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Stroom Dump Foie Gras

09-07-2007 00:47

The Stroom Restaurant in Leeds have now confirmed that they have removed foie gras from the menu and have provided copies of the updated menu to relevant sources. This now only leaves 2 hotels in one of the UK's largest cities selling the delicacy of despair. Please politely contact Thorpe Park Hotel and Haleys to complain about their support for animal abuse. Thorpe Park's sister hotel, the Solent, recently gave foie gras the boot following pressure.

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Alimta approved by NICE for asbestos cancer mesothelioma

08-07-2007 23:34

The Forum of Asbestos Victim Support Groups welcomes the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Final Appraisal Determination which has today approved the use of Alimta to treat the terminal asbestos cancer, mesothelioma.

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Women in Black continue monthly vigil in Cardiff

08-07-2007 22:43

Women in Black held their regular monthly vigil on the steps of the National Museum in Cardiff on Saturday. The vigil takes place on the first Saturday of every month, from 12 noon - 1pm.

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Protest against ID cards in Cardiff

08-07-2007 22:35

A group of activists from Cardiff and the surrounding area held a demonstration and march on Saturday against ID cards.

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Sheffield Anarchists - Issue 2 - The Fargate Speaker - NEW AND IMPROVED

08-07-2007 19:32

The Fargate Speaker is not produced, written, funded or supported by any politician, business, political party, religion or state-funded organisation … WE DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY! WE DO NOT WANT YOU TO SIGN UP TO A POLITICAL PARTY! … The Fargate Speaker is a community based anticapitalist,
anti-fascist, libertarian publication designed to engage with the real issues that concern local people … We welcome letters and contributions from readers -
Please contact -

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Designated Futures

08-07-2007 18:07

The English,England Catholic and state education system 1955/65.
or this generation.

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Pink, Black, Pirate: Taking Stock of Rostock

08-07-2007 15:04

"Black resistance and pink blockades go hand in hand, and pink clowns were defended by black anarchists when the police roughed them up during the actions and demonstrations: pink and black are complementary and not substitutes, like many, including myself, were led to believe in the past few years."

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Please Take Climate Camp Flyers to Events and Festivals...

08-07-2007 14:27

Hi again Everyone.

Firstly to remind you about going to events and festivals.
If you are going to ANY of this sort of thing, however big or small - please remember to take flyers.

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The Corporate Media's Abuse of a Term

08-07-2007 14:15

Many news corporations and British newspapers use the term "paedophilia" to refer to the sexual abuse of children. This is incorrect and is deeply offensive to non-offending paedophiles. I have taken the time to explain the correct interpretion of the DSM-IV definition of paedophilia - considered to be the official definition - and commented on what the criteria mean.

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Mordechai Vanunu, Out!! Out!! Out!!

08-07-2007 13:50

OUT – of court
OUT – of jail
OUT – of Israel, if he should so wish…
Towards the unrestricted freedom of Mordechai Vanunu - The Israeli 'Nuclear' Whistle-Blower

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Oxfam: Gaza Refugees Facing Massive Water Cuts, Disease

08-07-2007 13:28

Israel's capacity for Collective Punishment knows no bounds. Keep in mind that when preparing for the Occupation, the Zionists studied the Nazis' tactics at Warsaw.

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Archives Prove Israel Levelled Palestinian Mosques

08-07-2007 13:27

These actions were carried out in order to erase Palestinian history, as Zionists have done since arriving from Europe with a plan for colonization, of which Revisionism is an essential part.

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Indymedia Weekend in Cardiff

08-07-2007 11:50

Media activists from across Wales gathered in Cardiff this weekend for the second meeting of Cymru-Imc-Wales, as part of a packed programme of discussions, actions and entertainment

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New Liverpool University Vice-Chancellor's Trail of Sleaze

08-07-2007 11:31

University of the West of England (UWE) boss quites after "disquiet" over private contacts - but is being given a plum job and a six figure salary as Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University! One rule for them and all that..

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Talking Walls

08-07-2007 08:28

The mainstream press is full of stories but for ONE BIG exception; a FAILURE the proportions of which promise to sear the pages of history. The criminal intervention and the consequent holocaust and humanitarian disaster that is Western Interventionist Iraq! The media is at pains to avoid this story for obvious reasons -- it participated in the original ruse and deception upon which a full-scale military invasion was launched. The list of war criminals includes the name of Rupert Murdoch as he clearly carries equal responsibility with Bush, Cheney, Blair, Howard and the conservative forces that support them. War crimes arrests must therefore extend to Murdoch and other responsible parties – Murdoch is damned by his own words, delivered in numerous speeches and addresses to fellow conservative criminals.

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UK terrorism (part 2) by Latuff

08-07-2007 06:57

UK terrorism (part 2)
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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The War on Drugs Does Not exist

08-07-2007 05:49

Welcome to the WAR ON HUMAN RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, BELIEFS AND CHOICES…..For if it is a War on Drugs, why do we annihilate and persecute some, while giving supremacy to others?

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Photos from Sheffield Green Fair

07-07-2007 21:43

sunshine for once
A much needed sunny day made the Green fair a very relaxing afternoon out

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Mikey Powell Campaign screening of Injustice: Tues 10th July

07-07-2007 18:30

The Mikey Powell Campaign in association with Birmingham Indymedia will be screening 'Injustice' on Tuesday 10th July at 7:30 pm at the Custard Factory's Theatre in Digbeth Birmingham. The screening will be preceded by a talk by a member of the Mikey Powell Campaign.

On extremely rare occasions Mikey was prone to bouts of depression, and during an episode the Police were called. Mikey was arrested outside his mother's house in Lozells Birmingham. Whilst in Police Custody in Handsworth, Birmingham on September 7th 2003, Mikey died at the hands of West Midlands Police.

'This is what happened. Officers drove a police car at Mikey, hitting him, beat him with batons, CS gassed him, restrained him and, knowing he was injured, and drove him to a police station not a hospital. At the police station the officers simply did not call for an
ambulance for over 4 minutes. Mikey was dead by the time it arrived.'

His family and friends continue the campaign for justice.

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World Renowned Security Expert Slams ID Cards

07-07-2007 15:21

Security Expert Bruce Schneier says the problem with ID Cards is that they will make Identity theft easier, resulting in a nastier crime with a lot more Dame to individuals.
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