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New service for budding volunteers

23-02-2007 22:56

Volunteering and gap years. A rip off, right? Why should we pay some filthy rich company to work for free on a project in a developing country? Can't we give them the money direct? Positive lobbying and active protesting!...

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Athens, Greece: 25,000 people march against the education reforms

23-02-2007 22:27

More than 25,000 people, got into the streets of Athens, as a response to the reform of the higher education

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Torture by US Forces in Iraq: Testimony of Abbas Z. Abid

23-02-2007 21:10

The following statement was presented to the War Crimes Commission set up under the helm of former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, as evidence in the procedure launched in Kuala Lumpur by the Perdana Global Peace Organisation, directed against US President George W. Bush, Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia's Prime Minister John Howard.

See also: Torture at Abu Ghraib: The full sworn testimony of Ali Shalal


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This Week In Palestine February week 8, 2007 (16 – 23)

23-02-2007 20:43

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for February 16th through February 23rd, 2007.

No progress was made in the three-way summit held this week in Jerusalem. Differences arose in the Mid East Quartet meeting in Berlin concerning the upcoming Palestinian national government. Israeli digging continues near Al-Aqsa Mosque inside Jerusalem. These stories and more, coming up. Stay tuned.

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XL flies you to Death: Anti-Deportation Protest

23-02-2007 19:45

Today No Borders Brighton protested at the main office of charter flight company XL due to the company's involvement in the deportation of almost 50 people to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Critical Mass for freedom of movement

23-02-2007 19:15

There was a poor turn out for the February Critical Mass in Gothenburg but the day was not entirely lost.

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The Majority Want Socialism

23-02-2007 18:27

In 2005 after Germany was "united in freedom" for 15 years, 52% championed something as bizarre as socialism (46% in the West and 74% in the East).

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EDO Corp gets a new spook boss

23-02-2007 18:12

please excuse the corporate media post - i think the info here will be of interest to indymedia readers

There has been a campaign against EDO MBM, a trading unit of EDO Corp in Brighton, for the last four years

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Middlesbrough Solidarity March For the Congolese Community

23-02-2007 18:11

3.00 pm Sunday 25th February
Marion House
Sacred Heart RC Church
Linthorpe Road

Organised by: African Community Association in the North East (ACANE)

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The APPO Comes Back Strong in Oaxaca

23-02-2007 17:41

The Teachers, Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society Regroup

By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

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What do Oligarch Cherney, Lord Pearson of Rannoch and the UKIP have in common?

23-02-2007 16:43

Further to my last posting I wanted to draw your attention to these articles on UKIP...

and this

... this is madness! Criminal oligarch Cherney meeting with a senior member of the House of Lords to provide money for UKIP... why else would a Lord meet with a dubious Russian oligarch. How can this have gone unnoticed???

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Stop the deportation of Aseng and her six children to DRC

23-02-2007 16:42

On Friday 16th February Aseng Nzoabar and six children, aged between 3 and 17 years, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) were detained in a "dawn raid" in Leeds.
They have been given removal directions for Monday 26th February on the "deportation charter flight" to the DRC.

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New For Internet Radio

23-02-2007 16:00


The sound of leftwing london.

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Axe the Bin Tax

23-02-2007 15:58

Councils are using recycling and waste reduction as an excuse to cut services. The latest scam about to hit households on top of fines and cuts in service is a 'pay-as-you-throw tax' or 'bin tax'.

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Polish autoritatrian dictators ordered police to collect data of all ecologists

23-02-2007 15:44

Polish autoritarian government and its methods of work revealed by recent leakage covered by media.

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Political Trashing

23-02-2007 14:52

Destroy your political enemy. A how to guide

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George Galloway: ‘The Iraq war has scarred the world’

23-02-2007 14:23

Hundreds of people attended a Stop the War rally in central London on Thursday of last week. Respect MP George Galloway spoke at the meeting about the disaster of the war on Iraq

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Why Not Car Share

23-02-2007 13:37

a humble but locally important isssue in Leeds - everyone sitting on their own in cars twice a day in long queues. Are they mad? No, just stuck for alternatives

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Human Shields prepare for mission to Iran

23-02-2007 13:31

The Human Shield Movement is out of hibernation and about to embark on their next Iran

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Stop Gun Crime Posters..

23-02-2007 13:30

2 posters to highlight the hypocricy of it all!!
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