UK Repression Newswire Archive
Gaza protesters receive Met police payouts
13-07-2010 02:48
Two protesters beaten by unidentified police officers during a Gaza demonstration in London receive £25,000 in compensation from the Metropolitan PoliceBrook House IRC - Fundamentally Unsafe - G4S condemned again
12-07-2010 05:26
[ G4s Not Fit for Purpose: This is the second report in seven days by Anne Owers HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (HMCIP) severely critical of G4S managed establishments. Report on an announced inspection of HMP Wolds (disappointing decline) was published on Tuesday 6th July, copy available here . . . . HMCIP previous reports of G4s managed IRCS, Tinsley House report July 2009 severely critical, Oakington report June 2008, severely critical. Inspectors have made 190 recommendations for Brook House, all following text , extracted from inspectorate report/press release. ]Kangaroo Court in the Philippine Underground Movement
12-07-2010 04:39

Anti-execution and anti-stoning protest outside Iran embassy London
11-07-2010 09:34

UG#507 - Breaking Rankism & Violent Male Stereotypes
11-07-2010 08:40

Cambridge Uni Day of Action Against Animal Tests!
10-07-2010 17:29

Italy: Judicial harassment of EveryOne Group's human rights defenders
10-07-2010 09:51

Italy pays, Libya deports and tortures
09-07-2010 21:49
Another “success” in the “war on illegal migrants”: Against all international Conventions the Italian government keeps refusing refugees from Eritrea and deporting them back to Libya, whose detention centres are notoriously famous for the constant violations of human rights.A story of ordinary repression: earthquaked and beaten up
09-07-2010 21:26

Cuba: dialogue ... and debate
09-07-2010 21:03

English Defence League London division anniversayr meet gets only 5 EDL turn up.
08-07-2010 21:44 scraps stop'n'search terror power
08-07-2010 14:11
Police are to be stripped of the power to stop and search anyone for no reason, the Home Secretary has announced.Protests against Stonings by the Iranian Islamic Regime
08-07-2010 10:14
Come and join us in our protests against Stoning in IranJoint Statement of May First and plentyfact on METRO vs metr0
07-07-2010 16:46
Joint Statement of Mayfirst and plentyfact on METRO vs metr0see:

Bullying use of copyright law fails to stifle political commentary - Trans-Atlantic collaboration keeps site running
Contact: Alfredo Lopez,

One Law For All Campaign - What isn't wrong with Sharia Law...
05-07-2010 16:09
Why we on the left of the political spectrum should be supporting the One Law For All Campaign against Sharia Law in Britain and elsewhere.Birmingham’s Spy Cameras: TAKE THEM DOWN…or we will!
05-07-2010 15:32

Democracy Village prisoner support details (updated)
05-07-2010 10:17
Here are updated prisoner support details for the four Democracy Villagers jailed on Saturday by District Judge Nicholas Evans at City of Westminster Magistrates Court, Horseferry Road, London for their unwillingness or inability to pay £40 fines following Friday's peaceful anti-war sit-down protests outside the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street; and, in Simon's case, following the waving of a peace banner inside the courtroom on Saturday (contempt of court), and refusing to "purge his contempt", i.e. show remorse for his action.solidarity g20 protesters
05-07-2010 08:49
solidarity means attack night in turin (italy)Managed news: Inside the US/NATO military industrial media empire
05-07-2010 08:30

The US, in cooperation with NATO, is building global occupation forces for the control of international resources in support of Trilaterialist—US, Europe, Japan— corporate profits.
Jailing dv residents is one step too far
05-07-2010 06:35
the gov have taken this one step too far.some have suggested an eco village outside the prisons concerned. wandsworth common is on the doorstep.
some have suggested blasting them with some freeman truth. none of the judges are on their oaths for victimless crimes.