UK Repression Newswire Archive
Housing Benefit Reform Set to Cause Mass Homelessness
22-06-2010 13:19

Tom Holmes = Islamophobe
22-06-2010 11:01
Recently BNP activist and sad loser Tom Holmes has been in the news after he expressed disgusting views on his Facebook rofile and slagged off his fellow workers. He of course denied the accusations, claiming not to bbe a racist. We all know this is bollocks, as the following shows (caution, contains link to Geert Wilders shitty Fitna video)Italian Mafia in London the case of Niki Gatti
21-06-2010 22:03

Open Letter To The British Government Regarding The Gaza Flotilla
21-06-2010 05:51
Mr Vidler,Your response to my email is shocking and apalling. Given that we each must take responsibility for what we do, even when done on behalf of others, I would go so far as to say that your action in writing it, even on behalf of your government calls into question your personal integrity. I will not so much as extend the polite courtesy of thanking you for response as this perhaps also is a matter of personal integrity. The rest of this correspondence is addressed to the other recipients referred to above and the government generally.
Urgent! EDL racists are at the London Metropole Hotel 225 Edgeware Rd W2
20-06-2010 10:12

URGENT call out. EDL are meeting at Marble Arch tomorrow [Sun 20th] at 8.30pm
19-06-2010 22:28

CAD 3193 Charity Sweet says that this court is corrupt.
19-06-2010 20:16
griffith williams lj - who are u?"Cut the War" - Call-out for Parliament Blockade on Budget Day
19-06-2010 16:14
12noon Parliament Square Tuesday 22nd JuneStreet Party - Rave against the Cuts
Be there.
Show your support to stop Stoning Sakina in Iran's islamic regime
19-06-2010 14:13

Suu Kyi marks birthday; world remembers
19-06-2010 11:48

Police prepare for riots in Oakland, USA
19-06-2010 08:19
AUTHORITIES in Oakland, USA, are preparing for riots at the end of the trial of former transport policeman Johannes Mehserle who shot dead unarmed train passenger Oscar Grant.Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET!
19-06-2010 02:04

there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased),
Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and
occasionally overseas), and 3 children, including
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate
Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists Liza
Maza (Gabriela Women's Party) and Satur Ocampo (Bayan Muna - People First).
Pupils Aged Five Should be Taught all About Sex: Watchdog’s Instruction to Schoo
18-06-2010 16:41
now call me paranoid...democracy village fair and peace weekend 19th to 20th June Parliament Square
18-06-2010 16:16

Saville Inquiry continues cover-up of Bloody Sunday massacre
18-06-2010 13:59

Even after the passage of 38 years, the truth—that the murder of 14 unarmed civil rights protesters was carried out under orders from the Conservative government of Edward Heath and the army top brass—is denied.
lets face the music and dance - call off the dogs please - i have a child
17-06-2010 21:11
will the good cops of the met please stand up and stop this silly bollocksSo called Human Rights.
17-06-2010 06:16
Human Rights are mere concessions allowed by governments.Lawless Culture
16-06-2010 13:34
Upon entering college people prepare themselves for the real world through self discipline, new ideas and social experimentation. Testing society's boundaries is to be expected along with learning some personal ones. At a time when students are out of sight from their parents often the only persons left to provide guidance, assistance and assurance to impressionable minds are professors.Now the Saville report is out, what about the Ballymurphy families?
16-06-2010 11:33
On Monday 9th of August 1971 Interment without Trial was introduced by the British Government in the North of Ireland.