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Pipeline politics

11-08-2003 12:50

US foreign policy is determined by access to and control of resources, mainly oil, but not exclusivley so, and access to markets. One of the few remaining untapped regions of oil supply is the Caspian.

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Latest Hackney Independent now online.

11-08-2003 12:37

Latest Hackney Independent now online. The latest edition of Hackney IWCA’s newsletter is out and available online at

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Palistinian posters

11-08-2003 10:01

click on the link-

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Quarter of a million meet in French countryside

11-08-2003 00:53

do we ignore france?

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'Blunkett's Stormtroopers' to open new front in war against terrorism

10-08-2003 23:46

Blunkett's Stormtroopers? The analogy is accurate

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U.S. Moved to Undermine Iraqi Military Before War - New York Times

10-08-2003 23:36

ASHINGTON, Aug. 9 — The United States military, the Central Intelligence Agency and Iraqi exiles began a broad covert effort inside Iraq at least three months before the war to forge alliances with Iraqi military leaders and persuade commanders not to fight, say people involved in the effort.

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In Gang-Rape Hell: Life in Islamic France

10-08-2003 21:56

Here, young men try to rule their families and neighbors under a macho code drawn partly from Muslim tradition, partly from the violence and porn in the media. Women submit to men, they say. Good girls, good sisters, cover themselves and stay home. Otherwise they are putes, whores, who can be used and abused even if they say no.

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Sahara soaks while Europe Sizzles...

10-08-2003 21:18

Developing Monsoon over Sahara July-august 2003
The Sahara desert moves north into Europe, causing heat records to be broken all over the continent. While forest fires consume millions of acres and agriculture withers, monsoon conditions develope over the Sahara desert...

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The Celtic Confederation

10-08-2003 21:06

The Celtic Confederation is mainly a cultural confederation for the Celtic Rim of Europe. However, economic cooperation and developments and international lobbies, mostly at the European (Union), are part of the tasks of the confederation together with education and science policy development. Ireland as only sovereign state within this confederation shall sign treaties with the United Kingdom and France to assure their territorial integrity. With this treaty, the UK and France are assured that the confederation is no threat to their territorial integrity. If both nations refuse to sign such a treaty another measure has to be taken to satisfy their anxieties. One is that the Confederation becomes an Irish Foundation with independent Foundations from the Celtic regions in the UK and France.

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The New World: rapport about the balanced community of the New World

10-08-2003 20:26

The New World is in initiative for a New World community, based on Pacifism, Socialism, and Environmentalism. Heiko de Graaf and Erik van Luxzenburg have created it at December the 12, 1996 after a medium period of discussing how a New World order has to look like with additions of Ronald Visser. At December the 12 1996, Erik van Luxzenburg completed this report. He also made this translation at February 29 2000. Now it is a years old project of Peacefull Young Idealists from the Netherlands. though created in 1996 it is stil a valid dream. The New World tries to give a general philosophy based on socialist, anarchist and partly kibbuts ideals to create autarkic communities and the ways these communities co-operate as parrallel societies next to the nowadays society.

An update is necessary to invent communities based on this philosophy living in cities or urbanised areas there the original philosophy was based on "empty" areas in Asia

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Cheap meat kills

10-08-2003 19:43

The piece of intensively-produced supermarket meat you eat today could easily kill you and your children in years to come. Vancomycin Resitant enterococci,Salmonella Typhimurium DT104,Campylobacter Coli, could all lie dormant in your gut, waiting for your immune system to go down.
Go veggie or at least organic

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The Indian Prime Minister finds a new God to worship

10-08-2003 12:59

Never mind the war, where's the gin?

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US Soldiers Moral Running low in Iraq

10-08-2003 11:10

'Bring us home': GIs flood US with war-weary emails

An unprecedented internet campaign waged on the frontline and in the US is exposing the real risks for troops in Iraq. Paul Harris and Jonathan Franklin report on rising fears that the conflict is now a desert Vietnam

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Something to bring about world peace

10-08-2003 10:48

I have developed a new system of air cooling which will bring peace to your family and your nation

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Charges dropped against Brize Norton Four

10-08-2003 10:09

Charges have finally been dropped against the four activists who blocked the runway of Brize Norton in an attempt to disrupt preparations for war.

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Jews for the ISM meeting

10-08-2003 10:08

One in the eye for Sharon's apologists and the pro-occupation dickheads we see all too often ranting away on IMC as progressive Jews explain why they support the International Solidarity Movement

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Coulport News 9.8.2003

10-08-2003 09:24

chained together
One of the 9 activists who were able to gain access into the military basis at the evening of the 6th of august to climb a post and a tree, stayed there for over 12 hours with a giant banner, and was still there in the morning when 5 other activists blockaded the main gate of Faslane.

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Timeline of events at Cologne Noborder Camp

10-08-2003 00:08

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