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UK Newswire Archive

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Prominent Journalists Named in CIA Source Roster

08-12-2000 18:34

CIA sources outed in a suspect list of 2600+ CIA sources,
made public after the death of former CIA official Robert
Trumbull Crowley.

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blockades on Thursday morning

08-12-2000 14:16

report on the blockades of Thursday morning and currentr news

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Alarm, protesters illegally imprisoned

07-12-2000 12:53

Alarm, protesters illegally imprisoned

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Call for massive mobilization in support of indigenous rights

06-12-2000 23:38

Dramatic developments in Mexico since December 1 call for world-wide support for the Zapatistas, and for the new president to continue acting as he has pledged to do and as the Mexican people want him to do.

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***NICE Demonstration***

06-12-2000 22:31

Enormous demonstration at EU summit, tomorrow the blockades....

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06-12-2000 20:01

A summery of the Anti-Fees march in belfast.

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Occupation of DETR Friday 1st Dec

06-12-2000 18:29

In protest at the government plans to reinstate the roads building programme by stealth, and the blatent hypocracy between this and the Governments claims to be tackling climate change the offices of Sir Micheal Meacher, Environment Minister and Lord Gus McDonald, Transport Minister were occupied on Friday 1st of December.

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EZLN demands to new Fox government

06-12-2000 18:24

Communique' from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, 2 December 2000: EZLN demands to new Fox government

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Letter from Subcommandante Marcos

06-12-2000 18:17

Letter from Subcommandante Marcos to outgoing President Ernesto Zedillo, 'en route to nowhere' ; 30 November 2000

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against video surveillance

05-12-2000 19:31

14 December 2000: international day of protest against video surveillance

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03-12-2000 06:01

Mass Arrests Prompt Call For Solidarity

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Simon Jones case- a Death caused by negligence

03-12-2000 00:30

Simon Jones case- a Death caused by negligence

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Harry Potter pushed to saturation point

02-12-2000 17:31

The BBC is to turn over about a half day's broadcasting on Radio 4 to readings from the Harry Potter canon.

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140 Protesters Arrested In Seattle On N30, 200 - Pepper Spray and Projectiles

02-12-2000 10:03

Mass Arrests In Seattle On Interntional Day Of Solidarity

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Striptease To Save Trees! Luna Tree cut! Mendocino hemp. Legal cannabis. Greens

01-12-2000 21:51 - Urgent 11/27/00. Around Thanksgiving the tree Julia Butterfly sat in for two years is cut 50% of the way - Photos and press release. Chanting poetry which exhorted them to respect the "naked, sacred" body of the earth, Mendocino performance artist "La Tigresa" (aka Dona Nieto) performed excerpts from her one-woman show "Who Says A Stripper Can't Save The World?" before startled eyes, and halted bulldozers of a Fortuna -based logging crew. On November 7, 2000 Mendocino County voters approved a Green Party measure to legalize personal use of marijuana, a first in the United States.

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Big brother in the home office PHOTO

01-12-2000 17:34

Big brother in the home office PHOTO
David Shaylor, former M15 officer turned whistle blower, presented a Golden “Big Brother” life achievement award for invasion of privacy, to the Home Secretary Jack Straw.

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PHOTO: undercurrents gets grief from Home office security

01-12-2000 17:28

PHOTO: undercurrents gets grief from Home office security
David Shaylor, former M15 officer turned whistle blower, gets hasseled by home office security as he attempts to present a“Big Brother” life achievement award for invasion of privacy, to the Home Secretary Jack Straw.

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PHOTO: Former M15 agent awards Jack Straw Big Brother

01-12-2000 17:23

PHOTO: Former M15 agent awards Jack Straw Big Brother
David Shaylor, former M15 officer turned whistle blower, presented a Golden “Big Brother” life achievement award for invasion of privacy, to the Home Secretary Jack Straw.

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Former M15 agent hails Jack Straw as Big Brother

01-12-2000 17:16

David Shaylor, former M15 officer turned whistle blower, presented a Golden “Big Brother” life achievement award for invasion of privacy, to the Home Secretary Jack Straw
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