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Occupation- Defending the Right to Protest

15-02-2012 17:09

After a march around campus, UoB students and supporters have occupied Staff House in protest against the injunction against protest on campus and the disciplinary hearing that is taking place today against the sole student that the University were able to identify from the previous occupation.

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Nizhny Novgorod anti-fascists need your solidarity and support!

15-02-2012 15:02

Nizhny Novgorod anti-fascists need your solidarity and support! A call for coordinated actions around the world on March 16–18, 2012

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Lyme Disease as Bioweapon

15-02-2012 15:02

The fact that Lyme Disease is a biological warfare issue has been discussed for the first time in the British parliament.

The UK Government has concealed the facts of this disease from its public for decades, denying treatment to desperate patients.

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NATO's "secret war" on Syria: British Special Forces supporting rebels

15-02-2012 14:44

In January, Michel Chossudovsky reported British media confirming UK/CIA/MI6 operatives in Syria training anti-Assad Western-backed insurgents. They're also supplying them with arms, ammunition, and equipment. The Libyan model's being replicated in Syria, so far short of bombing.

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Video shows UK-manufactured JCB equipment destroying Jerusalem playground

15-02-2012 12:35

Video screenshot shows JCB equipment destroying Jerusalem playground
Under heavy police protection, Israel demolished a Palestinian community center and a children’s playground in occupied East Jerusalem on 13 February 2012. Watch video:

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Solidarity with the Greek People

15-02-2012 10:55

Nottingham people express solidarity with the Greeks.

On Tuesday 14th. February people gathered in Old Market Square to express solidarity with the Greek people in their struggle against the politicians, bureaucrats and bankers.  Around 30-35 people assembled at short notice and some passers-by stopped to listen to the speeches.

A young Greek woker joined us and said a few words.  He has come here from Athens to work so that he can send money home to his family.. His father has lost his job.

Speakers pointed out that we have the same problems here in Britain with the Coalition Government and Labour City Council cutting public services, freezing wages and raising taxes.

Attention was drawn to Nottingham City Council which will be trying to pass its second cuts budget - £20 million of cuts to services and 195 redundancies - on Monday, 5th. March.  By their militant action, the Greek people have shown the way forward.  Speakers called for a mass demonstration on that day.  Make Old Market Square into another Syntagma Square!


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Carbon industry funds climate-sceptic research

15-02-2012 10:54

Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science

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When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt!

15-02-2012 02:01

When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.

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Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb

15-02-2012 00:45

Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb
Reclaim Love events will be taking place around the UK and globally on Saturday 18th Feburary 2012.

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Down The Drones Conference Bristol

14-02-2012 23:58

Bristol Against The Arms Trade Present – Down the Drones Conference – Sunday April 1st 2012

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Campaign launched against ICC cuts

14-02-2012 20:55

Campaign launched against International Community Centre cuts

Nottinghamshire Save Our Services (Notts SOS) is calling on user groups at the International Community Centre (ICC) on Mansfield Road to rally round against proposed funding cuts.


The ICC is run by Nottinghamshire YMCA, but currently receives a £54,000 grant from Nottingham City Council.

In its budget for 2012-13, the council is proposing to cut this entirely.

The ICC provides meeting rooms, permanent office accommodation and shared resources for community organisations.

It supports around 114 organisations, hosting 4,500 learning sessions, and 75,000 visitors every year.

This cut will force up prices for using the ICC's facilities, making it difficult for some groups to continue meeting there.

Additionally, such a price increase will divert resources from activities in the communities where groups operate, instead being spent on room hire.

Notts SOS, who are among the groups who currently meet at the ICC, have distributed a letter to other user groups.

Notts SOS are urging opponents of the proposed cut to join them at their next meeting at 7.30pm on Monday 20th February, in order that a coordinated response can be planned.

Campaigners are also urging people to lobby Councillor Dave Liversidge, the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Sector and Tricia Gilby the city council's Service Manager for Voluntary Sector Sustainability.

Richard Buckwell from Notts SOS said, "We meet at the ICC so this is a cut which will affect us directly, but this is a facility used by a wide range of community groups.

"This is the reality of the Big Society David Cameron once claimed to be so passionate about, with cuts hitting the very groups which were supposed to take over from the public sector."

Notes for editors

1. Notts SOS was set up in the autumn of 2010 to campaign and oppose all cuts to services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. We have been fighting council cuts on many levels since then, including organising a 1,200 strong march to the city centre in November 2010.

2. Notts SOS are also organising a broader campaign against the city council's budget. A number of stalls have been held in the Market Square and a petition is being collected calling on councillors to reject all the proposed cuts.

3. The council meets to agree its budget on Monday 5th March.

4. Councillor Dave Liversidge holds fortnightly surgeries at Loxley House, on Station St, on alternate Friday mornings from 9.30am to 12.15pm. To book an appointment you need to contact Phil Hearn at the city council on 0115 8762183 or email

5. Supporters of the campaign can also write to Tricia Gilby, Service Manager Voluntary Sector Sustainability, Communities Courtyard, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 2AD

6. Alternatively comments/views can be emailed to:


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Imperialism out of Somalia - demonstrate 23 February - London

14-02-2012 20:38

Hands Off Somalia is a campaign organised to oppose the upcoming discussion of corporate, political and military intervention in Somalia by the British government at their conference on 23 February 2012. We are demonstrating outside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, Whitehall, LONDON SW1 from 1 to 3pm.

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Activists blockade Heathrow detention centre to stop deportation flight to Ghana

14-02-2012 18:49

Harmondsworth blockade
* No Borders activists block both exits of Europe’s largest immigration prison using heavy concrete blocks and a scaffolding tripod
* Dozens of migrants held at the prison are due to be deported to Ghana on a specially chartered flight at midnight

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Virulent Islamic Homphobia At United Nations

14-02-2012 18:12

Libyan Government Anti-Gay Outburst At UN

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No carbon budget for Trident and no plans for co-operation on climate change

14-02-2012 18:01

Trident Submarine
If we allow business as usual to continue, the planet will not be habitable by 2050 and the only people left will be the crews of the Trident submarines. We must not let the military industrial complex to continue to profit from irresponsible suppression of public debate.

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US navy prepared for war against Iran

14-02-2012 17:44

The increasingly menacing character of US rhetoric toward Iran was underlined by the comments to the media on Sunday by Admiral Mark Fox, commander of the US 5th Fleet based at Bahrain in the Persian Gulf.

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UN 'Travesty': Resolutions Of Mass Destruction

14-02-2012 15:54

It has been said that compassion is 'the only beauty that truly pleases' (Aryasura, The Marvelous Companion, Dharma Publishing, 1983, p.305). While beauty ordinarily provokes the fiery itch of desire or the sullen shadow of envy, compassion is cooling, blissful, inspiring awe and wonder. It implies an ability to stand outside our own needs as observers, to perceive the suffering of others as of equal or greater importance. But like all forms of beauty, compassion can be faked, exploited.

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Benefit Claimants Fighting Back

14-02-2012 15:36

The Welfare Reform Bill is back in the Lords today which may yet result in some more tinkering with this desperate piece of legislation. However the main thrust of the bill, enshrining as it does Universal Credit, benefits caps, mass health and disability testing programmes, workfare and the slashing of benefit for 20% of disabled people, is all firmly established and will become law.

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Farmhouse squatted to defend land from EDF Energy's bulldozers

14-02-2012 15:09

Activists needed to defend squatted farmhouse at nuclear power plant

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99percentrecordings launches UK action

14-02-2012 13:35 is a pioneering new electronic dance music label, with a mission to unite a generation and encourage a peaceful, democratic campaign against an unjust system.
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