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UK Newswire Archive

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Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak

26-04-2008 19:01

Peace activists, people of conscience and most notably Israeli refuseniks are in the front lines of a valiant struggle.

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Draft agenda for Reclaim the Campus conference - please circulate and comment

26-04-2008 18:20

Education Not for Sale, University of Sussex SU, LSE SU and other activists are working together to organise a conference on 17 May. 40 years after 1968, what way forward for radical student activism?

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BNP (& Christian Choice) running for London Mayor

26-04-2008 16:31

The BNP and the Christian Choice are running candidates for London mayor for the May 1st election.

Subvert - vote Green Party (Sian Berry), or Ken as London mayor, with Sian Berry as second

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Novartis – Medicaid Fraud in USA

26-04-2008 15:44

This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Novartis – Killing Patients with Harmful Drugs II

26-04-2008 15:40

Demo against corporate criminals
This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Novartis - Two-year-old Boy Gets Cancer

26-04-2008 15:26

Testing, Rabbit
This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Novartis - Allergenic Asthma Applied to Rats

26-04-2008 15:22

This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Sea Shepherd Sets Conditions for Canada to Release seized Ship

26-04-2008 11:30

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society today has set the conditions for the Canadian government to release the Farley Mowat. The 657 ton Farley Mowat was taken by armed force by agents acting under the direction of the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans in waters outside the Canadian twelve mile territorial limit. At no time did the Farley Mowat, a Dutch registered yacht, ever enter the twelve mile territorial limit. Therefore the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society considers this action to be an act of high seas piracy.

In addition to seizing the ship and terrorizing crewmembers on board with firearms and excessive force, the agents acting like pirates seized personal property of crewmembers who were never charged with any offense by the government of Canada. It is the opinion of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society that when armed men board a ship at sea in international waters and steal property at gunpoint that such an act can be legitimately defined as piracy.

Also on the newswire: Canada To Charge Sea Shepherd Crew For Documenting Seal Hunt | Sea Shepherd Crew Attacked By Mob Of Seal Hunters | Interview With Captain Onboard Sea Shepherd Ship On Current Seal Hunt | Canadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship (twice) | Sea Shepherd Moves In On Canadian Seal Slaughter

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Voluntary Neglect

26-04-2008 11:00

In an attempt to curb a sharp rise in violent crime on the nation's railways, the incoming Labour government - riding the 1997 wave of an optimistic landslide election victory - introduced a new strategy that they claimed would make Britain's train stations safer.

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ID Cards Cost To Every Council Tax Payer in Greater Manchester

26-04-2008 10:59

Manchester NO2ID Logo
Ahead of Greater Manchester's local elections on 1st May, local campaign group Manchester NO2ID is polling election candidates to highlight the cost of the National Identity Register at the local level. The published costings for the scheme, estimated at £10-20bn by the London School of Economics, does not include the cost to local authorities of reworking their computer systems to talk to the Government's central ID database, where over 50 categories of information will be stored on every resident along with a life-long audit track.

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No Border Camp Turkish Coast 2008

26-04-2008 10:19

This August there will be a no border camp on the west coast of turkey very near to the coast of Greece. It is a famous crossing point for migrants trying to get into the European Union.

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The War Against Christianity

26-04-2008 09:54

It has been five years and still silence is the golden fleece for Britain and America. They have chosen to ignore the murders - the beheadings, the attacks, the forced displacement and increases in taxation upon the Christians for refusing to convert, the intimidation by militias upon women for not wearing a headscarf .

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VIDEO: A19 Mumia Demo: "Life in Prison is a Slow Death Sentence"

26-04-2008 05:49

Check out this video and more!

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Kilburn protest against Total in Burma

26-04-2008 02:38

Six protesters demonstrated at Kilburn Total station, 409 Kilburn High Rd on Wednesday 23rd April. They called on the French oil company to stop funding the military dictatorship in Burma with 500 million dollars a year, fuelling the brutal regime's oppression in Burma. The foreign currency provided by Total enables the regime to buy weapons used to persecute the Burmese people and ethnic minorities.

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Larissa, Central Greece: IKA squat evicted and demolished

26-04-2008 00:53

Part of the formerly abandoned building being demolished right after eviction
Heavy police forces raided the recently squatted building of IKA on Wednesday morning; 7 people were brought in front of the Public Prosecutor, while part of the building has already been demolished.

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Trilateral Commission, G8 meeting now in Washington

25-04-2008 22:31

"French leader Valerie destaing after setting up G8 &"retiring" became a Trilateral attendee, but was never part of the corporate politburo with Kissinger & Rockefeller" Robin Ludd
Message to Trilateral Dragons Den come on,
cooperate, before our planet dies!,
Untested unsafe "magic bullets" will only make things worse!

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On the Verge Tour in Wrexham next Friday

25-04-2008 21:39

The 'On the Verge' film and speaking tour about the Smash EDO campaign will be in Wrexham next Friday 2nd May.

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Kibera: This World Is Not Your Home II?

25-04-2008 21:08

Kibera Drive Times
A region bordering Ngong Forest Reserve in the western part of Kenya's capital city Nairobi is now a big media hit. After a few prominent "rescue hand outs" from popular society.

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Poll Reveals 'Neo-Con' Jewish Opinion Unrepresentative

25-04-2008 19:16

Is it not Antisemitic to claim to speak for 'the Jews' when, in fact, you speak AGAINST them?

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