UK Newswire Archive
a callout for meaningful action on Dec 3rd
29-11-2005 13:54
A callout for meaningfull action on the Climate clange demoReclaim the Night, London, 25th November 2005
29-11-2005 13:44

Lecture: Postanarchism and the future of Radical Politics
29-11-2005 13:14
Dr. Saul Newman (University of Western Australia) will be presenting a paper:"Postanarchism and the future of radical politics"
...At Manchester University - 8th December 2005
Eviction Hotline Available - Get on the Bus to Dalkeith Tree-Sit!
29-11-2005 12:47
There is now an eviction notice hotline that will notify you if there is an eviction if you get in touch, and buses ready to go to Dalkeith as soon as the eviction happens!Climate Activists Disrupt International Aviation Conference
29-11-2005 11:56
29th November - A team of radical environmental activists have this morning disrupted the world's largest aviation industry conference (1) to highlight that aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change, ahead of a UN Climate Conference in Montreal later this week.Riot cops surround St.Agnes Place
29-11-2005 10:32
Word in from the street that scores of Riot pigs are surrounding the squatted street, in the UK equivalent of cultural and ethnic cleansing at kennington this morning. Get yer arse down and help resist.CALL TO SOLIDARITY WITH JOSE FERNANDEZ DELGADO
29-11-2005 08:41
Support needed for long term Spanish anarchist prisoner currently suffering abuse of the State in Cologne prisonGERMANY: Venezuela solidarity network formed
29-11-2005 01:09
On November 19, solidarity groups from all over Germany that support the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela gathered in Berlin’s Humboldt University. The meeting discussed building a solidarity movement able to prevent a bloody coup like the one that occurred in Chile in 1973.Torture flights involve Denmark, Iceland, and Turkey
28-11-2005 23:02
CIA plane flew human cargo from Turkey to the United States via Copenhagen and Keflavik. Turkish press reports cite the movements last March of Path Corporation's (a CIA front company) Learjet (N221SG)ST AGNES PLACE EVICTION AROOGA
28-11-2005 22:42
PRESS RELEASEEVICTION tuesday 29th November
St Agnes Place Community
Kennington Park
Anarchist Assembly London
28-11-2005 21:56

Saturday 03rd December, ULU (Room 3D), 2pm - 6pm
Reed Elsevier public meeting + leafleting
28-11-2005 21:30
Please forward widely.People will be leafletting workers at Reed subsidiary Harcourt Education (based on Jordan Hill estate off Banbury Road) at noon tomorrow (Tuesday, 29th Nov) and at Elsevier in Kidlington (near Oxford airport) at noon Thursday - please come along and help.
Help Great Bear Campaign Achieve Victory!
28-11-2005 21:11
The campaign to save the Great Bear Rainforest, the world's largest temperate rainforest located on the Central and North coasts of British Columbia, Canada, is very close to a huge victory -- so close that a historic agreement could be finalized within days -- but the provincial government of British Columbia needs to feel pressure from people all over the world right now to ensure that it takes one final step. PLEASE WRITE A LETTER TO THE GOVERNMENT through the
The US-Military will spy US citizens!
28-11-2005 20:59
- The Bush administration and US military have been actively lobbying for the right to use military personnel to spy on U.S. citizens and share information with other intelligence agencies -SANTA TWINS SAY “NO TO I.D. CARDS!”
28-11-2005 20:46

Sunday 20th November 2005 6pm Liverpool City Centre – Christmas Light switch on.
The Santa twins from Liverpool Defy-ID showed their banner and gave out anti-ID leaflets to the public watching the switch on of Liverpool’s Christmas lights. While walking through town the Santa twins were regularly stopped by parents and kiddies asking to speak to the Santa twins.
Mindwalk 21: I Want My Al-Jazeera TV!
28-11-2005 20:19
Al-Jazeera must be doing something right for Dictator Bush to want to bomb them. That is, if he hadn't bombed them in 2001 and 2003 already. George McGovern talks about Poppy Bush's opposition to the war. Jody Paulson compares GWB to Tricky Dick. An awesome speech by NBA Star Eaton Thomas, Ward Churchill brings it home.Worthing Against War Meeting
28-11-2005 19:47
7.30 PM
Hackney Occupation update
28-11-2005 17:51
The first wave of resistance was met with success today when demolition workers were repelled by the occupiers of 34 Broadway Market.Video: US mercenaries randomly shooting Iraqi civilians
28-11-2005 16:49
Video of Random Shootings in IraqTentatively identified as Aegis - UK based hired killers.