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Photos - Italians protest U.S. base in Vicenza

18-02-2007 18:58

Protestors demonstrate against the expansion of a U.S. military base in Vicenza, northern Italy, February 17,2007.

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Terrorist Attacks in Iran and Iraq point to the U.S. and Britain

18-02-2007 18:05

The US and Britain, which allege to be pioneers in the campaign against terrorism, are themselves actually defending the terrorists, training them and providing them with the needed media and financial supports and facilities." (Soltan-Ali Mir, Iranian Interior Ministry)

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Happy New Year Malaysia!

18-02-2007 15:47

Melaleuca [common tea-tree oil] Merckel wants to ban it.
A text received this morning states that the Malay
government tribunal will charge Tony Blair and George
Bush with crimes against humanity.

I was wondering how John Howard was feeling on this Chinese New Year?

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Bush and Gonzales – Two Terrorists

18-02-2007 14:27

President Bush, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the U.S. Justice Department subject an entire state to civil rights violations reminiscent of 1930s Germany.

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The welfare reform debate - Event Info

18-02-2007 13:52

Information about welfare reform conference - anyone able to bring a non neoliberal perspective to this?

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Second surprise demo at EDO

18-02-2007 12:31

EDO are Brighton's very own bomb makers...

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Italians march against U.S. base

18-02-2007 11:28

This is from Reuters I'm afraid but it's still interesting. There seems to be some loose co-ordination happening of Italian groups in opposition to TAV near Turin (see earlier coverage here), this base and other local struggles...its quite an interesting time over here

February 17, 2007
VICENZA, Italy (Reuters) -- Tens of thousands of Italians under heavy police guard protested on Saturday against the expansion of a U.S. military base that has divided the center-left government.

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Conservative Lunacy and Public Paralysis

18-02-2007 11:19

The Australian Federal Treasurer, Peter (supercilious prick) Costello today impetuously let one cat out of the (tactics) bag! Responding to a question relating to the economy, Costello took the opportunity to state that “the people wouldn’t trust their mortgages to the opposition party or to the leader of the opposition”. Tired fear tactics aside, Costello’s statement relates directly to the crippling debt the Australian public has been experiencing since the conservatives took office (hint!) The conservatives are the problem not the solution.

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Weapons used in Terrorist Attacks in southeastern Iran come from US

18-02-2007 10:04

Explosive devices and arsenals used in a terrorist attack in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan on Wednesday came from the United States, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

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Bomb Iran?

18-02-2007 09:22

Same shite, different day

911 New York or July 7th London?
Iraq is gonna bomb us - now too, so is Iran...

These assholes need to get a bit more creative with their story-telling.

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the WRONG oaxaca "activist" in london

18-02-2007 01:48

A punch in the face to the APPO and to all the one are fighting for social change.

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18-02-2007 00:33

One scientific report which was published
the day of the IPCC report shows that the
sea level rise will be much more than
stated by the IPCC. Here are excerpts
from an excellent article posted to the
Monthly Review:

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US-North Korean nuclear agreement: clearing the decks for Iran

17-02-2007 23:58

Far from marking a fundamental change in the militarist course of the Bush administration, the deal reached between the US and North Korea represents a temporary and tactical shift that conveniently sidelines a potentially explosive issue as the US prepares for war against Iran.

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Australia: "Street Politiks"

17-02-2007 23:41

Things aren't always what they seem....

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Britain’s cash for honours scandal nears end game

17-02-2007 22:50

The police investigation into the cash for honours scandal is nearing completion with reports that Scotland Yard has handed over files to the Crown Prosecution Service, the body that determines whether criminal charges will be brought.

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UK government steps up assault on asylum-seekers

17-02-2007 22:31

The British Labour government is ratcheting up the pressure on asylum-seekers and refugees in Britain. Deportations are being pursued regardless of the consequences for the deportees. This policy reflects an increasingly belligerent government attitude towards refugees.

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council sensitivity over Liverpool housing policy

17-02-2007 21:59

An article I wrote for Big Issue in the North recently on Liverpool's "slash and burn" approach to regeneration triggered a furious response from the council. The piece, published last week, told the stories of residents in Anfield and Granby who are against plans for mass demolition and the way they are being carried out. I include the response published from Cllr Marilyn Fielding, executive member for housing, several weeks later. For more information see my websites.

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Behind The Scenes

17-02-2007 21:41

The US blames not only Iran but Russia,China and other county's for supplying arms and weapons.With some indication of nuclear material.

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phoenix from the ashes

17-02-2007 21:24

The story of a community's fight to prevent the needless clearance of two terraced streets in Goole, East Riding. It goes without saying that the land in question is prime riverside real estate.
This piece first appeared in the Feb 12-18 edition of Big Issue in the North. For more information visit my website.
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