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15-11-2002 20:44

Find out how you can help free Leyla Zana and defend the human rights and civil liberties of all Kurds

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Rules of Zionist Propaganda

15-11-2002 20:42

A glimpse into the workings of UK-based Zionist propaganda.

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GM "pharmaceuticals" maize contaminates soya

15-11-2002 20:23

Crops have been destroyed in the US after soya contaminated by genetically modified (GM) maize plants used to produce a pharmaceutical or industrial chemical was discovered in a US grain elevator.

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Propaganda alert: The "Left" case for killing Iraqis

15-11-2002 18:50

Liberal Love (via B52s): This week begins a propaganda offensive aimed especially at centres of Liberal and Left opinion in Britain, to plant a "Left" argument for the war--- its aim to divide and conquer that majority opposition to the war

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Who needs Saddam?

15-11-2002 17:35

In Florence over 500 000 people recently, in a very active way, demonstrated their passive tolerance of Saddam Husseins ruthless regime. Being the leading city of classical humanism - with the possible exception of Athens -Florence has a long tradition of resisting tyrants like the Sforzas, Mussolini and Hitler. This tradition of republican and democratic devotion will never become a thing of the past. Instead, something important is to be learnt from it.

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WTO: Commerical Radio Hijacked In Sydney

15-11-2002 17:04

A pirate radio broadcast jammed commercial radio signals this morning by the so-called Institute For Applied Piracy disrupting usual programming by blocking commercial signals for 10 minutes with an anti-WTO report.

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Mcdonalds selling up from Central London

15-11-2002 17:04

Following news of Mc D's pulling out of 3 countries and the closing of stores worldwide, it has announced the closure of several central london stores

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Clashes in Nablus

15-11-2002 16:41

Sporadic clashes have broken out in Nablus today between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian Shabot

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This night 20 disobedient activists arrested for ''terrorism''

15-11-2002 16:32

At about 1.00 a.m 20 Southern Italy networks activists were taken to high-security houses of detention in Latina and Trani being charged of 270/bis subverting association and conspirancy via association, a fascist criminal code article used in the past to repress the movements strengh.

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Italy: activist in jail for no global action

15-11-2002 15:57

Italy: activist in jail for no global action

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The hidden sense of war on terror

15-11-2002 15:54

It happens now and we all look on paralyzed!

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Italy: Repression against No Global

15-11-2002 15:15

During the night to Friday, 15 November, 20 alleged members of the Italian social movement No Global have been arrested, with another 22 people not allowed to leave their homes. There have been house raids in many parts of Italy.

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(Updated) Thousands to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism

15-11-2002 15:13

Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas; ACLU and SOA Watch Go to Court TODAY to Challenge Plan to Search Every Participant

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No-Global Leaders arrested in Italy

15-11-2002 15:09

No-Global Leaders arrested in Italy
No-Global Leaders arrested in Italy

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Who put Saddam in power?

15-11-2002 15:02

It´s time everyone realised that the powers that helped Saddam Hussein maintaining his oppression have a reasonable duty to lift this yoke from the backs of the suffering Iraqi population!

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A report from the ‘Pedal for Peace, Hallowe’en Ride Against War’, 31.10.02

15-11-2002 13:56

Better late than never...

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DEMONSTRATE: Fairford Airforce Base: 14th December

15-11-2002 13:41

BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR have called a REGIONAL demonstration of Fairford Airforce Base in response to the arrival of the US Stealth Bombers.

DEMONSTRATE: Saturday 14th December. 12noon. Fairford. Gloucester.

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Urgent: London embassy protest against ESF arrests

15-11-2002 13:16

forwarded from Globalise Resistance:

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White flags against the war!

15-11-2002 12:10

In view of the ongoing massive war preparations of the US-government against Irak, it is time now for a worldwide visible sign of protest against this war.

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Come to (wo)Menwith Hill

15-11-2002 12:04

'No War on Iraq - Close the Base Menwith Hill
women's protest Thursday 12th
December 1pm - 4pm Embrace the Base followed by
Blockade the Base Friday 13th December
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