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F15 Photos

17-02-2003 02:02

F15 Photos
What an amazing day of global resistance and strength!!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH (article 2)

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F15 Photos

17-02-2003 01:56

F15 Photos
What an amazing day of global resistance and strength!!
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH (article 1)

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F15 demo in Thessaloniki, Greece and the black block

17-02-2003 01:47

F15 demo in Thessaloniki, Greece and the black block
Ìassive demonstration with a large black block and an attack to the USA embassy (article 2)

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Palestine activist Freed After International Phone In Campaign

17-02-2003 00:58

The latest ISM News from Palestine

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Half a Million Anti-War Protesters Control NYC Streets

17-02-2003 00:50

Some Police Relinquish Posts to Protesters; Others Reportedly Use Violence to Regain Control

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North Korea Wondering What It Has To Do To Attract U.S. Military Attention

17-02-2003 00:17

North Korea Wondering What It Has To Do To Attract U.S. Military Attention
PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA As the U.S. continues to inch toward war with Iraq, a jealous and frustrated North Korea is wondering what it has to do to attract American military attention.

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Dublin March

17-02-2003 00:02

More Footage

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16-02-2003 23:39

As we march by the millions against the warmongering Empire of America, we must also take direct action!

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Coco White, Gina and 'C' company pals in Manchester

16-02-2003 23:33

John 'don't call me Coco' White and his rabid renegade 'C' company neo nazi pals are said to be holed up in either Burnley/Oldham. Gina Adair's husband Johnny Adair cultivated links with Oldham/Burnley nazis/BNP/Combat 18 during the early 1980's

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Audio - Tony Ben Speach 15th feb ANTI WAR DEMO

16-02-2003 23:23

Audio - Tony Ben Speach 15th feb ANTI WAR DEMO
Audio 3min Tony Benn Windows media
Right click on link and save as…

Audio from Tony Benns speech in Londons Hyde Park feb15th

We are here to found a new political movement…the first global demonstration…the world in which we live in is dominated by the military, the Media , the Multinationals…I would like to see the UN take action against the Arms Manufacturers…
(article 1)

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Sheffield Samba Band rockin' in London

16-02-2003 22:57

The colourful dancers and music by the Sheffield Samba Band provided hours of entertainment in London plus a constant stream of photographers.

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Charging the Police lines in London

16-02-2003 22:52

A protester at the massive London demo attempts to charge the police lines. Numerous attempts were made but all ended in failure.

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Gulf War Documentary

16-02-2003 22:40

A realistic look at the Gulf War

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anti war demo dublin VIDEO

16-02-2003 22:31

Video anti war demo dublin VIDEO
video of anti war march duvlin (article 1)

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MILITARY COUP? in britain

16-02-2003 22:24

Unclesama bin liner's convenient alciaeda terrorist threat to the west, comes in time to condemn millions of unconnected innocent iraqi civillians to death at the hands of brit/american troops, it also comes in time to justify british society embracing draconian military rule and laws. Tanks, military personnel and armoured jeeps on the streets of britain.

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Speech Transcript - Help!

16-02-2003 22:09

Where can I find a transcript on the speech Ken Livingstone gave at Hyde Park on Saturday? Please reply to this if you can help. Thanks in advance.

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"Iraqi" girls wants the war!

16-02-2003 22:07

"Iraqi" girl says she wants the war...

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Blair and Halabja hypocrisy

16-02-2003 22:05

Halabja is often mentioned as one reason of why Saddam is such an evil man.I cannot believe that Blair is completely uninformed as to the facts surrounding this period in history. This just leaves one explanation for his dishonest use of the Halabja string on his bow. He must be blatant liar.

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Tell the cops you were there!

16-02-2003 21:53

Stop the cops understating our numbers!

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Anti-war Demo - London, Feb 15, 2003

16-02-2003 20:47

Anti-war Demo - London, Feb 15, 2003
Photos of anti-war demo in London on Feb 15, 2003. Free for non-profit reuse with prior notice. (article 1)
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