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Right To Protest - Liverpool Demo

12-01-2008 18:27

On Saturday 12th January, Liverpool activists from a variety of groups, campaigns and political persuasions held an unauthorised march through the city centre to assert their freedom to protest, in the face of increasing harrassment from the police and city wardens. It was also a protest against plans by central government to severely restrict the right to demonstrate nationwide, by amending the Serious Organised Crime and Policing Act (SOCPA).

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Bush Talks Peace On Camera, But Backs Zionism's War

12-01-2008 18:05

Actions speak louder than words.

Zionism's program of wiping Palestine off the map will continue until they are made to stop.

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Don't forget the SSAT 6 now on trial

12-01-2008 17:14

In Birmingham crown court every week day (court 9 - 10.30am onwards) for the next 12 weeks are 6 non-violent anti-vivisection campaigners charged with "contravening sec 145 SOCPA so as to cause harm to an animal research organisation and its suppliers" (re Sequani Limited vivisection labs Ledbury Herefordshire)

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Anti-SOCPA demo in Cambridge

12-01-2008 16:05

A few people gathered for a spontaneous demonstration to support the freedom to protest. (King's Parade, Cambridge, 12 Jan 2008)

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SOCPA - permission denied for anti-socpa demonstration - please support

12-01-2008 14:47

Maria in Downing St on 9/1/08 with assorted MPs and a Peer of the Realm
Despite the assurances that the Commissioner MUST give "authorisation" for demonstrations, Maria, from Parliament Sq, has been denied that very thing. She will now be holding demonstrations OUTSIDE Downing Street next week. She welcome you if you feel you can support her there, no matter how briefly - Monday 14th - Thursday17th 10am - 2pm and on Wednesday 16th between 5pm and 7:30pm

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Indy Global Reports 1st of a new series on Resonance FM104.4

12-01-2008 14:37

Indy Global Reports is back on ResonanceFM104.4.

Indy Global Reports returned to London's air waves on Thursday 10th of Jan at 7pm for a special broadcast before resuming it's regular slot of 11.00pm till 12.00pm every Monday evening .

Presented by Pennie Quinton Zoe Young.

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Rate of Israeli Attacks On, Killing of Palestinians Doubled Since Annapolis

12-01-2008 14:30

Nobody covering Bush's visit, which was about Iran, and seeking regional support for the planned Israeli/US war against the state, mentioned any of these facts.

Nor do they acknowledge Israel's planning of these attacks, and those to come, long before the Annapolis Charade.

Where are the angry demonstrations?

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Official Version of Hormuz 'Naval Incident' Starts to Unravel

12-01-2008 14:28

There is a state in the region with a record of faking such situations in order to trick the US into war - but it isn't Iran ... "The Pentagon has said that it recorded the film and the sound separately, and then stitched them together"

Unless the media starts to seriously acknowledge Israel and America's desperate attempts to start a war with Iran, there can be no real understanding of these events amongst much of the public.

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Food Crisis Worsening in Gaza: World Food Programme

12-01-2008 14:24

The silence of the world is deafening and shameful.

Where are the angry demonstrations against the Government's refusal to do anything about this situation, these criminal acts?

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March of the penguins: Plane Stupid reclaim the ice

12-01-2008 13:17

10.30am - Around 30 penguins today 'reclaimed the ice' at the Natural History Museum's ice rink in protest at British Airways sponsorship of the museum's annual winter festivities.

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Study War No More

12-01-2008 12:07

Arms and education

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London Gitmo demo.

12-01-2008 11:27

Hundreds gather at the US Embassy...
On Friday several hundreds of volunteers from Amnesty International staged a protest in London near the American Embassy. Building work at the temple of darkness prevented the demonstration from happening right outside. The their credit the protesters endured an hour of being made to stand and kneel in the freezing rain while others dressed as American soldiers bawled orders and insults at them. Special mention should go to the attack dogs which gave what can only be described as Oscar worthy performances.

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Dustmen blockade town hall.

12-01-2008 10:22

Waste management consultants arrive at the town hall.
On Thursday refuse workers in Waltham Forest spelled how rubbish their new pay deal is by bringing several tons of the stuff to the town hall. Around 30 refuse vehicles converged on the town hall and its approach road effectively blocking it for about an hour. Speeches made to those who assembled on the town hall steps promised action over their treatment by the council

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US War Plans and the "Strait of Hormuz Incident": Just Who Threatens Whom?

12-01-2008 09:55

Instigated by the Pentagon, a bungled media disinformation campaign directed against Iran has unfolded.

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After Peter Hain - unshackle MPs and 'Peers' and let them question Govt freely

12-01-2008 09:00

After Peter Hain - unshackle MPs and 'Peers' and let them question Govt freely. It is not more public cash that 'career politicians and councillors' deserve. It is accountability and truthful audit of their work by the elected 'representatives' and other 'legitimate forums' that are already overly paid in the name of the public and from the coffers of the public.

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Disabled man from Kenya suing Home Office supports Harmondsworth detainees on tr

12-01-2008 07:15

Peter Gichura
Peter Gichura, a wheelchair user from Kenya, detained twice in Harmondsworth detention centre, and still under threat of deportation, will take part in the demonstration outside Southwark Crown Court in support of the Harmondsworth 4.

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Let the Truth Be Told - Ballymurphy 11 Relatives Demand Justice

12-01-2008 00:22

This is to advertise our forthcoming speaking tour with the daughters of two people who were shot dead by the British Army at the start if Internment in the North of Ireland in 1971. They have never had justice. Come and listen to their story. Their parents were murdered in our name.

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Land Thieves still murder

12-01-2008 00:00

This email came. Anyone got info about the Mapuche?

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Contact Cllrs about Camden Lab

11-01-2008 23:17

Many of you will remember the news before Christmas that the government had apparently given the go ahead for a new massive research complex to be built at St Pancras. Despite what the story claims, planning permission has not yet been granted by Camden Council for this project, let alone architects or builders engaged.

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Dissident Warwick

11-01-2008 21:07

A termly student zine at the University of Warwick.
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