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Northern Palestine Rally, May 12 (Part 1)

12-05-2007 18:46

Report from the Palestine solidarity rally in Sheffield on May 12.

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NETCU, they said it.

12-05-2007 16:24

A review of NETCU’s web site

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WALES - Climate Change Talk&Slide-show with Mark Lynas

12-05-2007 14:39

Thursday 17 May at 7 pm
Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main Building
Cardiff University, Park Place
(opposite Student Union)

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M2N: Test messege sent direct from Doug

12-05-2007 14:25

Cops at Canary Wharf

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Solidarity Protest at the German Consulate in Edinburgh

12-05-2007 13:09

About 20 -30 people participated at the solidarity protest against the G8 related police raids in Germany from Wednesday 9th of May.

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Protest against G8 Repression

12-05-2007 12:45

Huge raids were carried out in Germany on the morning of Friday, 9 May. In response people gathered outside the Kempinski Hotel in London, part of the hotel chain hosting this year's G8, to show their solidarity.

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Please Take 5 Minutes To Help A Prisoner

12-05-2007 12:18

Long-term prison resister John Bowden is currently being victmised for his politics and for his links to the Anarchist Black Cross.

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English Bill of Rights

12-05-2007 11:39

1689 An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown

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Peel Holdings Vs Democracy

12-05-2007 10:53

Peel Holdings, owners of Mersey Docks reveal their anti-democratic and secretive ways.

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Cheney threatens Iran from US aircraft carrier in Persian Gulf

12-05-2007 10:08

Underscoring the essential objective of his Middle East tour, US Vice President Dick Cheney used the deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis in the Persian Gulf Friday to deliver a bellicose threat against Iran.

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Inside the Crevice: 7/7 and the Security Debacle

12-05-2007 10:02

The following article by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is due to be published in The Muslim News.

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Official Secrets Act Convictions: Mr Justice Aikens is a complete wanker

12-05-2007 09:58

The judge, Mr Justice Aikens, is clearly a complete wanker. Let me say that again just in case anybody misses this opportunity to jail me. Mr Justice Aikens is a complete wanker.

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Urgent Appeal To Save Iraq's Academics

12-05-2007 05:32

This is worth signing

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9-11: Proof of Controlled Demolition with Richard Gage,

12-05-2007 01:32

Architect, Richard Gage explores the flawed conclusions of the 911 Commission report and the conclusions of NIST, in this new presentation on evidence supporting controlled demolition for World Trade 1, 2 and 7.

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Menezes family 'furious' at IPCC decision to clear officers

11-05-2007 23:13

The family of Jean Charles de Menezes express their disappointment at the IPCC decision to not bring any disciplinary action at 11 officers involved in his shooting at Stockwell station in July 2005.

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Solidarity Action (G8) at Kempinski London

11-05-2007 19:54

Police Allready There
Around 50 people gathered at the Kempinski Hotel in London tonight to show solidarity with the victims of the wave of repression against G8 activists in Germany.

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This Week In Palestine – week 19 2007

11-05-2007 18:55

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 05 through May 11, 2007.

Israeli troops invade several West Bank areas and kill an unborn baby in Nablus, while Palestinians implement a security plan to contain internal violence. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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Peace Cabaret Tonight

11-05-2007 17:13

A night of food, booze and rebel songs to raise money and awareness for Iranian Syndicalists

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Liverpool Councillor Clucas Wants Irish Centre

11-05-2007 16:49

AN inquiry has been demanded into the conduct of Lib Dem Executive Member Flo Clucas over the future of the former Irish centre on Mount Pleasant.

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Blair’s legacy: Militarism abroad, social devastation at home

11-05-2007 16:47

On Thursday, Tony Blair announced the timetable for his departure as leader of the Labour Party and therefore as prime minister. He will not formally leave office until the end of June so as to enable the party to select his successor, which will almost certainly be Chancellor Gordon Brown.
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