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Support the workers of Gaza against ALL their enemies!

08-01-2009 11:18

One thing is absolutely clear about the current situation in Palestine: the Israeli state is committing acts of horrific violence against the Palestinian working class, and this needs to be stopped immediately.

But that's not all there is to say about the situation...

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Press Release: “What are You Doing About it?”: 7yrs of GTMO

08-01-2009 11:06

The London Guantánamo Campaign is holding a weekend full of actions in London from Friday 9- Sunday 11 January to mark the seventh anniversary of Guantánamo Bay opening up including a cultural event on Friday night, local actions on Saturday and Sunday and a demo outside the US Embassy at 3pm on Sunday 11 January. Say NO to torture, NO to arbitrary detention and NO more anniversaries!

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TOMORROW AT 8PM: Binyam's Story: From Ladbroke Grove to Guantánamo

08-01-2009 11:03

Join us as we kick off a weekend of action to mark the seventh anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo Bay with a celebration of the life of the last Londoner in Guantánamo Bay, west London man Binyam Mohamed

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Rally and March for Gaza this Sunday 11th January in Brighton

08-01-2009 09:32

The Palestinian community in Brighton together with Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign are organising a rally and march in Brighton this Sunday.

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another athens is brewing in oakland, U$A

08-01-2009 07:06

(01-07) 21:13 PST Oakland -- A protest over the fatal shooting by a BART police officer of an unarmed man mushroomed into a violent confrontation tonight, as a faction of protesters smashed a police car and storefronts, set several cars on fire and blocked streets in downtown Oakland.

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Gaza supporters cover Swansea in Graffiti

08-01-2009 03:05

Provocative slogan
Undercurrents reports on the student group who have covered many of the billboards in Swansea with provocative slogans about Israel's invasion of Gaza, Palestine.

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Gaza Graffiti Small Heath Birmingham & Falls Road Mural

08-01-2009 02:08

Belfast Palestine Mural 2002 Falls Road
Photos of 'Free Gaza' graffiti on Muntz Street in Small Heath, Birmingham and a mural that stood on Falls Road, West Belfast in 2002. This is a repaired frame from 288 frames that were taken in Belfast but were damaged by British Special Branch when the film was seized.

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Jan 09 Gaza Demo Birmingham

08-01-2009 01:55

Birmingham Rally point before march to Council House
A massive crowd, reported in the in the Evening Mail, as over 1000 strong, gathered outside Birmingham’s Council House to voice their protest over the invasion of Gaza and called on the local City Council to boycott all Israeli goods. The main debating chamber was over-subscribed and a despite a hastily organised auxiliary room being pressed into service, there were still more at the door!

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"Green bans, red union": when building workers stood up for the environment

08-01-2009 01:23

A showing of "Rocking the Foundations", the story of the New South Wales Builders Labourers Federation in the 1970s, and how they built a powerful, politicised workers' movement that stood up for the environment and sustainable communities as well as its members' rights.

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EDO try to deal with anti-EDO graffiti

07-01-2009 23:54

This week EDO have put their top brains to work in the war of words against their factory.

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Plymouth Protests Disgraceful BBC Gaza Reporting

07-01-2009 23:17

Gathering in Town
Plymouth says no to War Criminals and their Apologists.

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Video Series: Asylum Seekers Squat Church in Zurich (Switzerland)

07-01-2009 22:25

On Friday, 19 December 2008, around 150 Sans-Papiers and solidarity activists squatted the "Prediger" Church in Zurich, Switzerland. The squatters demanded from the Canton Zurich documents for everyone, work permits for all and the implementation of the hardship provision.

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Interview with Councillor Salma Yaqoob after the Birmingham Gaza protest

07-01-2009 22:13

The following is a transcript of an interview with Councillor Salma Yaqoob on 5th January 2009 after a protest against the ongoing massacre in Gaza. Between 800 and 1000 people attempted to storm the Council House in Birmingham City Centre but were effectively pacified and contained by Yaqoob and Birmingham Stop the War.

You can read and watch footage of the protest and the interview here:

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Belfast - rally for peace in Gaza

07-01-2009 20:08

March & rally for peace in Gaza - 10 Jan 2009, 12:45 gather in Art College Square

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Palestine Solidarity Initiative Slams Silence Over Gaza Genocide

07-01-2009 18:56

The founders of the Palestine Solidarity Initiative ( have condemned the university's "hypocritical silence" over the atrocities being committed against the people of Gaza by Israeli military forces.

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Solidarity Without Prejudice

07-01-2009 17:36

Should a decision to politically support and build campaigns on behalf of particular prisoners who are engaged in a struggle against the prison system be wholly contingent upon the type of offence that preceded their imprisonment? Are some prisoners, no matter how politicised they've become whilst in prison and committed to the struggle, unworthy and undeserving of support because of lifestyles, forms of behaviour and criminal activity engaged in prior to arrest and imprisonment?

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no borders newsletter jan 09 available to download

07-01-2009 17:22

A summary of last couple of months anti-border action (and more) available

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Mapping Gaza

07-01-2009 16:56

I realise that maps of Gaza are fairly low down people's priorities right now, but there's a real need for improved maps of the Gaza Strip for aid workers and it's one of the very real ways you could help

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Request the Release of Raphael and his mother Oluseye

07-01-2009 15:43

Raphael aged 5, has now spent 34 days in immigration detention

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Palestine: 60 years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession

07-01-2009 15:36

(Better version). Largely consisting of an article written in 1999 entitled ‘Palestine: fifty years of ethnic cleansing and dispossession’, an historical overview of the conflict in Palestine since 1947, by Dr. Ismail Zayid. Israel’s ‘defensive measures’ justified by those who talk on behalf of Israel and accepted as given by the media consistently fails to recognise that these militants fire weapons into territory which they believe belongs to them and which they view is occupied by Israeli settlers.
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