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The unsavoury flavour of the depth of police corruption

29-11-2009 18:54

The following gives the unsavoury flavour of the depth of corruption. The second article goes into greater detail concerning official corruption in this case. It is time honourable Members of Parliament took up the baton and demand answers. The behaviour of police and the judiciary is typical of the Middle Ages, not of the 21st century!

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Picket at Polish Embassy as Cegielski Dispute Ends

29-11-2009 18:24

Putting the banner on the railings
Although the dispute at the Cegielski plant in Poznan, Poland had been settled earlier in the day, the picket at the Polish Embassy in London organised by the London branch of the IWW and the Polish Anarchists Society, London went ahead with around a dozen activists displaying a banner on the embassy railings and leafleting.

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Skelmersdale council tenants fight for their houses

29-11-2009 18:23

A group of council tenants and council home owners in West Lancashire is fighting plans to demolish their homes and replace them with apartments for private sale. Why do so many regeneration plans do so little for the less well off?

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March for jobs in London

29-11-2009 17:48

On Saturday 28 November, more than a thousand youth march for jobs in London

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Anti Capitalist Block @ the Wave

29-11-2009 16:30

TIME: 12:45pm

PLACE: London, Berkeley Square (come out of Green Park Tube Station, turn
left, and then left again up Berkeley St. Meet next to the statue in the
middle of the green)

Places: central london/ westminster

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Israel’s Occupation of Palestine: who profits and who doesn’t

29-11-2009 15:43

Dr Dalit Baum, Daniel Machover, Salwa Alenat
Seminar held at London School of Economics with speakers Dr Dalit Baum (Who Profits) and Salwa Alenat (Kav LaOved) on Thursday 19 November. Full video and mp3s available.

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Save Swallow's Wood Christmas Party

29-11-2009 15:39

We're celebrating the safeguarding of Swallow's Wood (for the time being at least!).

8pm, Saturday 12th December 2009
The Bull's Head Pub, Old Road, Tintwistle SK13 1JY

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The Bank Charge Judgement

29-11-2009 14:21

The Banks think they had a luck escape with the recent Supreme Court Judgement. However, they are in a the process of creating a greater crisis for themselves. A crisis where customers charges banks for services because the banks are settling County Court Cases on the basis of the Supreme Court Judgement and not on the facts.

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Cross channel protest against the UK Border Regime

29-11-2009 14:14

Protest on both sides of the channel against the repressive and racist border regime.

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New protest called by downland campaign

29-11-2009 09:56

A NEW protest has been called by downland campaigners in Worthing, West Sussex.

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South Coast Indymedia

29-11-2009 08:26

THERE will be a chance to find out more about South Coast Indymedia on Sunday December 6.

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Climate change deniers and Fascist Nick Griffin, Baroness Ashton represents EU a

29-11-2009 08:25

Climate change deniers and Fascist Nick Griffin, Baroness Ashton represents EU at Copenhagen

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13 Ways to Promote Alliance Politics and Total Liberation

29-11-2009 04:02

Since the recent debut of the "Manifesto for Radical Abolition" ( and our Total Liberation Facebook group (, people from all over the world
have expressed gratitude for our critiques and project, while eagerly
requesting suggestions for promoting total liberation. What follows are
thirteen practical strategies.

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Obama adminstration express concern over hunger-striking Nobel Prize Nominee

29-11-2009 00:37

As the hunger strike of Western Saharan human rights activist enters its third week, the US State Department have issued a statement expressing concern for her well being and urging " a speedy determination of her legal status and full respect for due process and human rights.”

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Smash EDO - Brighton Target Barclays launch Demo Pics

28-11-2009 21:49

On the 28th a large demonstration was held in Brighton outside the bank's North Street branch, a letter was handed in to the branch manager, thousands of leaflets were given out and two Barclays customers, after reading the leaflet, told picketers that they would close their accounts. A Barclays spokesperson, speaking to the Brighton Argus, said “Barclays Group provides financial services to the defence sector within a specific policy framework." One can only guess that framework is to generate as much profit as possible for themselves

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Thousands protest WTO in Geneva - Property Damage and Tear Gas

28-11-2009 21:17

Up to 4-5000 people today marched in Geneva protesting ahead of the WTO meeting in an International Demonstration (see as part of a week of action and debate around the WTO Ministerial which runs from 30th November to 2nd December(see

The mobilisation is seen very much in relation to the COP15 UN climate conference taking place in Copenhagen 7th - 18th December (see

This afternoon clashes broke out as parts of the crowd attacked property smashing windows of banks and shops and setting a number of cars on fire. Police used tear gas, concussion greandes and water cannon. Further protests are scheduled with the WTO meeting starting on Monday 30th November, ten years exactly since the famous Seattle WTO protests.

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Flannels protest after recent successes with local anti fur campaign.

28-11-2009 21:14

demo at flannels nottingham
After recent successes with Nottingham's anti fur campaigns including Cow, Baklash, Cache and Kitsch all taking fur out of their stores, Nottingham Animal Rights have taken part in the national campaign against Flannels holding a demonstration outside their shop today Friday 27th November.

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Nazi Combat18 claimed responsibility for Russian train bombing

28-11-2009 20:40

There are things You never gonna hear on BBC News;)

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Nick Davies, Bad News: Benn Journalism Lecture 2009

28-11-2009 20:38

Commercial imperatives elbowing out truth in the UK media. Nick Davies reviews media lies and the state of Journalism in Britain today - at the Bristol Arnolfini Arts Centre last Thursday evening.

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Carol singing at Sequani

28-11-2009 18:42

Demo on Xmas eve opposite Sequani labs, Hereford.
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