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How to Disrupt Thatcher's Funeral

14-04-2013 22:04

SHOUT! The world will be listening.

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ukuncut london millionaire eviction - report and pics

14-04-2013 21:04

kings x station
a couple of hundred activists joined the ukuncut action in london, and found themselves outside the north london pad of the architect of bedroom tax, multi-millionaire welfare minister lord freud. they picnicked and heard speeches for a few hours before packing up.

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Misandry, abuse of men, hatred of men, and more...

14-04-2013 19:27

This is aimed at those in the movements that dismiss violence against men, hatred of men or the fact that men are and will continue to be victims of female perpetrated violence. (NOTE: all domestic violence is wrong)...

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trafalgar square thatcher death party - report and pics

14-04-2013 17:45

miners arrive
despite continuous rain, thousands attended the trafalgar square celebration the weekend after the death of margaret thatcher was announced. although police provocatively enforced the square bye-laws, this took the form of sporadic shows of force rather than a general intent to kick-off the crowd, and the evening was mostly peaceful and celebratory.

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STEALING A MARCH? - Far right march in Brighton to be met with counter protest.

14-04-2013 16:27

Oh Christ ..not again. About as welcome as the arrival of Jimmy Saville at an orphanage, it's time for the outbreak of political venereal disease that is the March for England - set to tarnish the streets of Brighton again on April 21st.

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Why we need dissenting voices to ruin the state show.

14-04-2013 14:03

Thatcher has been given a state ceremonial funeral. Our ruling class want to show the world how much she was loved and respected. They desperately don’t want any dissenting voices ruining the show.

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Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013

14-04-2013 01:16

Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013

An Analysis...

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UK Uncut stages bedroom tax protests at Lord Freud and Iain Duncan Smith’s million pound mansions

14-04-2013 00:55

Hundreds of people are protesting over the bedroom tax and benefits cap at Lord Freud’s £1.9million home and 20 disabled activists are staging a protest at Iain Duncan Smith’s country mansion in Buckinghamshire worth more than £2million.

read more

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Like father, like son: Fascists of the 3rd Millennium in Italy

13-04-2013 22:22

Two policemen are under investigation for covering up a fascist brawl that involved Rome’s Mayor’s son, Manfredi Alemanno. According to Rome’s Public Prosecutors the inquiry that had followed the event was obstructed and then buried under the sand by the Police, thanks to the withholding of evidence and false statements made by policemen Roberto Macellaro (who in his free time volunteers to be the Mayor’s personal chauffeur) and Pietro Ronca, a local Chief Inspector in Rome. These two helped Manfredi Alemanno “disappear” from the scene after the beating had concluded, and then lied about what had really happened.

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Not quite the rumoured Anti-Thatcher demo in Brum!

13-04-2013 20:01

I had travelled to Victoria Square in Birmingham for a rumoured gathering to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher.

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UG#630 - The 6th Mass Extinction (And What To Do About It)

13-04-2013 15:44

Did you know that the earth is currently experiencing the biggest mass extinction in the last 65 million years? That half the worlds' plants and animals may go extinct in the next 30 years? Or that extinctions are happening at an accelerating pace already around 1000 times the natural rate?

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Rebel songs suggestions for Bookfair

13-04-2013 08:55


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London Solidarity with Bradley Manning, Report from Pre-Trial Hearing Ft. Meade

13-04-2013 08:13

22 activists gathered at the U.S. embassy in London Friday April 12th in solidarity with Bradley Manning who was appearing before a pre-trial Military Tribunal hearing at Ft. Meade, Maryland, USA Those gathered stood in vigil as Manning's last court statement was played on a speaker. The audio had been secretly taped & released

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FBWL 36 - Maggie Memorial Special!

13-04-2013 00:55

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Ding Dong, BBC make history as music downloads become news!

12-04-2013 20:56

Wicked Witch of the west, not Thatcher!
The BBC have decided not to play the "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" track on its flagship Radio 1's Official Chart Show.

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Cops Out of Easton!

12-04-2013 20:55

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Lesvos GR: entry to Uni conference of paramilitary coastguard to 'control ID'

12-04-2013 20:43

University of the Aegean, Lesvos 10 April
Entry of paramilitary coastguards and cops to the international conference ''World Research Day: Political Freedoms, Human Rights and Europe' in the grounds of the University of the Aegean to 'gather details of the organizers' and to 'control ID of visitors'.
Nothing to do with Statewatch, though... surely! It happens regularly.

These fascistic actions were criticized by the central committee of the academics...

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Buckingham Palace, Church & Whitehall getting cold feet over Thatcher funeral

12-04-2013 17:34

Margaret Thatcher worship FAIL - the carnage continues...
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