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UK Newswire Archive

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Leader of Nation of Islam in US - Speech

18-09-2001 01:26

Louis Farakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam in the United States, gave a significant speech and warning to Bush and other leaders on Sunday.

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Washington Wants Afghanistan

18-09-2001 00:39

"Does my country really understand that this is World War III? And if this attack was the Pearl Harbor of World War III, it means there is a long, long war ahead." (Thomas Friedman, 'New York Times,' September 13, 2001)

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Truth in Terror & in War

18-09-2001 00:10

Providing the fullness of truth and understanding is vital for world peace and security

[REAL NEWS BRIEF: #3 (SEPTEMBER 17, 2001) Real News Network, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. To receive past and future Real News Briefs, and to support this type of investigative reporting, see instructions below. Forward this e-mail onto others.]

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Global anti-war petition hopes to get 1million sigs

17-09-2001 22:37

Let the world unite against war. Please sign and circulate.

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Former US Intelligence Directors question Bin laden primary role

17-09-2001 21:25

Last night on CNN's Late Edition, the former Director of the CIA, Woolsey, and of the NSA, Odom, questioned the primary role of Osama Bin laden. When these guys are questioning it, then why is everyone so bent on blasting Afghanistan?

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I need help.

17-09-2001 20:57

Below is what I published yesterday, I'm looking for people able to produce essays designed for the general public or section of general public, (that includes everone from large religious groups to football supporters to policemen).

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Palestinians demonstate in front of the White House

17-09-2001 20:56

Palestinians demonstate in front of the White House
With Palestinian flag and Che flag, Palestinians and their supporters demonstrated in front of the White House shortly before the terrorists' plane crashes. This demonstration would be off limits today.

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stop war- before it happens public meeting

17-09-2001 19:51

Speakers include: George Monbiot, Bruce Kent, Liz Davies, Tariq Ali, John Rees, Jeremy Corbyn MP, and CND Speaker

FRIDAY 21 September

7pm, Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, near Euston Square tube or Euston Station

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Spartacist League Statement on WTC attack

17-09-2001 18:34

As the world's biggest terrorists--British and US imperialism--seek to manipulate public outrage at the indiscriminate, criminal act of terror against the World Trade Center, we warn that workers and minorities must defend the Muslim population in Britain and all victims of Labour's racist witch hunt.
Only socialist revolution can stop the madness of imperialist war!

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Katherine Hamnett : NO WAR tee shirt on bbc london news

17-09-2001 18:27

Designer Katherine Hamnett "No War" on BBC London 6pm News

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America, Being Played For a Fool

17-09-2001 17:17

America, Being Played For a Fool

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letter from Afghanistan

17-09-2001 16:20

The polite warning........

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World Bank, IMF to Scrap Meeting

17-09-2001 16:02

World Bank, IMF to Scrap Meeting

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anti-violence anti-war on-line petition

17-09-2001 14:22

Signing a petition is one
action amongst many. This looks
like a good petition to sign
to stop the USA from bombing
Florida or Afghanistan.

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Saturday 22 Sep is European CAR - FREE DAY

17-09-2001 11:17

Meanwhile back in London.. Celebrate car freedom and fresher air on Sat 22 Sep

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more practical suggestions

17-09-2001 11:00

days of mourning outraged churches

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17-09-2001 10:38


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people die everyday get used to it

17-09-2001 10:35

and most of them are mourned privately with dignity and not cynically manipulated to blast 60 nations

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70 hours to remember the forgotten victims

17-09-2001 10:25

... Were I also to have remembered those deliberately forgotten victims of US military and CIA actions around the world from the end of WWII to the present I would have been standing in silence for something like 70 hours, rather than 3 minutes...

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what are needed now are suggestions for concrete action

17-09-2001 10:23

gotta do something
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