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UK Newswire Archive

Full article statement on London bombings

07-07-2005 16:15

A statement from deploring London's terrorist bombings this morning.

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07-07-2005 16:09

Any resemblance to the text of Poodle Blair's statement Thursday on London blasts with G-8 leaders in Gleneagles, Scotland is purely intentional.

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Blair declares Kyoto dead

07-07-2005 16:06

As world is distracted, Blair says Kyoto Treaty is dead.

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Bitter: Chronicle of the final Boddingtons Strike

07-07-2005 16:05

In 2004, the InterBrew corporation announced plans to close the historic Boddingtons Brewery in central Manchester and move production of the "Cream of Manchester" outside the city. This film chronicles the brewers' final strike - five days in November - to protect their jobs and the ale's heritage.

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London Explosions - coverage on DenmocracyNow!

07-07-2005 15:57

Independent coverage of the attacks on London Transport on DemocracyNow!
Longest running independent news in the U.S. hosted by Amy Goodman
Live audio/video streaming here:

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True Death Toll

07-07-2005 15:51

Eye witness account from emergency teams

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Medical Info does not support story of girl injured by protestors

07-07-2005 15:47

Someone posting a comment on Indymedia underneath reports of Wednesday's blockades claimed that their 10 year old daughter was in Stirling Royal Infirmary. The comment was posted at 9.45am and claimed that their ten year old daughter needed 18 stitches after a brick was thrown through her bedroom window as she slept.

Stirling Royal Infirmany has now confirmed that there were six admissions yesterday, but due to patient confidentiality would not give any specific informatation. Five were treated and released for minor injuries. One was kept in hospital overnight.

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Fork in the Road

07-07-2005 15:39


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Solidarity demo interupted by police provocation

07-07-2005 15:36

Crowd outside the court
A detention next to a solidarity demo does not provoke a riot

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Synod urged to follow ACC steer on Palestine / Caterpillar

07-07-2005 15:35

War On Want comment on potential Caterpillar decision at Synod.

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Solidarity with London, from an anarchosindicalist digital journal in Spain

07-07-2005 15:34

Nuevamente el terror ha sacudido con toda su fuerza a los de siempre, a los que utilizan los medios de transportes públicos para ir a trabajar, estudiar..., vagones cargados de trabajadoras y trabajadores, indefensos.

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Police clear prisoner support demo; 2 arrests

07-07-2005 15:31

The prisoner solidarity rally at the Edinburgh court was cleared by police, with two people arrested

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Markets Fall But ID Card Technology Business Surges 20%

07-07-2005 15:30

After the London Bombs the money is on ID Cards.

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Prisoner support assembly in Edinburgh

07-07-2005 15:21

A prisoner support assembly in front of the Sheriff Court, Chambers Street Edinburgh took place just 30 min ago.

One person was arrested, police claiming for breach of bail conditions.

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Updated information regarding London blasts

07-07-2005 15:18

A joint press conference has been held by emergency services and London Underground.

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07-07-2005 15:17

This is a brief statement, agreed at a meeting in Edinburgh on the 7th July. It is addressed to the general public, to campaign groups, and to the mainstream media, and is intended to make clear our views on the recent wave of arrests and detentions.

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LONDON TODAY? What about Iraq for 2-1/2 Years?

07-07-2005 15:16


Horrifying pictures are coming out of Iraq today and every day -- have been for almost two and a half years. And all the media wants to show us and talk about is three subway blasts and a bus blast in London. These are white people! They share our history! They share our religion!
If you want to see the face of horror, look for images of Iraq on or www.jihadunspun or Google.

What has been happening in Iraq -- that is what is BARBARIC.

What happened in London is a consequential TRAGEDY. I hate that it happened. It is terrorism, and I hate terrorism.

What the UK and USA have been doing in Iraq is even worse -- it is state-sanctioned (Not in Our Name?) and thus is on a scale orders of magnitude greater.

TED KOPPEL: The next time you feel like reading names on the air, read off the names of civilians killed in Iraq. Whether it is 5000 or 12,000 or 100,000 (as the British medical journal Lancet and the US Johns Hopkins University research shows) -- I guarantee that you will be opposing the war after reading for a few days.

It is time to leave Iraq. Cut and run? Hardly. Defend the US, yes, but that is not what Iraq is about, and you know it. It will be much easier for the Army to defend the US if we use it for its intended purpose rather than as an economic instrument.

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Stirling Court Update

07-07-2005 15:13

An Indymedia court reporter called the IMC dispatch around lunchtime, Thursday 7 July. Here is a summary of his report from the Stirling court, as I understood it on the phone.

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London Blasts Boost Bush & Blair

07-07-2005 15:04

'Red Alert' all over Europe: Either MI5, MI6, Scotland Yard, the London Metropolitan police and the rest of their law enforcers are incompetent, or something else is going on. It's 9/11 revisited: including all the phrases, the overused expressions.

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G8 Summit Alternative Action News Blog announces it will continue after G8!

07-07-2005 14:49

G8 Summit Alternative Action News Blog lives on after G8!
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