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MPAC Champions Rights of Muslim Women

02-11-2006 22:40

The majority of mosques in Britain ban women from using them

While domestic violence may be no higher than the national average, Muslim women are far less likely to report it

Many Muslim women feel unable to speak to their Imams about family or marital issues

Muslim women seeking to enter mosques to pray are turned away agressively and sometimes violently

The Muslim Council of Britain patronises women and is unwilling to help them

It is not only old men with misogynistic and patriarchal views, but many young Muslim men as well

When confronted or threatened, the first response of many religious Muslim men is to shout and lash out

Mulism women are routinely denied education after puberty because it is seen as "unnecessary" in their role as Muslim women

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Dalston Theatre

02-11-2006 22:40

A personal account

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Biggest Youth Movement in History Could be About to Begin in London...

02-11-2006 22:39

Could this be the answer to the problem of extinction?
Almost every Indymedia site in the world is right now publishing the message that the Children's Revolution kids' bloc might be leading the March for Global Climate Justice from the American embassy in Grosvenor Square, London, at 1 pm on 4 November.
Under the heading “Worldwide Children's Revolution to Try to Save the Human Race From Extinction?” the story says that the very existence of future generations may depend on urgent worldwide action to tackle global warming and climate change.

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United for Truth to Protest Focus on the Family's 'Ex-Gay' Conference in Atlanta

02-11-2006 22:35

-- United for Truth to Protest Focus on the Family's 'Ex-Gay' Conference In Atlanta Suburb; Atlanta Press Conference on Friday, Nov. 3

-- Conference Will Damage Families In the Name of Family Values and Sends The False Message That A Person Must Choose Between Sexual Orientation and Faith

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Takeaction November 2006

02-11-2006 22:27

News Bulletin from the League Against Cruel Sports UK

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THT Scotland launch

02-11-2006 22:24

HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust is today officially launching ‘Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland’, with offices in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness

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Students scream for blood

02-11-2006 22:20

The National Union of Students LGBT Association has called a day of action today, the 2nd November, campaigning against blood donation discrimination.

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New report titled Homophobia at Hell House reveals right wing fuels hatred

02-11-2006 22:17

Religious alternatives to traditional haunted houses designed to scare youth into a sin-free life

Roberta Sklar, Director of Communications

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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 2)

02-11-2006 22:17

Minute by minute reporting from Mexico - all times are local times in Mexico

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Issues of racial and economic justice to be a top priority for NTLGF

02-11-2006 22:12

“Building a movement that recognizes how racial and economic justice issues intersect with the needs and priorities of all LGBT people — of all ages, races, ethnic and language origins, nationalities, spiritualities, abilities and incomes — is a challenge that must be at the forefront of our movement.”

— Russell Roybal, Director of Movement Building,
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

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02-11-2006 22:01

Russian Gay Activist to speak in London

Panel discussion: Holding Gay Pride events in hostile countries

DATE: Friday 10 November 2006
TIME: 7.30 PM
VENUE: Conway Hall Humanist Centre, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn,


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Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006

02-11-2006 21:40

Minute by minute reporting from Mexico - all times are local times in Mexico

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sunday 5th - rossport talk & more at the 1in12 club

02-11-2006 21:23

From 2pm in the Meltzer Library, top floor of the 1in12 club, 21-23 Albion Street, Bradford.
Speakers: Rossport Support Campaign (community based campaign against dangerous and polluting Shell refinery in Co. Mayo); Free BEAGLES (invaluable legal advice for activists). Stalls: radical routes; treesponsibility, leeds abc, platform, re-pressed books. Food: cafe will be open for vegan / veggie roast dinner

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Stop Shell Speaker Tour in Birmingham November 9th 7.30pm

02-11-2006 21:06

The Stop Shell speaker tour is coming to Birmingham on November 9th 2006. To include films and a talk, dur: approx. 1h

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Stop Moda in Pelle Selling Fur!

02-11-2006 19:41

Moda in Pelle have stores across the UK selling boots, shoes and accessories. Some
of their products currently on sale contain real fur, for the third year in a row.

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Battered EDO Corp Take Financial Blow With 3rd Quarter Drop

02-11-2006 18:52

For the third quarter in a row troubled US warmongers EDO Corporation have failed to meet their expected financial targets, citing 'substantial challenges' of 2006. Today its share price took another plunge into the abyss losing several million dollars in market value
after investors reacted to poor results.

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Shell disrupted in Reading! Solidarity with Rossport and Niger!

02-11-2006 18:14

12 protestors blockaded a Shell garage in Reading last night, effectively stopping business for an hour. This action was taken in solidarity with communities struggling against destruction caused by Shell in Rossport, Ireland and the Niger Delta, Nigeria.

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Reports from Oaxaca (and what to do)

02-11-2006 16:46

Latest updates via irc - and details for action

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call UN human rights office in mexico NOW

02-11-2006 16:21

incredibly mexico is the president of the human right council of the UNITED NATIONS
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