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UK Newswire Archive

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solidarity actions for killed and wounded

21-07-2001 02:10

think globally - prtoest locally

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G8 updates

21-07-2001 01:45

some stories and photos from todays actions in Genova

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riots in brixton

21-07-2001 00:24

Riots in Brixton

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Italian Embassy details

20-07-2001 23:58

The weekend maybe too soon with Campsfield but a demo on the Italian Embassy is the minimum after what has happened. Monday hopefully. If anyone meanwhile wants to write a letter of complain ON ON the embassy:

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Shot between the eyes

20-07-2001 23:57

Shot between the eyes
The victim lies bleeding in the street

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picture sequence of murder

20-07-2001 23:31

picture sequence of murder
Here at my work (in the corporate media) we have been fed today a sequence of Reuters pictures. I don't expect them to be published so I post them here. The pictures clearly show that Carlo Giuliani has been murdered in cool blood. Keep up the fight! Yours in solidarity.

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the shooting 3 pics

20-07-2001 23:05

the shooting 3 pics
shot in the head then they dive over him ...... twice!

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21.7.01: Solidarity with Genova in all mayor European cities

20-07-2001 22:21

In all mayor European cities: People meet peacefull to show their anger about the violent incidents in Genova.

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the toxic texan

20-07-2001 21:30

the toxic texan
We hope Bush was listening, WE KNOW HE SAW US -
1pm Thursday 20th July

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G8 DEPORTEES to protest Italian consulate

20-07-2001 21:15

G8 DEPORTEES To Protest Italian Consulate
Featuring the pink tutu and angel outfit the immigration police tried to ban…..
Some of the six stopped from entering Italy by the Italian
authorities plan to protest outside the Italian Consulate in London
Saturday 10 am. (38 Eaton Place NR. Sloane Square)

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Demonstrator shot dead

20-07-2001 20:53

Demonstrator shot dead
The id has not yet been confirmed.
The protester was shot in the head with a pistol. Several rounds were fired at close range from a police vehicle. The victim was then driven over twice as the police left the scene. Protesters who first reached the victim were hit with tear gas and retreated.

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protest against g8 murderers, italian consulate london saturday 10 am

20-07-2001 16:59

we planned thhe demonstartion below and circulated it in the press a few hours before they shot someone dead.
starts italian consulate 10 am saturday, 38 eaton place london (sloane square tube). I think that is the main italian embassy type building..... unless anyone knows better

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the corporation and free enterprise

20-07-2001 15:15

what to do with the big corporations?

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Campsfield - noborder actions in progress...

20-07-2001 12:54

Wombles Bordercamp at Campsfield was evicted on June 19, while 60000 demonstrated in Genoa for immigration rights. Campsfield actions are proceeding this weekend

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Online news on Bonn and Climate Change

20-07-2001 12:47

During the Bonn climate talks OneWorld will be providing daily updates with news and reports from our partner organisations, as well as all the latest news, information and actions on the foremost crisis of our time.

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Hot morning in Genova

20-07-2001 11:44

Genova heats up.

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PDF poster - help direct others to indymedia

20-07-2001 10:55

PDF poster - help direct others to indymedia
Help others find out obout Genoa by printing out copies of this poster from

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12 noon meet up today at Oxford train station!!!

20-07-2001 10:53

Despite police attempts to disrupt our action at Campsfield, the action is still ON!!!

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communique 5 Anarchists against G8

20-07-2001 10:43

CSOA Pinelli freed.

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the latest from genoa 12.30

20-07-2001 10:21

2000 pink face off against 200 trapped cops in piazza novi
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