UK Newswire Archive
Afghanistan: Doesn't look good
26-06-2004 11:48
Solstice Pictures 3, Stonehenge 2004
25-06-2004 21:46
Solstice Pictures 2, Stonehenge 2004
25-06-2004 21:38
Coca-Cola´s nazi adverts exhibition in Colombia
25-06-2004 21:06
Subsistence Economics: Avoiding Capitalist Exploitation
25-06-2004 19:55
"Subsistence economics doesnt appear in any statistics or gross national product.. Everyone may only take as much as he or she needs for survival.. The resistance communities have shown that a life is possible beyond paid labor and dependence.. Self-sufficiency gives them an impressive strength.."when sailors go astray.
25-06-2004 18:21
Three sailors went up the Shannon today, not quite the Persian Gulf,but still a treachorous delta at the best of times.
Their intent-
To protest against Bush the Second, President of the USA, he known as "dubya wookie one".
Argentina to crack down on demonstrators
25-06-2004 16:12
Taken from Friday's ediion of the Financial Times (London)Argentina's economy minister has signalled harsher treatment of leftwing demonstrators who have started targeting multinational companies including McDonald's, the US fast-food group, and Repsol, the Spanish oil company.
By-Elections 15 july
25-06-2004 15:35
The Leicester South and Birmingham Hodge Hall by-elecxtions have been called for 15th JulyThe Clash of Our Civilisation
25-06-2004 15:07
The War on Terror, while maintaining a moderate level of violence that sporadically leaps to catastrophic highs, is essentially a war of words. George W. Bush understands this as well as anybody, at least on some level. He understands that it is about getting the world to operate to his definitions of good and evil – his and no one else’s.Wroclaw (Poland) - protest against racist murder of 16/17 June 2004
25-06-2004 14:59
Several reports seem to confirm that Radoslaw Slominski (informally, Radek Slominski)was beaten, had his dreadlocks pulled out and was thrown out of a train window onto
the tracks in front of an oncoming train on the other line by a band of neonazis, near
Wroclaw in Poland.
This is how military intelligence wants it done
25-06-2004 14:27
Cheney and Rumsfeld go back to the days of the Watergate scandal
Gays back Lord’s Amendment, but want it extended.
25-06-2004 14:24
Gay Coalition urges ‘one law for all’The Lord’s amendment to the Civil Partnership Bill has not ‘wrecked it’ or rendered it ‘unworkable’, as Government spokespeople have claimed”, according to The Coalition for Marriage Equality, which includes nearly all gay campaigning groups, except Stonewall.
25-06-2004 12:54
A wheelchair user was amongst those who breached security by breaking into a top UK nuke base yesterday. Veteran campaigner, Roz Bullen, spent several minutes painting, "No WMD" and other peace slogans on buildings before being arrested.Stonehenge Summer Solstice 2004 Report + Pics
25-06-2004 11:38
Marks and Spencer Demo Update
25-06-2004 10:36
Another decent demo outside Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel.Homeless
25-06-2004 10:00
The Countryside Agency's new State of the Countryside Report cites rural homelessness as a key problem in the countryside but the Countryside Alliance has highlighted that four year-old Government promises to rectify the situation are in danger of being scrapped.