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UK Newswire Archive

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Senator Byrd opposes war on Iraq

19-02-2003 12:33

A US Senator has broken ranks. Robert C Byrd (Democrat, West Virginia) made the following statement last week:

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Bill Clinton: Next U.N. chief?

19-02-2003 11:59

Report: Former president eyed to replace Kofi Annan. Could this be the only way to make the UN relevent again.

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Israel being unfairly singled out by all sides

19-02-2003 11:26

The Arab world has pumped out nonstop anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda for so long that the rest of the world is starting to believe it. Israel being singled out unfairly.

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Anti-war movement galvanizing minorities

19-02-2003 11:14

Anti-war movement galvanizing minorities
Some of those marching with the Filipinos for Global Justice Not War:"The younger people here know that their schools are bad already and will get worse if there's more money going for the military," Ramiro said. "And the older people lived through martial law (in the Philippines) or think that a war will bring more American military presence there." Opposition to the war is linking together neighborhoods that haven't had much to do with each other before, said Elizabeth of Latinos Contra La Guerra.

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Anti War March in Baghdad

19-02-2003 10:59

Iraqi students and people from all over the world danced through the streets of Baghdad together in an anti-war march to one of the United Nations buildings.

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I thought this was about the New Labout party

19-02-2003 10:03

On closer look, it wasn't at all!!! Yes, "New" Labour shed its traditional roots. But it has inherited spinelessness AND morality (no, Blair hasn't morals. Sorry...)!!!

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19-02-2003 09:36

Spanish copy of blair, Assnazi, another one-poodle moral majority got told where to get off by the Spanish population

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SWP And Their Support For Homophobic Murders

19-02-2003 09:09

Check out the final expose of the SWP's Nazi attitude to gays:

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Eleven dead in ZIONAZIS Gaza raid

19-02-2003 08:56

Eleven Palestinians have died after Israeli troops, backed by tanks and helicopters, launched an overnight raid on Gaza City. At least 30 tanks swept into two neighbourhoods in the north and east, triggering fierce gun battles with Palestinian militants. Troops cut off electricity, plunging the whole of Gaza City into darkness.

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No War in Iraq - Petition the UN Security Council now!

19-02-2003 08:48

Lobby the UN Security Council now: sign the Online petition calling upon the Members of the UN Security Council to allow the UN inspectors to continue their inspections and to pursue the disarmement of Iraq by peaceful means. Our voice can count!

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Blair decide between your people or Bush.

19-02-2003 08:17

Stop war

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Shome mishtake shurely

19-02-2003 08:17

V. neat "WMD Error Message"..........

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Witness the ultimate hypocrisy

19-02-2003 05:05

txt and link to audio file

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What does the poodle blair really gets for switching his loyalty to the bush-naz

19-02-2003 03:12

Have you noticed that blair could care less that he is going against the will of the British people, not caring that he will lose his job, reputation over his lack of respect of the will of the British people.

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Love is the master spirit.

19-02-2003 03:05

highest sacredness

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Thunder Bay Foster Parents

19-02-2003 02:26

Thunder bay foster parents.

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John Pilger's Speech at Sydney Protest

19-02-2003 01:17

John Pilger's speech at Sydney protest 16th Feb

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Tories are now against homophobia

19-02-2003 00:35

Tories are now against homophobia

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Pooflags campaign (pics)

19-02-2003 00:25

Pooflags campaign (pics)
When you see dog poo, decorate it with a small American Flag with the
slogan "American Foreign Policy" (article 1)

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Pooflags campaign (pics this time)

19-02-2003 00:14

Pooflags campaign (pics this time)
When you see dog poo, decorate it with a small American Flag with the
slogan "American Foreign Policy" (article 1)
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