporter wreck own pub & shoot windows?
24-01-2010 17:57
Local people believe that loopy nazi John Coyne may have shot out his own pub windows in a bizarre attempt to smear anti fascist activists. Drunken Coyne has been at the centre of a political row and complaints from neighbours regarding his behaviour in the pub and his decision to let neo nazis hold meetings there. He plays loud music until 6am, lets kids in the pub where he watches porn dvds.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Life is too short to be controlled
24-01-2010 16:52

Photographers Not Terrorists
24-01-2010 16:36

PMOI vigil for Political Prisoners. London - pictures.
24-01-2010 15:43

Hardcore Nazis of the EDL
23-01-2010 20:33

Calais: Pics of Migrant Resistance
23-01-2010 15:29

Call for EU pressure over Serbian human rights
23-01-2010 15:22
The continued incarceration of the Belgrade Six and fears over Serbia's willingness to maintain the human rights of its citizens has prompted mutterings both inside and outside the country - particularly as the process for country's EU membership application speeds borders demonstration in london 23/01
22-01-2010 23:10
meeting is at 2pm at st. pancras prepared.