UK Newswire Archive
Operation Octagon Wednesday
17-06-2005 01:22

Unofficial Protestors
17-06-2005 00:26

16-06-2005 23:47
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.J17 Rice in the Road
16-06-2005 23:39

Mobile video footage from the Devonshire green demonstration
16-06-2005 23:20

G8 Justice Ministers Photos-Thursday
16-06-2005 23:09

Video from the Campaign to Save Daycare in Bristol demonstration, 9th June 2005
16-06-2005 23:07

A short video (dur. 4.42 mins) in quicktime (.mov) or avi formats.
Public Forum: Only the communist revolution can make poverty history
16-06-2005 23:00
Only the communist revolution can make poverty historySaturday 9th July
2.00pm until 5.00pm
Birmingham Friends of the Earth Warehouse
54a Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham
Genova, two accused Cop/Doctors both get promoted.
16-06-2005 22:51
In the run up to the G8 in Scotland news comes up from the previous G8which was held in Genova, South America. I was there and that's what it seemed like to me. The two Doctor Alessandro Perugini(Bolzaneto) and Doctor Vincenzo Canterin(Diaz School), both described as police functionaries. The news comes from the Committee for truth and Justice.
G8 Sheffield Rice Meal Photos
16-06-2005 22:21

Photos of demo at Scottish Parliament on Thursday 16th June with short report.
16-06-2005 22:06

Palestine / Israel / Israel / Talk
16-06-2005 21:50

Friday 24th June, 7.30pm, at 56 Crampton Street, Walworth SE17 Part of the South London Free Mapping Festival
Mad Brighton Manifesto
16-06-2005 21:31
The manifesto of a new group of mad activists who will host a social forum in Brighton this autumn. Check out the new website and join in making this project flourish.Heavy fighting and imprisonments after Amsterdam squat evictions
16-06-2005 20:51
On May 31 over ten squats were being evicted in Amsterdam by a big army of riot police during the so-called eviction wave which happens every three months.Critical Mass Brighton
16-06-2005 20:50
The first Critical Mass in Brighton for ages took place tonight,Thursday16th at 6pm. Went really well and hopefully will now become regular. Meet at The Level 5.30pm for 6pm. Route to be decided bythose who show up!Stop the badger killers!
16-06-2005 20:09
The UK Government are exterminating badgers - supposedly one of the most protected of Britain's wildlife - as part of a flawed experiment investigating an alleged link between badgers and TB in cattle. Activists are sabotaging the cull - support them and fight for wildlife! See for more info.....Sony Corporation Attacks Family Run Businesses
16-06-2005 19:52
Sony has issued High Court proceedings against a handful of family run independent businesses selling it's new gadget the 'PSP'. Sony say these businesses are infringeing its trade mark. Some say they don't own the trade mark for PSP. Either way, Sony are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and the nuts are making some noise!