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Policing with "dignity" in Calais

11-08-2009 14:33

Calais Palestinian 'jungle'
As Immigration Minister Besson announced last night that he would provide free showers to migrants (four of them for 120-1800 people) as a measure to treat the scabies epidemic (showers do not treat scabies, which he knows being a former doctor) and demanding that the local authority support this work for "as long as it takes" (the same local authority that in July refused to allow humanitarian associations to set up showers), this photo show the reality of the "dignified" treatment of migrants in Calais that Besson has been infamously quoted as saying.

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Crunch: The Game for Utter Bankers

11-08-2009 10:17

Who do we blame for the economic crisis? The answer for TerrorBull Games is in the system itself. Few commentators cared to mention 30 years of rampant free market had genetically engineered today’s risk-taking, bonus-guzzling banker.

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Greek prisoner support: press release on hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos

11-08-2009 09:03

until we ’re all free, we’re all imprisoned!
Translators note: Thodoris Iliopoulos is a prisoner of the Greek state simply for his beliefs. He has been in hunger strike for more than a month and even though his life is in immediate danger they still dont allow him to be taken care of in a hospital!

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Great Climate Swoop

11-08-2009 08:10

Decide which power station will be closed on 17th October.

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Honduras Coup: Template for a Hemispheric Assault on Democracy

11-08-2009 07:39

"Honduras resists!"
As Eva Golinger has convincingly documented1, the United States took part in conceiving, planning, and staging the coup. The U.S. ambassador in Tegucigalpa, Hugo Llorens, coordinates a team of high-ranking U.S. and Honduran military officials, and creatures from the old Bush administration, using the Soto Cano (Palmerola) U.S. air force base.

But when the army, machine guns blazing, assaulted President Zelaya’s house, kidnapped him, and dumped him in Costa Rica – still in pajamas – their actions forged unprecedented unity in Latin America and the Caribbean against the coup regime, and enraged hundreds of thousands within the country.

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51% rise in self-harm in UK Immigration Detention Estate

11-08-2009 06:56

Self-Harm in Immigration detention April/May/June 2009

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Austria: A Large Part of the Accusations against Animal Rights Activists Have Be

11-08-2009 01:04

Here are some of the latest updates about the proceedings against animal rights activists in Austria. Several charges have been dropped, but it seems as though they will by tried for "Forming a Criminal Organisation."

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Direct Action; Ireland, Mexico, UK & Sweden

10-08-2009 23:50

6th-10th August


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Climate Camp Scotland visits Hamilton

10-08-2009 23:37

News from Climate Camp Scotland

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Radical Jewish Website Launched -

10-08-2009 21:59

The UK based radical Jewish group Jewdas have launched a new website with the hopes of it being a hub for critical and comical cosmopolitan minded Jews and gentiles alike.

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Solidarity Rally in Support of Vestas Workers - Wednesday 10th August

10-08-2009 21:54

Vestas workers
Wednesday 12th August at 17:15pm,
By the Left Lion in Nottingham Market Square

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Justice for Janas Khan! -This student is not a terrorist - Manchester Protest

10-08-2009 21:36

The Justice 4 North West 10 campaign has called a protest at Janas Khan's hearing on Friday 14th August.

Protest starts at 9am - meeting outside Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. 2 Piccadilly Plaza, Moseley Street, Manchester M1

Please show your support and join the protest

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Blears’ Car Vandalised

10-08-2009 21:21

Salford MP Hazel Blears had her car vandalised in Eccles during a bout of canvassing in her constituency. Someone slashed two tyres and damaged the front window on her Citroën Xsara Picasso.

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The Rebel's Dark Laughter

10-08-2009 21:18

Some excerpts from the darkly cynical, empassioned polemics of Bruno Filipi, an anarchist who died in 1919, at the young age of 19, after a bomb he intended for the bourgeoisie, exploded on himself. For more check out

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Iran at the crossroads: Revolution or Bargaining?

10-08-2009 19:41

Street Protests in the 8 Weeks
By calling the situation a “family fight” Mousavi who is the loser in the Khamenei-Ahmadinrjad game, is trying to at least bring it back to its pre elections status. What he doesn’t understand is that especially after June 20th Khamenei himself has become people’s main target and hence there is no turn back.

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3 tonne boulders to sabotage fishing trawlers

10-08-2009 19:39

Greenpeace are sinking 150 boulders, weighing up to three tonnes off the Danish/Swedish coasts to stop fishing trawlers operating in the area by ensnaring/damaging nets.

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Please help Sima Valand to remain in the UK

10-08-2009 17:48

Sima Valand is desperately fighting to stop the Home Office sending her to India where she is at risk of murder at the hands of her in-laws. Sima has been in immigration prison for more than three months now and this is the third attempt by the Home Office to remove her.

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Stop the Rot

10-08-2009 17:33

As the recession grinds on, and property development judders to a stop, citizens propose a rethink of how we use our spaces.

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The Myth of Sisyphus

10-08-2009 17:29

In the first ever unauthorised dispatch from an officer on the frontline, one young Captain offers a brutally honest account of life in Afghanistan, revealing the pain of losing comrades, the frustration at the lack of equipment, and the sense that the conflict seems unending and, at times, unwinnable
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